Oct 012024


[A modo recordatorio]:

Ya ha pasado un año, desde que la UTE AP7 VALLÉS presionaba a un grupo de trabajadores subrogados de Abertis con una carta que informaba que, a partir del 23 September 2023, se aplicaría el VII Convenio Colectivo del Sector de la Construcción.
También se indicaba que las condiciones económicas actuales se mantendrían hasta el 30 September 2023 and?, a partir de esa fecha, dependerían del procedimiento de negociación que se estaba llevando a cabo.
En la Asamblea del 20 November 2023, la plantilla afectada dijo un NO rotundo. No iban a aceptar ningún acuerdo que implicara la reducción de las condiciones económicas y laborales sin contraprestación alguna.
Por mayoría, se acordó que preferíamos acatar una sentencia firme antes que ceder a la presión empresarial, coacciones y mala fe.
Si hubiéramos cedido y aceptado la propuesta de la empresa en la asamblea, hoy tendríamos alrededor de un 7% menos de poder adquisitivo al año, lo que equivale a haber perdido una mensualidad completa. further, el personal de oficinas habría tenido que trabajar una semana más al año, namely, 40 weekly hours, y habría perdido unos 2,300
€ en tickets de comida.
Es un gran logro que hayamos defendido nuestros derechos y mantenido nuestras condiciones laborales. Sigamos unidos en la lucha, porque el esfuerzo colectivo siempre da resultados.



David Barba Pérez
Sec. Gral. de la Sección Sindical CGT UTE AP7 VALLÉS

Sep 242024

Quina deu ser la raó (o les raons) per la qual persones que van viure la pobresa durant el franquisme i un sistema de Seguretat Social Pública ben bé testimonial [quants germans, familiars i coneguts morts que haurien sobreviscut amb un sistema sanitari prou desenvolupat, ja des dels anys 1950] en l’actualitat menystenen obertament el tracte i tractament, cent mil vegades millor que antany, que reben als hospitals i centres de salut en ser atesos o ingressats?

Curiosament, en sa majoria, o bé desconeixen que els sistema públic de la Seguretat Social es nodreix dels impostos dels i les treballadores, o bé són roïns arrogants pobres, d’aquells que aprofiten les escadusseres oportunitats que tenen per sentir-se suposadament «importants»; talment com els amos a qui han llepat fidelment les sabates durant tota la vida, per treure el monstre de la Síndrome de l’Emperador (aquesta vegada frustrat) que duen a l’interior. A saberamb la dependenta del supermercat, amb el metge

El seu melic liberal i «únic» no deu concebre allò de la caixa comuna de diners perquè se’n beneficiïn aquelles persones que tenen la desgràcia d’emmalaltir o quedar-se sense feina [el subsidi d’Atur també forma part de la caixa de la Seguretat social].

Els recursos són els que són i aportem mitjançant els impostos al nostre treball. Podrien ser-ne més? I tant! També s’esdevé la trista tradició estructural del clientelisme polític i l’estraperlisme, al nostre país.

Les classes populars no vivim precisament dies de glòria, incapaces en l’intent de revertir la implacable ofensiva de tots els partits polítics que accepten engreixar l’engranatge del parlamentarisme liberal burgès per privatitzar els serveis sanitaris, l’educació i els serveis de cohesió socials i traslladar-los d’allò que consideren «les mans mortes del bé comú universal (la cosa pública)» a les voraces gorges dels empresaris privats.

Tampoc aquestes persones megalòmanes del seu melic són conegudes a les assemblees organitzadores de les reivindicacions pels drets a la universalitat i qualitat dels serveis bàsics: Sanitat, educació, Serveis del Sector [de cohesió] Social, jubilació abans dels 60 anys i amb dignitat). Assemblees que criden desesperades als quatre vents la necessitat de la col·laboració de tothom (però ningú mai té mai temps «segons per a què, clar. Qüestió de prioritats».

Tampoc a les manifestacions al carrer.

the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, al bar, a la sala d’espera de l’ambulatori, al supermercat… Yes.

Malalties de la desmemòria, cada vegada més col·lectiva, del segle XXI.

Persones que no han fet res de dolent a la seva vida, però que tampoc han aportat [ni estan aportant res a la col·lectivitat].

Una Gran aliança entre el Narcisisme, Hedonisme, Adanisme, Cunyadisme, el Consumisme Insatisfet i la Síndrome de l’Emperador.

Malauradament pot semblar que no hi ha res a fer.

O sí?

Sempre existirem les resistències, malgrat tot, empenyent i caminant cap a Utopia.

Jun 292024

The Transport and Communications Union of Vallès Oriental begins to roll:
Transporters, messengers, Delivery drivers, Telemarketing, Telecommunications, Riders, Logistics, Road maintenance….

