USUAL OPENING HOURS*: *(It may undergo modifications since the stays are carried out voluntarily by the affiliates) Ronda d'Orient 6, Mollet del Vallès (In front of the Mollet-Sant Fost train station) MONDAY: Of 17 a 20 hours [Legal Advice] + [Counseling and Self-training] TUESDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training] WEDNESDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training] THURSDAY: Of 10 a 13 hours and of 17 a 20 hours [Counseling and Self-training] FRIDAY: Of 17 a 20 hours [Legal Advice] + [Counseling and Self-training]
Aquest breu vídeo mostra com, davant l’absoluta fallida inicial de les Administracions Polítiques, les associacions de treballadors i treballadores hem mantingut el fil de la solidaritat i l’esperança entre les persones afectades per la desgràcia.
Evidentment cadascú es preocupa per les persones de la seva classe social. Els i les polítiques no formen part de les classes populars, d’aquí la seva desídia i menysteniment per les desgràcies del humils.
Des de la nostra modèstia al Vallès Oriental, coordinats amb els i les companyes de les comarques de Girona i Barcelona, els i les companyes de les seccions sindicals a cadascuna de les empreses, les persones anònimes que han fet aportacions de productes bàsics, les que han vingut a ajudar a organitzar, classificar i encaixar el menjar, botes d’aigua, eines, roba, mascaretes, a carregar els camions, conduir fins les zones afectades per la catàstrofe… també el jovent del Gimnàs Popular Francesc Ollé, Mollet del Vallès…
És la prova que cap petit esforç de col·laboració altruista cau en sac mort. Tota petita ajuda mútua acaba fent fruit i floreix.
Molta Salut i Reciprocitat!
Health colleagues and colleagues,
Given the magnitude of the tragedy caused by DANA, The colleagues of the CGT Federation of Valencia have transmitted to us the need that the population has who have been left absolutely without anything.
From CGT we have organized ourselves to help, as far as possible, opening organized collection points that allow us to take it to the area where they need it.
As the situation is urgent, These points are open from now on.
In our region, A collection point opens in our union (C/ Ronda de Oriente, 6-Mollet del Vallés, right in front of the Mollet-Sant Fost train station) with the following schedule:
- 2 of November (Saturday): from 11h to 13h and from 17h to 19h.
- 4 of November (Monday): from 11am to 1pm and from 5pm to 8pm.
- 5, 6 Y 7 of November: from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m..
- 8 of November: de 17h a 20h.
According to what the Valencia colleagues tell us, We will be extending collection hours.
Product List*:
– Water/cleaning boots, belongings, buckets and rakes.
– Work gloves and masks.
– Canned food that does not require heat or fire.
– Lpowder for baby bottles.
– Diapers for children and the elderly.
– First aid kits with the basics.
*Classify foods by type and name the type of material on the boxes. It is recommended that they be plastic boxes.
Contact telephone:
SP Regional Federation Vallés Oriental
Banco: Popular Box
Titular: CGTPV [CGT ofl Country Valencian]
Concept: SolidarityValencia
Account number: ES7831590018112755192826
Darrerament l’Ajuntament de Canovelles ha comunicat la suspensió del mercat setmanal dels diumenges.
L’argumentació ha estat la «inseguretat» produïda pel volum de paradistes «il·legals».
La populista MESURA, a banda d’acontentar les emocions superficials dels i les xenòfobes de dretes, ni tan sols considera les arrels profundes del problema: LA POBRESA [i precisament el poble de Canovelles n’és víctima des de les dècades de 1950…].
A banda de deixar de donar un servei PRESENCIAL d’alimentació i roba a preus populars a tota la comarca i a totes les persones que no volen passar pel sedàs de l’Amazonització / uberització i l’atur, depersonalization, explotació laboral i contaminació que comporta el model de comerç postcapitalista.
A banda de deixar sense ingressos les i els paradistes regularitzats, que no són precisament capitalistes i que funcionen majoritàriament mitjançant precàries cooperatives familiars per subsistir, molt al límit dels marges.
La mesura deixa sense l’últim recurs a persones a qui no es permet treballar dignament i que troben en la venda «no regulada» de productes que EMPRESARIS BEN LEGALS falsifiquen per enriquir-se sense límits, la darrera baula per guanyar-se la vida amb honradesa, abans de robar.
Aquestes persones sovint les trobem ultra explotades en tallers infectes de la «subcontracta externa» que porta peces a la nostra empresa, o collint maduixes que quatre xavos a Huelva i vivint en barraques.
Ens «roben la feina» perquè treballen per menys diners, o és precisament la DESPERSONALITZACIÓ LEGAL que les converteix en l’eina de joguina fràgil perquè els empresaris ens abaixin els salaris i les condicions laborals? Si fossin considerades PERSONES (que ho són, igual que nosaltres) jurídicament legals, tindrien les mateixes condicions i els «jefes» no tindrien aquesta eina per afeblir els nostres drets laborals. I no, no ens farien la competència. La única «competència» [més aviat robatori] ens la fa l’empresari. Busqueu al diccionari plusvàlua o plusvalía (en termes marxistes).
Com totes i tots sabem, perdre la feina ens aboca a estats d’indefensió i ensorrament psicològic. Qui de nosaltres no robaria o mataria per alimentar els seus fills?
