What must be the reason (or the reasons) for which people who lived in poverty during the Franco regime and a system of Public Social Security very well testified [how many brothers, dead relatives and acquaintances who would have survived with a sufficiently developed healthcare system, since years 1950] at present they openly disparage treatment and care, a hundred thousand times better than before, that they receive in hospitals and health centers when they are treated or admitted?
curiously, for the most part, or they do not know that the public Social Security system is fed by the taxes of workers, or they are poor arrogant ruffians, of those who take advantage of the few opportunities they have to feel supposedly "important"; just like the masters whose shoes they have faithfully licked all their lives, to remove the Emperor Syndrome monster (this time frustrated) that hurt inside. Namely… with the supermarket clerk, with the doctor…
Your liberal and "unique" navel must not conceive of the common money box so that those people who have the misfortune of becoming ill or out of work benefit from it [Unemployment benefit is also part of the Social Security fund].
Resources are what they are and we contribute through taxes to our work. There could be more? I tant! It also becomes the sad structural tradition of political clientelism and extraperlism, in our country.
The popular classes do not exactly live in glory days, incapable in the attempt to reverse the relentless offensive of all the political parties that agree to grease the gears of bourgeois liberal parliamentarism to privatize health services, education and social cohesion services and move them from what they consider "the dead hands of the universal common good (the public thing)» to the voracious throats of private entrepreneurs.
Nor are these megalomaniacal people from their navel known in the organizing assemblies of the claims for the rights to the universality and quality of basic services: healthcare, education, Services of the Sector [of cohesion] Social, retirement before 60 years and with dignity). Assemblies that desperately shout to the four winds the need for everyone's collaboration (but no one ever has time "depending on what, clar. Question of priorities».
Nor in street demonstrations.
the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, to the bar, in the waiting room of the outpatient clinic, at the supermarket… Yes.
Diseases of memory, increasingly collective, of the 21st century.
People who have done nothing wrong in their lives, but that they have not contributed either [nor are they contributing anything to society].
A Great Alliance between Narcissism, Hedonism, Adanism, Sister-in-law, Dissatisfied Consumerism and the Emperor Syndrome.
Unfortunately, it may seem like there is nothing to do.
Or yes?
There will always be resistance, in spite of everything, pushing and walking towards Utopia.