We continue to grow as a County Federation!!

We wish you good health and success, colleagues!!

How to contact them? 👇

Jun 042024
Next Friday 14 from June to 17 hours will be held at the Ronda d'Orient location, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a talk – Press round with the following contents:


Apr 242024

The next course 2024-2025 it is mandatory to implement the FP reform that the Spanish government has promoted. There are many points without concreteness that lead to uncertainties and worries. Let's talk a little about the main points of concern, how they are:

– Reduction of regular training hours and a general drop in the quality of training.

– Extension of practice hours to maintain the duration of 2 years has been done at the expense of regular training

– Precariousness of students' work in companies, although it is assumed that the internship will be contributed to the social security.

– Manifest privatization of professional training since a good part of the training is entrusted to private companies.

Reduction of training hours

The reduction of teaching hours at the institute means a drop in the quality of the training for the student, already with enough lack of knowledge. It shortens your preparation time more and more against what will be your long future working and personal life.

The contents completely disappear, which previously indicated the minimums that had to be taught throughout the territory and were a guarantee to be able to approve studies and ensure equal training. Now only RA=Learning outcomes are assessed. There is a gap in the specific content of each profession, which means that students arrive at the company with less basic knowledge to develop their career, and it makes it even more difficult for him to develop his progress in the world of work in his sector. This causes people to stagnate and make them dependent at all times on their companies.

All modules lose hours of training specific to the professional profile at the center, for the benefit of other modules that have been considered more important and that constitute up to 60% of the hours of the cycles:

– A part of it goes to fatten the DUAL, which ends up constituting between one 25 and one 50% of the total hours of the cycle.

– Another part goes to transversal modules that are found in all training cycles of both middle and higher degrees. Bearing in mind that the teaching hours are one 25 we have weekly hours:

technical english (2 h) 66 h. In Catalonia it was already done at middle level, now it extends to a higher degree.

digitization (1 h) 33 h. Without discriminating whether the cycle needs it or not, how can you be the computer science case, fully digitized.

sustainability (1h) 33h. The materials for the module have been commissioned by the private company Naturgy, which is the second or third of them 10 companies that pollute the most in Spain. https://www.huffingtonpost.es/economia/estas-son-empresas-mas-contaminantes-espana.html

Optional modules (2 a 3h) 66-99 h. They can have external Competence Units. That is, Learning outcomes of other training cycles.

As a comment, the name of some modules such as FOL is changed (Training and job guidance), OWN (Company and Entrepreneurial Initiative) i Synthesis (Final cycle project):

– “Personal itinerary for employability I” (3 h) 99 h

– “Personal itinerary for employability II” (2 h) 66 h

– “Intermodular project of 198 hours”

Another effect will be the decrease in the teaching staff in the short term, medium and long term. In Catalonia it is ensured that it will not affect the templates, at least the first year, since it is intended to replace the equivalent in deleted academic hours, for observer positions, as a casual visitor to companies and commercial projects. This denatures the teaching work that is his own, to replace it and probably eliminate it.

There is no guarantee that teaching hours can be maintained in the future and it is clearly where the cuts to come can be made. It seems like an infallible way to solve the teacher deficit that has been occurring in FP cycles in recent years.

Extension of practice hours

As has been said before, a large proportion of lost training hours go to DUAL:

– DUAL is the new name given by the Spanish government to the before they were unpaid internships or FCT=Work center training.

Dual general (SENSE REMUNERATE): of the 25% a 35% of the hours (from 500 a 700 h). Catalonia is a pharaoh 515 h.

intensive dual (PAID at the minimum): of the 35% al 50% (from 700 a 1000 hours of the cycle), with DUAL contract. In Catalonia 713 h (dual general+intermodular project).

The increase in internship hours in companies poses problems in finding additional places where you can do the DUAL with guarantees.

– Also in being able to carry out the achievement of these within the established deadlines.

– In addition, it favors the increase in bureaucratic and administrative tasks and makes it difficult for teachers to control them.

On the other hand, the vast majority of companies participating in the new model, they will not be able to ensure sufficient tutoring and that the learning achieved is not partial, specific, and intended to meet the urgent needs of each company. We do not believe that students learn the same in the company as in school i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, some hours cannot be substituted for others.

You are literally forced to start the DUAL in business in the first year with which:

– There is a lack of training for the student to start the internship.

– Fierce competition is established between Primary FP students, middle grade and higher grade. Lower level students, especially the Initial FP, they will have a very difficult time doing the practices compared to those at higher levels.

In many towns there are no companies that can absorb so many hours of practice.

– In the end, the creation of miraculous solutions is seen coming, such as setting up projects on the fly with students who cannot be placed.