Pels i les que venen amb la cantarella de «primer els de casa» els respondrem que «Primer les persones dignes (les del Poble), després els esquirols i els empresaris, que són els nostres veritables lladres i enemics».
Novament recordem que la nostra actualitat capitalista va començar fa ja més de 500 anys amb la conquesta, colonització, explotació, saqueig de les terres llunyanes on habitaven tranquil·lament els avantpassats d’aquells a qui ara alguns i algunes anomenen «immigrants il·legals»: Amèrica, Àfrica, Àsia, Oceania. I encara continua (googlegeu «minerals de sang», «explotació infantil a Inditex o Mango» per exemple).
Es necessitaria el Producte Interior Brut (GDP) durant 1.000 anys de tots els Estats Occidentals partícips dels processos colonials per a “compensar o restituir” el mal causat als territoris i societats colonitzades. NO OBLIDEM que potser hi estem en DEUTE [No nosaltres com a ciutadans i ciutadanes, però sí els nostres Estats]. Espanya va participar de ple en aquest procés.
La decisió populista de l’Ajuntament de Canovelles [que no és un «simple Ajuntament indefens» sinó que forma part de l’entramat institucional i polític de l’Estat] en tot cas, només canviarà «el problema» de poble [acció ben poc solidària i encara menys «patriòtica»]. I potser serà al teu poble.
La població de Canovelles, com moltes altres de creixement ràpid mitjançant la segregació econòmica i espacial amb les immigracions [conseqüència del caciquisme al camp andalús, extremeny…] a zones industrials dels dels anys 1950 tenen un problema estructural:
Els problemes complexes només es poden resoldre amb solucions pregones i estructurals.
Prendre el darrer recurs i alhora refugi de la dignitat a persones al límit de la subsistència, les abocarà sense remei a la mort per inanició o a la delinqüència. ÉS DE DOMINI PÚBLIC que no dedicar recursos Legals i Públics a incorporar aquestes persones a la «normalitat» de les nostres vides mitjançant la seva legalització i formació social com a treballadors és sinònim d’abocar-los a la delinqüència. Des del Poder ho saben. Però massa sovint és preferible no dedicar-hi PREVENTIVAMENT aquests recursos dels NOSTRES IMPOSTOS i després gastar-se’ls igualment, COM A CONSEQÜÈNCIA de la seva negligència política, en policia repressora i descol·lapsar el sistema judicial. Apel·lant, això sí, a l’ORDRE mitjançant l’emocionalitat de la suposada PURESA NACIONAL.
Senyors de l’Ajuntament de Canovelles: No tanqueu el mercat dels diumenges.
Senyors polítics dels Parlaments: Legalitzeu i DIGNIFIQUEU aquestes PERSONES, tal i com diu la vostra Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans.
Senyors Polítics dels Parlaments: Porteu des de l’Estat Espanyol una proposta a l’ONU per reconstruir [amb el corresponent respecte a la identitat cultural que no s’hagi exterminat ja] l’estructura i autonomia material i econòmica d’aquelles societats fins que cap persona no hagi de voler abandonar-les, excepte per fer turisme. I si l’ONU no us fa cas, dignifiqueu i netegeu Unilateralment les responsabilitats passades de l’Estat Espanyol.
Recordem que parlem de PERSONES!
Salut i Dignitat,
El Comitè Comarcal del Vallès Oriental
[A modo recordatorio]:
Ya ha pasado un año, desde que la UTE AP7 VALLÉS presionaba a un grupo de trabajadores subrogados de Abertis con una carta que informaba que, a partir del 23 September 2023, se aplicaría el VII Convenio Colectivo del Sector de la Construcción.
También se indicaba que las condiciones económicas actuales se mantendrían hasta el 30 September 2023 and?, a partir de esa fecha, dependerían del procedimiento de negociación que se estaba llevando a cabo.
En la Asamblea del 20 November 2023, la plantilla afectada dijo un NO rotundo. No iban a aceptar ningún acuerdo que implicara la reducción de las condiciones económicas y laborales sin contraprestación alguna.
Por mayoría, se acordó que preferíamos acatar una sentencia firme antes que ceder a la presión empresarial, coacciones y mala fe.
Si hubiéramos cedido y aceptado la propuesta de la empresa en la asamblea, hoy tendríamos alrededor de un 7% menos de poder adquisitivo al año, lo que equivale a haber perdido una mensualidad completa. further, el personal de oficinas habría tenido que trabajar una semana más al año, namely, 40 weekly hours, y habría perdido unos 2,300
€ en tickets de comida.
Es un gran logro que hayamos defendido nuestros derechos y mantenido nuestras condiciones laborales. Sigamos unidos en la lucha, porque el esfuerzo colectivo siempre da resultados.
David Barba Pérez
Sec. Gral. de la Sección Sindical CGT UTE AP7 VALLÉS
Quina deu ser la raó (o les raons) per la qual persones que van viure la pobresa durant el franquisme i un sistema de Seguretat Social Pública ben bé testimonial [quants germans, familiars i coneguts morts que haurien sobreviscut amb un sistema sanitari prou desenvolupat, ja des dels anys 1950] en l’actualitat menystenen obertament el tracte i tractament, cent mil vegades millor que antany, que reben als hospitals i centres de salut en ser atesos o ingressats?
