20F trial against the representation of the workers demanded by
Collective conflict by the UTE AP7 Vallés company – SECTOR B04
We appreciate that yesterday, day 20 February, the CGT Vallès Oriental He has concentrated on the courts of Granollers in support of the workers of the UTE AP7 Vallés, denouncing the company's maneuvers to precarize their working conditions.
Prior to trial, The judge has gathered us at Representation of workers (RT) and to the company for mediation. In the conciliation they have tried to force an agreement, With the intention of suspending the trial.
For a majority of the RT, The agreed in assembly has been determined and submitted to the trial. Our lawyer has firmly defended our rights, based on the European jurisprudence, like the Sentencia twenty C108/10 Scattolon, That says that it cannot be that as a cause of the subrogation there is a worsening of the working conditions of the workers because that would go against what the directive 77/187/CEE says. This directive is a European regulation that seeks precisely to protect workers in case of company transfer. If there are collective agreements, The company cannot simply opt for another more favorable agreement for it, Present a contest and, Consequently, Reduce salaries. That is to say, You can't hire someone who previously charged five, for three and pay only one. That is what should not happen. They are criteria that follow the Supreme Court.
At the end of the trial, We have come out with good feelings, But the final decision is in the hands of the judge. Inform you that the trial will not be finished until both parties review and give compliance with the evidence provided by the lawyers, until Wednesday at 3:00 p.m..
We hope that the sentence will be fair and favorable. But if not, We will resort to it Court of Justice of the European Union (TWENTY). We will not allow our acquired rights to be trampled. It should be remembered that the Ministry pays a game of 745.000€ Annual for the salary difference between Abertis and construction, ¡¡ Public money for the salary of the workers, Not for business benefit!!
From the CGT, We will continue to fight for the dignity and rights of workers and we will be aware of acting if necessary trade.
Hands up!!
Asphalt cartel
Long live the labor struggle!