– There will be many students who will not be able to finish the cycle in 2 years, duration that they have agreed to maintain.

evaluation “joint” Institute and Company

Because the Learning Outcomes that cannot be done at the institute must be done and evaluated by the company, qualified professionals will be needed in the companies to be able to do the training, the monitoring and evaluation of students, which are for them, the learners.

So the “tutors” of company must evaluate the RA's “transferred” i:

– The company will put one in each module 10% of the note.

– Students may not develop all the RAs as they depend on the specific company in which they do their internship.

There are no legal guarantees since neither the company guardians nor the companies, they don't have any kind of:

– training requirement such as teachers who must be engineers.

– control by the administration such as the teachers who have a teaching inspection.

– sanctions in case of non-compliance such as teachers who may receive sanctions or files.

The effect is that until the company has put its rating, the student has not passed the corresponding module. That is, that until the stay in the company has ended, will not be graded for the module. So:

– It is unknown what will happen with the scholarships, since they depend on the grades of the previous year.

– Business tutors usually evaluate by indications, there is no specific procedure or goal.

Privatization of the FP

A trend has begun to be detected for charter schools to offer payment for each student they take on for internships. In this way, public money will once again finance private companies to maintain an illusion of their collaboration.

The extreme case is that multinational companies are offering FP training cycles entirely privately or in concert with practices that take place in their own facilities. In this way, they already select staff at the time of training and segregate the incoming students.


The main consequences of these policies:

– There is a drop in the quality of training for the person, already with enough lack of knowledge. Their preparation time is getting shorter and shorter compared to what will be their long future working and personal life.

– Professional courses are emptied of content specific to each profession. This means that people arrive at the company with less elementary knowledge to develop their career, and improve your qualification and chances to progress in your sector.

– Participating companies, in general they cannot ensure sufficient tutoring and that the learning achieved is not partial, specific, and intended to meet only the needs of each company.

– There are no controls or penalties for companies that do not comply with the DUAL agreements. The training is in the hands of tutors from the companies who do not require a minimum of quality and previous training as if it is done with the FP teachers. Those affected are the people in training.

– There are not a few cases in which companies validate as equivalent to the qualitative training previously carried out by teaching professionals common activities of the "internships" such as sweeping or making photocopies. They are not all cases but a majority, and with all impunity.

– People in practice become free or precarious labour, since there is no remuneration in the DUAL. And people in intensive DUAL become cheap labour, but demanding as if it were professional staff. The remuneration barely reaches 300 monthly €.

– And to finish, there is a de facto privatization in VET with companies that offer training and internships to get docile workers with the minimum skills necessary for their specificity.


In Vallès Oriental, the workers in the education sector affiliated to the CGT union promote the organization in trade union sections of the work center.

Trade union sections are the basic tool for organizing workers and are not widespread in schools unlike any other company, where they are a regular organization.

The trade union sections enable the organization and real and autonomous direct participation of the workers of each work center to act, negotiate and improve working conditions, of particular safety and hygiene of the work center. An example could be the problems with the heating and air conditioning of the center in particular, which is well known that they will not be solved at the negotiation tables external to the reality of the center.

The constitution of the trade union section is not complicated and requires the participation of at least two affiliated people. The documentation is delivered to the Department of Labor and officially communicated to the work center if desired. From this moment on, there is the support of the union and it is even possible to call local strikes at the workplace.

Once the section is established, the mere fact of its existence makes the managements of the educational centers consider their decisions that affect the workers of the center. Conversations can be initiated to ensure that we are recognized as valid interlocutors and that we are informed of the decisions that are taken and have an impact on the working conditions of the workers.

lastly, to comment that our colleagues from other centers in Vallès Oriental, such as the Carles Vallbona Institute in Granollers or the ISMD in Mollet del Vallès have also set up trade union sections to try to make this right common to all centers.

Apr 122024

Next Friday 19 d'april to them 18 hours will be held at our location in the Ronda d'Orient, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a Press Round in charge of our affiliated workers, with the following contents.

We will take this opportunity to explain the events organized for May Day:

At the end, a round of dialectics will open.
Mar 182024

Mobility in commuting from home to work and from work to home by private vehicle generates major traffic jams and is one of the major factors contributing to environmental pollution and climate change.

We think that the reduction of a large part of these polluting inputs is necessary, essential for the future of life on the planet. And in our sector it is possible.

With the aim of reducing pollution, the carbon footprint, the pollutant emissions during work journeys from home to work, achieve a supportive planet, sustainable and comply with the Sustainable Development Goals, we propose:

The rationalization of the distribution of the workers of the Generalitat de Catalunya in public children's education, primary, compulsory secondary and high school, taking as a structural criterion the proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.