Curiosament, en sa majoria, o bé desconeixen que els sistema públic de la Seguretat Social es nodreix dels impostos dels i les treballadores, o bé són roïns arrogants pobres, d’aquells que aprofiten les escadusseres oportunitats que tenen per sentir-se suposadament «importants»; talment com els amos a qui han llepat fidelment les sabates durant tota la vida, per treure el monstre de la Síndrome de l’Emperador (aquesta vegada frustrat) que duen a l’interior. A saber… amb la dependenta del supermercat, amb el metge…
El seu melic liberal i «únic» no deu concebre allò de la caixa comuna de diners perquè se’n beneficiïn aquelles persones que tenen la desgràcia d’emmalaltir o quedar-se sense feina [el subsidi d’Atur també forma part de la caixa de la Seguretat social].
Els recursos són els que són i aportem mitjançant els impostos al nostre treball. Podrien ser-ne més? I tant! També s’esdevé la trista tradició estructural del clientelisme polític i l’estraperlisme, al nostre país.
Les classes populars no vivim precisament dies de glòria, incapaces en l’intent de revertir la implacable ofensiva de tots els partits polítics que accepten engreixar l’engranatge del parlamentarisme liberal burgès per privatitzar els serveis sanitaris, l’educació i els serveis de cohesió socials i traslladar-los d’allò que consideren «les mans mortes del bé comú universal (la cosa pública)» a les voraces gorges dels empresaris privats.
Tampoc aquestes persones megalòmanes del seu melic són conegudes a les assemblees organitzadores de les reivindicacions pels drets a la universalitat i qualitat dels serveis bàsics: Sanitat, educació, Serveis del Sector [de cohesió] Social, jubilació abans dels 60 anys i amb dignitat). Assemblees que criden desesperades als quatre vents la necessitat de la col·laboració de tothom (però ningú mai té mai temps «segons per a què, clar. Qüestió de prioritats».
Tampoc a les manifestacions al carrer.
the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, al bar, a la sala d’espera de l’ambulatori, al supermercat… Yes.
Malalties de la desmemòria, cada vegada més col·lectiva, del segle XXI.
Persones que no han fet res de dolent a la seva vida, però que tampoc han aportat [ni estan aportant res a la col·lectivitat].
Una Gran aliança entre el Narcisisme, Hedonisme, Adanisme, Cunyadisme, el Consumisme Insatisfet i la Síndrome de l’Emperador.
Malauradament pot semblar que no hi ha res a fer.
O sí?
Sempre existirem les resistències, malgrat tot, empenyent i caminant cap a Utopia.
Statement from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Vallès Oriental regarding the events that took place at the Granollers Festival:
From this Permanent Secretariat we want to express our support and solidarity with the Colla dels Blaus in the face of the attacks they are receiving for holding a workshop “molotov cocktails”. An activity in a context of Festa Major and satire where freedom of expression should not be a problem.
a fair in which politicians of all kinds get on their knees before Mr. Marshall of precariousness and exploitation, based on the complaint of different “trade unions” police investigations are being opened by the Prosecutor's Office to identify minors… and being able to criticize is being questioned, to satirize the armed forces of the state (the police, army…etc).
Aquestes actuacions ens demostren que no val abaixar la guàrdia en la defensa dels drets i les llibertats.
Opening hours of the premises during the month of August.
Legal advice will resume next Monday 2 of September.
For any emergency you can contact by email or phone.
Health and anarcho-syndicalism!!
Opening hours of the premises during the month of August.
Legal advice will resume next Monday 2 September.
For any urgency, contact by email or phone.
Health and anarcho-syndicalism!!
For a long time now we have become accustomed to normalizing wars, those places where people kill and die, you go hungry, women and girls are raped, like something distant that is seen from the TV while we eat. Now the morbidity, more intense and outrageous, but ephemeral, It comes to us in the form of videos through social networks (more or less manipulated or censored).
“Nothing happens here anymore.. “War is a thing of the past and of the third world.”, it is said.
The obligatory levies of our young people - and adults - are far from our memory.- for the colonial whim of some: America, the slaughterhouses of Cuba and Morocco. Or civil wars: the Carlists and the last of 1936. Read and document -depending on what, Of course- awakens memory and coherent reflection.
Spain from 1986 member of the European Union and NATO (in the latter since 1999 fully integrated into its military and command structure). This supposes supposed Rights and entails Obligations.
It is necessary to remember that NATO is not exactly the UN of the “blue helmets of peace”.
From a business perspective, the “foreign” war is a business opportunity.:
– Production and sale of weapons abroad.
– Increase in GDP through exports.
– “Opportunities” for reconstruction of devastated areas.
– Loans, many loans for reconstruction.
Now we have two wars that publicly grip and shame us (those of the Sahel, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yemen, Kurdistan, Rohinyas, Afghanistan… for cobalt, lithium or coltan seem not to do as much, but there are some): They are the “officially” undeclared ones of Ukraine and Gaza.
In Palestine we have a rotten and murderous State, Israel, in conflict with a proto-state that is also corrupt and murderous: Hamas. The Israeli people pay for it (indoctrination and atmosphere of Terror to those who dare to question National-Religious identity) and the Palestinian people, that receives the already atavistic Israeli repression, plus the internal repression of Hamas. More now the bag of bombs and the siege by hunger and thirst.
