Apr 142016

vienna-cgt-challenge-april-2016Next Tuesday 19 d’abril, at 11.30 a.m., the courts of Sabadell ( Francesc Macia 34-36 ) the trial will be held for challenging the union elections in Establiments Viena S.A.. As you will be aware once we submitted our application in time and form, the company, with the support of CCOO, they started an anti-union campaign against our union organization which meant that some candidates resigned from it. Beyond these waivers, the CGT candidacy had more than one 60% of candidates to choose from, and therefore, it should have been proclaimed, as dictated by the Constitutional Court.

En l’arbitratge que vam tenir al Departament de Treball, l’arbitre no ens va voler reconèixer aquest dret (novament hem de recordar que els mateixos són nomenats per CCOO i UGT), i per això vam impugnar la seva resolució. Estem davant de molts interessos foscos (de l’empresa, del sindicalisme oficial, de les patronals del sector, etc ) que no volen ni en pintura una veu que defensi la veu dels treballadors en un sector tan precaritazat.

Pels que volgueu venir des de Mollet, hem quedat a les 10.00h al local del sindicat.

Health and struggle!

CGT Vallès Oriental

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