It is quite common for a primary education teacher resident in Barcelona to commute to Canovelles every day to work, vice versa. And so for all the studies mentioned above. The teaching staff of the Generalitat amounts to more than 80.000 people. The impact of their daily mobility is not residual.

The approximation of distances between places of residence and work also improves the reconciliation of work and family life, the care spaces, saves time, life quality, well-being and health among workers.

We raise these groups of female workers mainly because they are the most abundant and widespread (including secondary education specialties) and more easily interchangeable with mobility criteria.

However, we consider that this should be a structural criterion of all Public Administrations in the allocation of places and competition for transfers.

That this same should be the line of action of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia in more specialized studies, as much as possible.


That transfer competitions be called, offering in a pedagogical way, trunk and priority the practical possibility of bringing the place of work closer to the place of residence.

The allocation of places is the result of a public competition using as a priority the criterion of proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.

Mar 172024


Inspection supports union complaint, uncovering suspicious practices.

The company claims it only shows data to individual employees, ignoring the rights of the Legal Representation of Workers.

Clear breach of the Workers' Statute!

The UTE must allow access to workday records to the Legal Representation of Workers as dictated by law in Article 34.9 of ET.

Another case that calls into question transparency and labor rights!!





Mar 112024

In response to the latest statement from the UTE dated 22/02/24:

If the UTE tells us a story, the RLT also knows how to tell stories, stories and fables...

Once upon a time there was a Temporary Business Union, leave OUT, who boasted of being the most kind and generous with her workers. They offered them free coffee, extra days off and even massages in the break room. Nevertheless, behind that façade of benevolence, The UTE had a hidden plan: They wanted to take away all job benefits from their employees to maximize their profits..

On the other hand, the Legal Representation of Workers together with the working staff, who were known for being relentless in defending workers' rights. They did not tolerate abuse, no injustices and were willing to fight to the end for what they considered fair.

When the time came to adapt a new agreement, The UTE tried to impose abusive clauses that curtailed workers' rights. Nevertheless, these, led by the Union Section of the CGT, They flatly refused to accept the unfair conditions. They called an assembly and, unanimously, They decided that they would not allow them to reduce their salary or any other benefits.

Leave OUT, surprised by the resistance of her employees, decided to report them to court. But unfortunately, The judge assigned to the case turned out to be a fair and staunch defender of labor rights. He dismissed the UTE's demands and ruled in favor of the workers.

Humiliated and defeated, The UTE was forced to withdraw with its tail between its legs. He never again attempted to undermine the rights of his employees, who celebrated their victory with joy and pride. And so, History showed that justice always prevails, even on the most powerful companies.

And red colorín, This story is over.

                                                                                                                LONG LIVE THE STRUGGLE OF THE WORKING CLASS!




Feb 222024

Comrades s, after a year since the complaint of the Abertis surrogate group, on three breaches of CUN III and the Christmas Lot of 2021 and having been treated by:


In all of them they have ruled in favor of the workers and the Company has been sanctioned with a
INFRINGEMENT classified as SERIOUS in labor matters of the LISOS LAW.

The UTE today informed us that they will partially comply with the resolution:
– Days of own affairs year 2021, for your enjoyment during the 2022:
They will be compensated 2,5 days of own business. (Request them in time, for company organization. We advise first ordering the 2,5 days of 22). (For this one 24 you have a total of 5.5 days).
– Christmas lot year 2021.:
It will be paid in the February payroll. 57,57€. (Observe that it is reflected in the payroll as a Christmas Lot concept 2021).
– Flexible office hours:
The UTE refuses to adapt the schedule as indicated in the Art. 20 of the CUN III.
– PCF Ticket Restaurante:
The company denies the right to Art. 38 PCF without the possibility of having a Restaurant Ticket card.

From the CGT union section, the company's position leaves us with a bittersweet taste and we want to express our concern about the decision taken to accept only part of the resolutions proposed.. We are shocked by the company's criteria in choosing to assume only two aspects of these resolutions and discard the rest.. We are no longer surprised by the way in which the UTE admits its responsibilities, on this occasion by omitting compliance with the provisions of Art. 38 of the PCF, in relation to the Restaurant Ticket Card, and in Art.20 on Flexible Office Hours.

The lack of transparency of the Company in what was communicated to the Workers' Representatives last day 8, in relation to the mentioned personnel, where it was said that the Construction Convention would apply from the publication of CUN IV, and that the working conditions of Abertis would continue. It is contradictory that the lack of application of the Article is not corrected 38 and the article 20, since the company assures that the Abertis conditions for these personnel will be maintained.

The response of the UTE to this disagreement, has been that the same conditions that applied to date will continue to apply, and the rest don't. That is to say, they will continue as in an open buffet., They will select parts of the agreement they like and discard those they don't.. further, On the other hand, they tell us that they had judicialized the conflict and at the same time they deny it., claiming that it was still in process.