Spain as a state does not send weapons there, but it does not act diplomatically nor does it influence the establishment of economic sanctions to suffocate the belligerents. Nor does it exert any pressure on imports or exports on multinational companies. (or Spanish) who trade (or they actively collaborate) with the State of Israel and allow, in fact, the continuation of the war and the deaths. Popular boycott proposals in this sense exist and are promoted by social organizations around the world., but the Spanish State didn't even plim (BDS: Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions… that helped defeat the Apartheid in South Africa). There are also States that have taken the step of breaking diplomatic and commercial relations with the State of Israel., while the mortality lasts.
Ukraine, a state as rotten and corrupt as the Russian one. Both oppress their respective people.. A conflict orchestrated in the great global geopolitics and fueled by national emotional identitarianism or a cultural assumption of the West / East, where innocent people die. Nobody expected it (like in Yugoslavia). This could also have been the case in the post-Soviet transition from state capitalist economies to free market capitalism. (but it wasn't).
The fact is that Spain, As a member of the European Union and NATO, it has been sending weapons to the Ukrainian State WITH MONEY FROM OUR TAXES for years., money for weapons and the percentage of money allocated to “defense” is increasing (to a potential war) so that people can continue killing and people suffering. Aside from the fact that the topic is much more delicate and complex (Obviously the Russian State is not exactly a saint) It concerns us that WE CITIZEN ARE WORKING AND PAYING TAXES (which could be for education or medicine) SO THAT PEOPLE CAN ACTIVELY KILL THEMSELVES “THERE”. Collectively we have not acted to prevent it, except worthy exceptions. Therefore, we citizens have blood on our hands., whether we like it or not we know it.
And how can this affect our children?, or ourselves?
In reality, we citizens constitute the “potential reserve” of cannon fodder if the circumstances arise., among the 18 and the 45 years. But if more meat is needed (as lives run out), The legislation itself makes it possible to expand them… 16, 64… [better not give them ideas].
Spain has supranational commitments with the EU and NATO. And “democratic” state legislation that allows you to serve them faithfully.: The SPANISH CONSTITUTION, Organic Laws and Royal Decrees, in order of preeminence.
The Constitution is the Fundamental Law of the State and from which the rest are developed, without being able to contradict her.
It is very important, to understand the following argument, Keep in mind that to approve an Organic Law a simple majority is needed in Parliament. To modify any article of the Constitution, two-thirds qualified majority. It is not trivial that aspects such as the death penalty during times of war or “siege” have been “deactivated” through Organic laws. (as this state is euphemistically called, which allows for the widespread suspension of civil rights and liberties.), or compulsory military service, without having abolished or eliminated them from the Constitution.
It is worth remembering that the Spanish State (assuming it is applied honestly) has a corrected proportional electoral system that penalizes minority groups (or in projection) and promotes the euphemistic “stability” in the form of two large parties of the system that alternate in power, without any more problem than a theatrical dialectic acoustic as a staging.
The article 30 of the Spanish Constitution currently says:
1. Spaniards have the right and duty to defend Spain.
2. The law will establish the military obligations of the Spaniards and will regulate, with due guarantees, conscientious objection, as well as other causes of exemption from compulsory military service, being able to impose, in your case, a substitute social benefit.
3. A civil service may be established to fulfill purposes of general interest.
4. The duties of citizens may be regulated by law in cases of serious risk., catastrophe or public calamity.
The “duty to defend Spain” speaks for itself. When a person is designated for that “duty” they are no longer fully protected by civil rights and liberties., automatically passing to military jurisdiction. The United States invoked this argument to force its citizens to defend (killing) the interests of the country (or large economic corporations) in wars as far away as the first, Second World War or Vietnam.
The following regulations deploy the professional army in a “provisional” and “definitive” manner., but the concept of “military service” remains in force in the fundamental law, the Constitution. Therefore it is not abolished but suspended:
– Ley 17/1999, from 18 of May, Regime of the Personnel of the Armed Forces.
– Royal Decree 247/2001, 9 of March, by which the suspension of the provision of military service is brought forward.
Recovery probably doesn't have much social glamoron of the Mili, but in a process of creating patriotic states of opinion, warmongers and militarists against the supposed “common enemy” would not be ruled out. Historically it is nothing new. For thisOnly the repeal of an organic law would be necessary.
The article 15 of the Spanish Constitution currently says:
Everyone has the right to life and physical and moral integrity, without that, in no case, may be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. The death penalty is abolished, except as may be provided by military criminal laws for times of war.
An organic lawnica establishes that currently the death penalty will not be applied in the event of war:
– Organic Law 11/1995, from 27 of November, abolition of the death penalty in time of war.
A simple vote in Parliament repealing it would reactivate the validity of the article of the Constitution, plenipotentiating military laws. Who doubts that in the event of a possible pre-war environment they will do so??
The article 8 of the Spanish Constitution currently says:
1. The Armed Forces, formed by the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, Their mission is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Spain, defend its territorial integrity and constitutional order.
2. An organic law will regulate the bases of the military organization in accordance with the principles of this Constitution.
The linked organic laws are reviewable in a broad or restrictive sense by means of votes with a simple majority in parliament.. The section 1. “They have a mission” is a carte blanche that legitimizes military personnel to do whatever they want with our society. [with us, with our young people], when they deem it convenient:
– Ley 36/2015, from 28 of September, of National Security.
– Military Jurisdiction Code.
-Organic Law 14/2015, from 14 October, of the Military Penal Code.
The article 116 of the Spanish Constitution currently says: *(State of siege is synonymous with state of war)
1. An organic law will regulate states of alarm, exception and site, and the corresponding powers and limitations.
2. The state of alarm will be declared by the Government by decree agreed upon by the Council of Ministers for a maximum period of fifteen days., reporting to the Congress of Deputies, immediately assembled for this purpose and without whose authorization said period cannot be extended.. The decree will determine the territorial scope to which the effects of the declaration extend..
3. The state of emergency will be declared by the Government by decree agreed upon in the Council of Ministers, prior authorization of the Congress of Deputies. The authorization and proclamation of the state of emergency must expressly determine its effects., the territorial scope to which it extends and its duration, which may not exceed thirty days, extendable for another equal period, with the same requirements.
4. The state of siege will be declared by the absolute majority of the Congress of Deputies, at the exclusive proposal of the Government. Congress will determine its territorial scope, duration and conditions.
5. The dissolution of Congress cannot be carried out while some of the states included in this article are declared., the Chambers being automatically convened if they are not in session. Its operation, as well as that of the other constitutional powers of the State, They cannot be interrupted during the validity of these states.
Congress dissolved or its mandate expired, if any of the situations that give rise to any of said states occur, The powers of Congress will be assumed by its Permanent Deputation.
6. The declaration of states of alarm, of exception and siege will not modify the principle of responsibility of the Government and its agents recognized in the Constitution and in the laws.
Simple majorities in Parliament can determine declarations of war, restrict the fundamental freedoms and rights of citizens, expropriations, seizures, compulsory community civil works, establish mandatory levies that would automatically refer the affected citizens to military jurisdiction. Also tighten the reference legal regulations in record time:
– Ley 36/2015, from 28 of September, of National Security.
– Military Jurisdiction Code.
-Organic Law 14/2015, from 14 October, of the Military Penal Code.
The article 63 of the Spanish Constitution currently says:
1. The King accredits ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives. Foreign representatives in Spain are accredited to him.
2. It is up to the King to express the consent of the State to be bound internationally through treaties., in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.
3. It is up to the King, prior authorization of the Cortes Generales, declare war and make peace.
The Head of State simply sanctions (a rubric) what is determined by SIMPLE MAJORITIES of Parliament. But the figure of the king is inviolable, The Government is responsible for its actions, It is the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces (Articles 56, 64 Y 62 of the Spanish Constitution). Next to nothing.
The article 117 of the Spanish Constitution currently says:
1. Justice emanates from the people and is administered in the name of the King by Judges and Magistrates who are members of the judicial power., independent, immovable, responsible and subject only to the rule of law.
2. Judges and Magistrates may not be separated, suspended, transferred or retired, but for any of the causes and with the guarantees provided by law.
3. The exercise of jurisdictional power in all types of processes, judging and executing what was judged, corresponds exclusively to the Courts and Tribunals determined by the laws, according to the rules of competence and procedure that they establish.
4. The Courts and Tribunals will not exercise more functions than those indicated in the previous section and those expressly attributed to them by law to guarantee any right..
5. The principle of jurisdictional unity is the basis of the organization and operation of the Courts. The law will regulate the exercise of military jurisdiction in the strictly military sphere and in cases of state of siege., in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.
6. Exceptional Courts are prohibited.
Here we return to the “reference laws” that leave everything tied and well tied in the hands of the politicians of the two-party system, judges and military judges. On the “prohibition” of exceptional courts, We already know very well how soldiers “act” executively and summarily when they search for civilian “deserter” conscientious objectors or enter a population that has been hostile to them.: plundering, violating, torturing, killing:
– Ley 36/2015, from 28 of September, of National Security.
– Military Jurisdiction Code.
-Organic Law 14/2015, from 14 October, of the Military Penal Code.
There are more references to military prerogatives in the Constitution.
Surely not even a significant minority of the politicians in the Spanish Parliament and Government are in favor of the task or the imagination of entering into a war., but the international commitments acquired by the State are those that are, and who they are with. Thus, The State is not sovereign in certain decisions. More like just another servile pawn, in international geopolitics. And the citizens, the town, cheap cannon fodder.
An incipient militarist ghost haunts the peaceful Europe of the European Union, which already seems to be the Europe of NATO. Fine rain gradually creating states of opinion, if not favorable, at least not resistant to possible war scenarios in the medium-term future (which could be a few years). The Spanish Minister of Defense dances to that game, the greatest exponents of the European Union, also [The reason for the creation of the EU was precisely to avoid a new military conflict in Europe.].
There need not be an imminent danger of war, and less in our territory. Nobody expected, the day before, that the Balkan firecracker would explode in 1991, nor that of Ukraine in 2022 (seemed a bit like the cyclical defiant occurrences of the “madman” of North Korea). Wars “only happen in poor and distant lands”.