Feb 172024

STAHL is a recognized Dutch multinational in the chemical sector related to equipment for the textile and leather industries located in Parets del Vallès.

STAHL is projected abroad as an innovative company with excellence, the research, ecology and sustainability, collaborating with the Parets del Vallès Town Council and opening the doors to the educational centers of the region to show their virtues.

[Alguns links clarifiers]




What STAHL does not explain and seems to keep under the carpet is what affects its inhumane treatment of workers: belittlement, depersonalization, treatment as numbers and erosion of labor rights.

European and Spanish legality allow and protect workers to organize themselves to defend our rights and thus guarantee a more dignified life for our families, sons and daughters. But it seems that STAHL does not agree.

The dates of the union elections are approaching and the Management dismissed a worker, still convalescing from an illness, alleging TARGET DISMISSAL (justifiable only for alterations or structural readjustments of production that affect its solvency) at the same time as it is in full swing of expansion and recruitment of new workers.

The fact is that this colleague is very active in the Trade Union Section of the CGT demanding improvements in the rights of all STAHL workers and is part of our union's candidacy for the aforementioned union elections.

The colleague has been singled out and sentenced in an intimidating manner, taking advantage of his fragility and social isolation by being on leave, as a Turkish head so that people preemptively soak their beards if they intend to vote for the CGT in the next union elections. Paralyzing fear spread from mouth to mouth among the protesting workers… «who will be next?». But we already know this music! And we dance it well enough! Maybe the one who doesn't know is the company.

Incomprehensibly, the CGT is enemy number one 1 of those unscrupulous employers who do not wish to improve the rights and conditions of workers thus contributing to global happiness. On the other hand, philanthropic and humanist entrepreneurs adore our honesty and selflessness in the fight for the sustainable development of the planet without poverty and with social equity. And this is the action of the colleagues of the CGT in the company. In the hands of what kind of entrepreneurs is STAHL? Which side is he on??

In any case, STAHL is always in time to rectify. It's wise.

Either way, we will have our colleague readmitted to his workplace. It is up to the company to ensure that your suffering and that of your family is as short-lived as possible. Also the prevention of an uncertain development conflict that will surely tarnish its international image as an innovative company, ecological, sustainable and social.

Not just co-workers, otherwise the entire CGT will not stand idly by and we will start the whole network and machinery of social action, union, solidarity and mutual aid until the colleague is readmitted and the rights of the workers respected by STAHL.



Dec 072023

We are pleased to inform you that from the joint action of the educational centers of Maresme and Vallès Oriental we have forced the Generalitat to carry out the compulsory annual medical examination in all Catalan schools and institutes, in compliance with the Statute of Workers and the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks (which up until now were passed over with impunity).

As a strategy we have used the sum of many individual complaints from workers to the Labor Inspectorate, skipping the inefficient corporate months, that they did nothing but throw balls out about it. Collective Action i Direct we call it.

As a result of our complaints, the Labor Inspectorate requires the Department of Education of the Generalitat to carry out this in all schools in the non-university public network and gives it until the day 9 of July of 2024 to make them effective.

Let's be on the lookout from all the work centers so that the annual regularity is met and maintained.

We encourage you to continue reporting to the Labor Inspectorate to further increase the pressure and public shame of the Generalitat. They take a year to respond, but it works.

We remind you that complaints to the Labor Inspectorate are free and guarantee the confidentiality of the person making the complaint.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF TO REPORT AND DEMAND AN ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION AT YOUR SCHOOL, INSTITUTE! [also in any work center in any sector where it is not fulfilled]

We attach the link to the complaint model and the argument to be presented. For any doubts contact us:



[The complaint model]


That in compliment of the Article 4.2 of the Workers' Statute and the articles 14 jo 22 of the Law 31/1995, from 8 November, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales all companies should carry out an annual medical examination for all workers in their centers.
That the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya has been for years, in some cases up to a decade, without fulfilling this responsibility with the workers who depend on them, in all the provinces of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.

– That your institution requests the corresponding documentation from the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– That your institution put an end to this negligent action that threatens the right to occupational health of workers.
- That your institution investigates the causes of this violation and establishes responsibilities.
- That from this same course 202
3-2024 and henceforth the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya complies with its obligation to guarantee the corresponding annual medical check-up for all the workers in its centers, or to its centers and/or organizations that depend on them, are hired directly, o no. However, exercise the corresponding proactive responsibility in cases where results among its workers require it.