In any case, there is the possibility of mandatory recruitment of our boys to go to distant lands to kill and die to comply with the agreements and commitments of the world's powerful powers. (and that our powerful people signed at the time, with very little popular opposition. Mud and sludge). And an entire state legal regulation that protects and legitimizes the repression of potential dissidence..
Businessmen imagine blood and are already salivating for safe business. Politicians play their game without counting on pawns, us and us. AND WITHOUT OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS, OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. PLAY WITH OUR REASON FOR BEING.
So it's about not getting there, not even remotely. Preventively then, Collectively create from the citizens a strong anti-militarist emotional and identity environment that acts as a true deterrent agent against potential warlike whims on the part of the state legislative or executive powers., on duty. With war to war, if possible:
At home.
between the family.
By word of mouth.
With co-workers.
Require it in educational centers as parents, mothers and family.
In educational centers (as teaching workers)
with friends.
on the street, in the store.
Carrying out dissemination and dialectic events.
Persecuting and inciting politicians from the locality…
Persecuting and urging businessmen from the locality…
Extending the oil pond.
Without forgetting the possible feasible actions so that no one has to kill or die in any war anywhere in the world.
Having done everything so that NOTHING HAPPENS.
The reference legal regulations that regulate working conditions in rigorous and extreme atmospheric periods [among which are the high temperatures] are the following:
– law 31/1995 of Occupational Risk Prevention (PRL):
– Royal Decree 486/1997 + Royal Decree 2177/2004 (that he complements):
– Royal Decree 4/2023:
LEGAL REGULATIONS heat (printable version in .pdf format)
Good morning colleagues,
Next Thursday 4 from July to 18 hours we will hold a PAYROLL INTERPRETATION WORKSHOP at the union premises as part of the LABOR SELF-TRAINING CLASSROOM.
If you despise “the young man”, “her” or “the other” you are not welcome in the Confederation.
[It will only be a few short lines]
It all started back in the 15th century (Yeah, more or less with the famous “discovery” of America).
“Everything” was the globalization of looting, extortion, robo, exploitation, slavery, violations, murders, destruction of cultural identities to achieve [WE LOVE THEM] gold and goods.
The beginnings of Precapitalist Original Accumulation: America, Asia, Oceania, Africa…
To achieve that, starved, taxes and plunged the common people of the ancient Kingdom of Castile into secular misery, That's why today it is "empty".
[The same as their namesakes to the common people of France, Portugal, Belgium, England, Netherlands, Russia, China, Japan, USA…].
After World War IIthat was no longer civilized” and they showed that, out of humanism they freed them: but in the form of Western Capitalist States, favoring submissive minorities and maintaining control of mines and plantations [Economic Imperialism]. More poverty and hunger for the common people of those latitudes.
Almost no one wants to flee their land, the “small homeland”, if not driven by hunger and desperation.
That in Catalonia this is not new, noses! (From all the interior counties, legions of heirs towards Terrace, Sabadell, Low Llobregat, Kisses and Barcelona).
That in Spain that is not new, nose! (From all places to the barracks of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla…).
The imbeciles despised them: peccaries, pallets, jerks…
They despised “otherness”, the last one to arrive:
The “outside”.
The “new or the apprentice” in the factory.
deep down, the mean and cowardly germ of hatred of the different.
Behind “them and them” there was only nostalgia, hunger and poverty.
Many people showed hospitality towards them. They showed their gratitude amply..
What were “Spanish”? That the "first" were Catalans??
We anarcho-syndicalists have no homeland. Yes, different social and cultural identities that enrich us and unite us in solidarity with all people. [masters and their lackeys are not people].
That foreigners steal?
It's a lie. The vast majority of “foreign” people seek work and dignity in their lives.
In any case, a minority of poor people roban or son uncivic. The vast majority of people in precarious situations suffer passively and selflessly from their misfortune..
ANOTHER THING IS THAT CRETINS ONLY FIX WHEN THEIR SKIN COLOR IS DIFFERENT (or that they find vandalism or crime on the part of their supposedly “native” countrymen as a “normal” thing.. To make him psychoanalyze)
Stripping people of their dignity, robbing them of their right to be known by their first name and stigmatizing them as “immigrants” or “criminals” based on their place of birth, only fools do it.
Those and those (overwhelmingly they were those) Yes, they have stolen and steal with hands full of sweat OUR work and OUR taxes are the MASTERS:
Yes, those guilty of everything since the 15th century and whom the mean people do not lack the language to slavishly flatter.
It is necessary to remember that the “Social Shield: education, public health, social cohesion…” that comes from our taxes was created with the objective of compensating and avoiding situations of extreme poverty, not to feed the “bites” of the Businessmen and Politicians that we all have in mind.
Perhaps the xenophobic worker is really concerned that some of the “others” may have the same rights and, through own effort, surpass them on the “social scale” exposing their shame and ineptitude.
The National Institute of Statistics offers us some very graphic population pyramids [Catalonia and the State of Spain, as a sample].
Population pyramids of Catalonia and Spain, 2022 [Source: INE]
The data is from the registered resident population. The same source shows us in both cases a rampant tendency toward aging. (retired population or to attend in the short future), very low birth rates (surely they would be even more so without counting on “the others”, up to second generations), vegetative growth (births minus deaths) negative and positive real population growth as a consequence of the immigration process (young people and with a higher fertility rate than, Fleeing from misery, they look for a job to give dignity to their family and their lives.. Does it sound familiar to us??).