Nov 242023

In Picking We had always been with what we believed were “the unions.”, commissions i Ugt. They came to us, They set up the entire electoral racket for us, we didn't have to worry about anything. Yes indeed, when it was necessary to negotiate in the Committee or when the company exceeded its abuses with some of the workers and they required advice and support to combat it, The answer was “it is what it is.”, the law is like that, "no more can be done". Imagine the anger and helplessness it generated in the squad.: suffer injustices, not knowing how to face them and having your supposed defenders ignore you because “it is what it is”.

Then we heard that from the Grífols laboratories, tired of the same, they had joined a union called CGT en masse, that we were always told that they were revolutionaries "they close companies", and now they were doing much better. What they did and what they demanded was what the workers themselves decided., vaya.

So that, some of us approached the place in Mollet del Vallès.

At first it gave crab, friendly but direct people. They didn't exactly promise us the golden sky and they did promise us that they would accompany us and help us., but that it was us who had to be aware of our rights and learn to claim them. You don't have to know much about laws, that the laws are written there to be used when necessary. And be able to go further.

The first day was perhaps not to return. but we came back.

And they helped us, wow they helped us, but they also passed on to us the responsibility of deciding and being sovereignly autonomous for the first time.. And that takes effort, it even hurts. But once you free yourself from the corset of clientelistic dependency, you fly, you feel brave, you dare to openly vindicate that which should be yours by right and that are not alms or crumbs from the Patron. It's called seeing clearly..

And we broke our chains with the collaborationist unions with the companies: We stand in union elections as ourselves, with the colleagues of the CGT.

And the day 23 November we vote. The emotion was great. Exhausted by the preparation work done, for the first time by ourselves, excitement for potential support (o no) of our own companions to the emancipatory process, fear of having shown our face and if we lost there would be consequences.

but we win. Sometimes the hunger for freedom also attracts the bird that lives comfortably fed in the cage.. Unbridled euphoria. Magic. At first we didn't believe it.

Now it's time to step firmly and begin the arduous task of vindicating the rights that have come to us during all these years. bullfighting the company with the invaluable collaboration of the “union advisors” of the unions-management. BUT NOW WE WILL DO IT, UNITED, WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES.

In this fight we have all been women, our 25N against corporate patriarchy.

A big grateful hug to the colleagues of the CGT of Vallès Oriental, all workers too.

Our small and modest revolution, but our.

Oct 312023

[LABOR PEDAGOGY: Conclusions of the Pedagogical Reflection Days of the Isarda Group]

The teachers, Catalan professors have been developing our professional activity for decades, understanding and taking the students at the center of the learning process.

Along these lines, we accompany them in the individual development of their skills, strictly respecting the corresponding pace of learning for each child and young person.

In our Pedagogical Reflection Days, we have appreciated that the enormous human and humanistic effort made by Catalan school workers to adapt the competence achievement process of our young people to their own characteristics, needs, emotions and learning rhythms does not have any kind of decent continuity in the Catalan company.

The company selects and segregates the young worker according to levels of competence and experience, throwing down the sink all the baggage and inclusive and comprehensive pedagogical effort implemented by the teaching staff.

At this point: or the school is wrong, and we already have our beloved politicians working hard to renew the curricula and adapt them to a selective and segregating model as demanded by the current company, or it is the company that urgently needs a profound reconversion to fit into the characteristics of Catalan society.

In a first analysis we have relied on infallibility, independence of judgment and independence from factual lobbies, of the Catalan political class when determining the appropriate studies and methodologies in the training of the Catalans of the future.

This being so, we have determined that it is the Catalan business community that errs in its approach, since it focuses on the reductionisms of the final product and profit.

It is very clear that a business model that focuses all its objectives on these precepts will never be able to go hand in hand with a school that is competent and sympathetic to people's needs. This employer model would be at odds with a competitive school, selective, meritocratic and segregating, with individualistic effort as the main value, to put each student "in his place", greatly facilitating an "orderly transition" from school to work. A "classist" arrangement, need.

Resuming the premise of the infallibility of the curricula ordered by our political class [in the next days of pedagogical analysis, the review of its suitability is planned: both of them, like others], the Isarda Group has concluded that the Catalan company should necessarily make the corresponding effort of empathy and corporate improvement to adapt to the characteristics and immanent needs of the young and adult population of Catalonia in the XXI Century.

In order to be in tune with today's Catalan society, business should urgently reinvent itself and innovate its outlook, rigidly anchored in the productivism of past centuries that have already been overcome. He should renew his focus and redirect it towards the worker (and worker) as a center of trunk interest. After all, it is the workers who make the work possible.

When leaving school (means institute, university) young Catalans are competently trained through decades of a complex and delicate learning process based on their interests, abilities and learning rates, these being particular and individualized.

Like this, it makes no sense for the company to escape the comprehensive course focused on the now former student by selecting him and emotionally draining him in procedures of well-publicized personal frustration.