The social and demographic context is alarming, Yeah.
If we eliminate distraction maneuvers, those responsible are clear.. And they mostly have the Pedigree of many more than 8 aristocratic and bourgeois surnames: LOOTING WITH FULL HANDS SINCE THE 15TH CENTURY.
A Study economic establishes that the Gross Domestic Product would be needed (GDP) during 1.000 years of all the States participating in the colonial processes to “compensate or restitute” the damage caused to the colonized territories and societies.
The pain caused by rape and torture is already irreparable, as well as the cultural annihilation of their identities.
Also to the balance of Mother Earth, “our” Planet.
In all likelihood, culturally homogeneous societies simplify coexistence. Also that THE ABSOLUTELY HOMOGENEOUS IN TERMS OF EMANCIPATED SOCIAL CLASS, EVEN MORE (a world without oligarchs or exploiting bourgeoisie, without power).
Xenophobic workers urgently need to change focus and go to the root of the problem: his submission to the Master and his mentality (even the thought has tamed them). Once one's own autonomous consciousness has been reconstructed, demand that they dedicate their millions to repay the evil done proudly by their families and “theirs”, so that “the others” can return to their lands and towns with guarantees of having a decent life. Those who want, Of course.
If you despise “the young man”, “her” or “the other” you are not welcome in the Confederation.
The Transport and Communications Union of Vallès Oriental begins to roll:
Transporters, messengers, Delivery drivers, Telemarketing, Telecommunications, Riders, Logistics, Road maintenance….
We continue to grow as a County Federation!!
We wish you good health and success, colleagues!!
How to contact them? 👇
During an informal talk, colleagues from the union discussed the real danger of the rise of the extreme right in Europe and the world..
One of them said that the philosopher Bertrand Russell stated that “the fascists first they fascinate the fools. “Then they muzzle the smart ones.”.
A colleague added that the representative democracy [bourgeois] also seduces fools. But what, very insightful, buy from the smart ones.
To which another colleague stated that in the direct democracy, that we exercise, We aspire to turn supposed fools into conscious intelligent people who are masters of their own designs., despite the fact that demagogues and intelligent “bought” people constantly sneak in with the aim of preventing it.. Bad apples trying to spoil the rest of us. But they won't be able to.
Lots of Health, Grassroots Federalism and Direct Democracy!
The next course 2024-2025 it is mandatory to implement the FP reform that the Spanish government has promoted. There are many points without concreteness that lead to uncertainties and worries. Let's talk a little about the main points of concern, how they are:
– Reduction of regular training hours and a general drop in the quality of training.
– Extension of practice hours to maintain the duration of 2 years has been done at the expense of regular training
– Precariousness of students' work in companies, although it is assumed that the internship will be contributed to the social security.
– Manifest privatization of professional training since a good part of the training is entrusted to private companies.
Reduction of training hours
The reduction of teaching hours at the institute means a drop in the quality of the training for the student, already with enough lack of knowledge. It shortens your preparation time more and more against what will be your long future working and personal life.
The contents completely disappear, which previously indicated the minimums that had to be taught throughout the territory and were a guarantee to be able to approve studies and ensure equal training. Now only RA=Learning outcomes are assessed. There is a gap in the specific content of each profession, which means that students arrive at the company with less basic knowledge to develop their career, and it makes it even more difficult for him to develop his progress in the world of work in his sector. This causes people to stagnate and make them dependent at all times on their companies.
All modules lose hours of training specific to the professional profile at the center, for the benefit of other modules that have been considered more important and that constitute up to 60% of the hours of the cycles:
– A part of it goes to fatten the DUAL, which ends up constituting between one 25 and one 50% of the total hours of the cycle.
– Another part goes to transversal modules that are found in all training cycles of both middle and higher degrees. Bearing in mind that the teaching hours are one 25 we have weekly hours:
– technical english (2 h) 66 h. In Catalonia it was already done at middle level, now it extends to a higher degree.
– digitization (1 h) 33 h. Without discriminating whether the cycle needs it or not, how can you be the computer science case, fully digitized.
– sustainability (1h) 33h. The materials for the module have been commissioned by the private company Naturgy, which is the second or third of them 10 companies that pollute the most in Spain.
– Optional modules (2 a 3h) 66-99 h. They can have external Competence Units. That is, Learning outcomes of other training cycles.
As a comment, the name of some modules such as FOL is changed (Training and job guidance), OWN (Company and Entrepreneurial Initiative) i Synthesis (Final cycle project):
– “Personal itinerary for employability I” (3 h) 99 h
– “Personal itinerary for employability II” (2 h) 66 h
– “Intermodular project of 198 hours”
Another effect will be the decrease in the teaching staff in the short term, medium and long term. In Catalonia it is ensured that it will not affect the templates, at least the first year, since it is intended to replace the equivalent in deleted academic hours, for observer positions, as a casual visitor to companies and commercial projects. This denatures the teaching work that is his own, to replace it and probably eliminate it.
There is no guarantee that teaching hours can be maintained in the future and it is clearly where the cuts to come can be made. It seems like an infallible way to solve the teacher deficit that has been occurring in FP cycles in recent years.