It is the company that must take on the challenge of changing its outlook and creatively reinvent itself, adapting its production or services to the interests of each and every one of its workers. The same should be done with production processes, work rhythms, competence capabilities, uniforms, vacation…

That it is difficult to adapt to such diversity and that a company in one sector cannot start producing T-shirts at the same time, sweets, video games and jams so that this corresponds to the interests of their workers, trained in the creativity of learning to learn? And that he can't do the schedules and holidays that they want, paying them the salary they need? That every productive process needs good organization and cannot be based on a series of improvised events? That a single company cannot comprehensively attend to their individual needs 200 workers?

We are in the 21st century and we must adapt to its challenges.

Advanced companies must turn difficulties into upheavals and see them as opportunities and challenges to overcome day by day.

What better challenge than to make the country's production and services humbly available, interests, capacities and rhythms of Catalan citizenship.

That would be making a country!

Politicians you are soul crushing and burying the excellent teachers under tons of red tape;

Entrepreneurs who only do it for your own personal gain:


Oct 282023

Friday. autumn evening. Girona. A bus leaves from Passeig d'Olot.
This will still stop in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell.

It will be filled with people who, exhausted from the work week, they go further and this weekend they will travel 500 kilometers to Madrid to demand an end to speculative price inflation and preventive actions to maintain Universal Public Health and Retirement Pensions in the near and distant future. The thing also warms up to beleaguered colleagues. And real democracy.

Some of the travelers have just folded the “curro”.
It will be a long and sleepless journey. Other classmates were unable to attend this time. After, a tedious return home.

And so from many parts of the peninsular territory. During a break on the journey, they meet Rubí's colleagues. Also from Valencia.

Sometimes it's time to really roll up your sleeves, because the Cause well deserves it.
Today is one. There will most likely be many more.

The fatigue of the journey takes its toll and the procession finds it difficult to follow the chants, slogans and dances during the demonstration.
So much is worth. There they are. A grain of sand.
The atmosphere is one of humility and self-sacrificing brotherhood. This matters!

To all those who dedicate their lives to noble causes!




Oct 202023

A year ago a group of colleagues set up as a Trade Union Section against the passivity of the CCOO in the company. We won the union elections. Since then we have recovered the initiative as workers who are complaining, demanding and, if necessary, reporting:

– The repair of seriously damaged building infrastructure, like roofs.

– Adaptation of the air conditioning inside the ship to current legislation, both in summer and winter.

– We have reactivated the initiative of the working party in the safety and hygiene committee demanding improvements in safety during the working day.

In the next renewal of the chemicals sectoral agreement, we will fight for significant improvements in the negotiation of its application in Benvic.

The success of the resumption of the initiative in the recovery of our dignity as workers lies in the assembly organization, breaking with the demobilizing leaderships of pactist unionism.

Sep 292023

Yesterday evening a colleague stopped by the union premises. His expression betrayed that the day had been adverse to him.

Suddenly a smile lit up his face: «-The colleagues of XXXXXX* have won the union elections».

*We do not mention the name of the company because even the workers expressly ignored it in their campaign, as a result of his unworthy attitude towards them. Don't mention the pig's name, although we all know who he is.

The victory in the electoral process was anecdotal. Those lips showed pride for the colleagues with whom he had worked side by side since a few years ago a ruthless employer had abandoned them "due to insolvency". The City Council of Mollet del Vallès, for which the failed subcontractor worked, he did not do much better and belittled them to inhuman extremes. It was necessary, from scratch, fight for surrogacy.

The new bidding company, the current unmentionable, has been treating them with arrogance and contempt: harassing pursuits by supervisory individuals, recurring threats of sanctions and suspension of salary, despotic dismissals of colleagues.

One of the colleagues harassed and threatened with sanctions ended up dead in what bourgeois laws euphemistically call a "work accident". Our companies were criminally reported for daring to say that certain "work accidents" are rather murders.

The empire of the law of the strongest, threats, persecutions, dismissals, a dead person, criminal complaints, serious diseases… anywhere they would have imposed the silence and mass surrender.


These colleagues didn't know much about it a while ago, of Rights, they had the lost look of the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Some and some gave very generously much of their time, wisdom and energy to teach them that dignity was within them and that they had to use it to be autonomous in the struggle to take the snake by the neck.

As of today, these colleagues have been around for a long time, when crossing them through the union, they no longer have a skewed gaze, but penetrating, the eyes of the dignity of the workers who, despite the condition of being humble, they know how to hold the boss's gaze and sing him the truths, demand his Rights and denounce every charlatan and force him to readmit dismissed workers.

And they do it alone, and they can help the rest of us.

Thanks to the selfless people who gave their time, not to direct them but to teach them in emancipatory autonomy.

Win union elections, an anecdote. THE SMILE, DIGNITY.

I probably shouldn't be the best person to write these lyrics, but no one else will.

Certain invisible situations deserve to be known, vindicated and not forgotten.



A member of the Vallès Oriental trade union

Sep 282023

We are happy to inform you that our Trade Union Section at the Ramcon company, subcontractor from the cleaning sector that currently manages the tender for municipal cleaning services in Mollet del Vallès, has won the union elections.

The results were as follows:

CGT: 27 votes (two delegates)
UGT: 12 votes (a delegate)
this next saturday: 11 votes (a delegate)
InterSindical-CSC: 10 votes (a delegate)
COBAS: 10 votes (zero delegates) 

These last few years have been very hard and a constant struggle for our dignity as workers.

As a united collective that we are, we have not given up and we have vindicated ourselves and succeeded.

And we are proud of it!!

The Trade Union Section of the CGT in Ramcon


Sep 012023

Reconciling work and family life. New work permit for child care:

Mothers and fathers or legal guardians who are responsible for one or more children can enjoy different permits in the workplace to care for minors., complying with a series of requirements and adapting to the current regulations that regulate these assumptions. This is the case of the eight-week work permit that they can request on the occasion of returning to school..

The eight-week work permit is an aid to reconciling family and work for parents who have children under the age of 8 year old, who may be absent from their job for a maximum of eight weeks, continuously or discontinuously, both in the vacation months and with the arrival of back to school in the month of September.

This permission, duration not exceeding 8 weeks, continuous or discontinuous, It is non-transferable and can be enjoyed flexibly..

Workers will have the right to parental leave, for child care, daughter or minor fostered for a period of more than one year, until the minor turns eight years old, is included in the Royal Decree-Law 5/2023.

This permit can be enjoyed full-time or on a part-time basis., as an individual right of men and women, without your exercise being able to be transferred.

How do you apply for parental leave? 8 weeks?
The aforementioned regulations also regulate the way in which the interested party can request this right., since it is the worker himself who has to request it from his company: “It will be up to the worker to specify the start and end date of the enjoyment or, in your case, of the periods of enjoyment”, indicated.

further, You must notify the company in advance of 10 days or the one specified by the collective agreements, except force majeure, taking into account the situation and the organizational needs of the company.

Finally, you have to know that, in the event that several people from the same company can and want to benefit from this right in the same period of time, disrupting the proper functioning of the company, The postponement of the concession can be agreed for a reasonable period, justifying it in writing and after having offered an equally flexible alternative for enjoyment.

It is an UNpaid Permit.

Aug 282023

The labor regulations applicable to excess temperature in classrooms are the Royal Decree 486/1997, from 14 d’abril, which establishes the minimum health and safety provisions in workplaces (BOE number. 97, from 23 of April of 1997), Modified by Royal Decree 2177/2004.


This establishes that the temperatures in the classrooms must be between 17ºC and 27 ºC.

In addition, the State Parliament approved the accession and ratification of the UN Declaration of Children's Rights: https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-1990-31312

In addition to Labor Law, teachers are responsible for protecting the health of young people and children.

Given that the Generalitat and the State make wet paper of their own regulations we will have to use theDirect Action (obviously legally protected because it is intended to enforce its own legal regulations). Let's see what they will say from the Judiciary, if from the Generalitat they get on our ass.


1- We take collective action agreements from the trade union sections of the work center, in the cloister or company assemblies.

2- We place a thermometer in one of the center's classrooms (the miscellaneous).

3- When it exceeds the legally permitted temperature, we notify the rest of our colleagues.

4- We photograph the thermometer in the classroom together with a device that indicates the day and time.

5- We go out with the students from the classrooms to spaces in the center with temperatures that comply with the law.

6- We send the information through a secure means to the Center's Occupational Risk Coordinator, so that he can send it to the Directorate and this to the Education department.

7- Faced with any hierarchical threat, we call the police.

8- We are actively spreading the situation through social networks indicating the centre, the population and mentioning the Generalitat and the Department of Education. (If necessary, you can send them to us and we will do it vallesoriental.cgt.ensenyament@gmail.com ).

9- If we receive threats from the Management, let us know and we'll figure it out.

Obviously we will be more protected and protected from each other if we are part of a workers' association.


#DoItYourself (either we do it or we hi we submit)

  • For Our Labor Rights.
  • For the Fixity of all and all Interims in Fraud of Law.
  • Let's return Democracy to the School.
  • We democratize Curricula.
  • We guarantee critical and emancipatory knowledge to young people.
  • For a Public FP, Quality and universal offer.
  • For the Universalization of Public Education.
  • For the abolition of School Segregation (Concerted Education)