Extension of practice hours
As has been said before, a large proportion of lost training hours go to DUAL:
– DUAL is the new name given by the Spanish government to the before they were unpaid internships or FCT=Work center training.
– Dual general (SENSE REMUNERATE): of the 25% a 35% of the hours (from 500 a 700 h). Catalonia is a pharaoh 515 h.
– intensive dual (PAID at the minimum): of the 35% al 50% (from 700 a 1000 hours of the cycle), with DUAL contract. In Catalonia 713 h (dual general+intermodular project).
The increase in internship hours in companies poses problems in finding additional places where you can do the DUAL with guarantees.
– Also in being able to carry out the achievement of these within the established deadlines.
– In addition, it favors the increase in bureaucratic and administrative tasks and makes it difficult for teachers to control them.
On the other hand, the vast majority of companies participating in the new model, they will not be able to ensure sufficient tutoring and that the learning achieved is not partial, specific, and intended to meet the urgent needs of each company. We do not believe that students learn the same in the company as in school i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, some hours cannot be substituted for others.
You are literally forced to start the DUAL in business in the first year with which:
– There is a lack of training for the student to start the internship.
– Fierce competition is established between Primary FP students, middle grade and higher grade. Lower level students, especially the Initial FP, they will have a very difficult time doing the practices compared to those at higher levels.
In many towns there are no companies that can absorb so many hours of practice.
– In the end, the creation of miraculous solutions is seen coming, such as setting up projects on the fly with students who cannot be placed.
– There will be many students who will not be able to finish the cycle in 2 years, duration that they have agreed to maintain.
evaluation “joint” Institute and Company
Because the Learning Outcomes that cannot be done at the institute must be done and evaluated by the company, qualified professionals will be needed in the companies to be able to do the training, the monitoring and evaluation of students, which are for them, the learners.
So the “tutors” of company must evaluate the RA's “transferred” i:
– The company will put one in each module 10% of the note.
– Students may not develop all the RAs as they depend on the specific company in which they do their internship.
There are no legal guarantees since neither the company guardians nor the companies, they don't have any kind of:
– training requirement such as teachers who must be engineers.
– control by the administration such as the teachers who have a teaching inspection.
– sanctions in case of non-compliance such as teachers who may receive sanctions or files.
The effect is that until the company has put its rating, the student has not passed the corresponding module. That is, that until the stay in the company has ended, will not be graded for the module. So:
– It is unknown what will happen with the scholarships, since they depend on the grades of the previous year.
– Business tutors usually evaluate by indications, there is no specific procedure or goal.
Privatization of the FP
A trend has begun to be detected for charter schools to offer payment for each student they take on for internships. In this way, public money will once again finance private companies to maintain an illusion of their collaboration.
The extreme case is that multinational companies are offering FP training cycles entirely privately or in concert with practices that take place in their own facilities. In this way, they already select staff at the time of training and segregate the incoming students.
The main consequences of these policies:
– There is a drop in the quality of training for the person, already with enough lack of knowledge. Their preparation time is getting shorter and shorter compared to what will be their long future working and personal life.
– Professional courses are emptied of content specific to each profession. This means that people arrive at the company with less elementary knowledge to develop their career, and improve your qualification and chances to progress in your sector.
– Participating companies, in general they cannot ensure sufficient tutoring and that the learning achieved is not partial, specific, and intended to meet only the needs of each company.
– There are no controls or penalties for companies that do not comply with the DUAL agreements. The training is in the hands of tutors from the companies who do not require a minimum of quality and previous training as if it is done with the FP teachers. Those affected are the people in training.
– There are not a few cases in which companies validate as equivalent to the qualitative training previously carried out by teaching professionals common activities of the "internships" such as sweeping or making photocopies. They are not all cases but a majority, and with all impunity.
– People in practice become free or precarious labour, since there is no remuneration in the DUAL. And people in intensive DUAL become cheap labour, but demanding as if it were professional staff. The remuneration barely reaches 300 monthly €.
– And to finish, there is a de facto privatization in VET with companies that offer training and internships to get docile workers with the minimum skills necessary for their specificity.
In Vallès Oriental, the workers in the education sector affiliated to the CGT union promote the organization in trade union sections of the work center.
Trade union sections are the basic tool for organizing workers and are not widespread in schools unlike any other company, where they are a regular organization.
The trade union sections enable the organization and real and autonomous direct participation of the workers of each work center to act, negotiate and improve working conditions, of particular safety and hygiene of the work center. An example could be the problems with the heating and air conditioning of the center in particular, which is well known that they will not be solved at the negotiation tables external to the reality of the center.
The constitution of the trade union section is not complicated and requires the participation of at least two affiliated people. The documentation is delivered to the Department of Labor and officially communicated to the work center if desired. From this moment on, there is the support of the union and it is even possible to call local strikes at the workplace.
Once the section is established, the mere fact of its existence makes the managements of the educational centers consider their decisions that affect the workers of the center. Conversations can be initiated to ensure that we are recognized as valid interlocutors and that we are informed of the decisions that are taken and have an impact on the working conditions of the workers.
lastly, to comment that our colleagues from other centers in Vallès Oriental, such as the Carles Vallbona Institute in Granollers or the ISMD in Mollet del Vallès have also set up trade union sections to try to make this right common to all centers.
This year it is May Day, again.
A day to continue paving the way towards the libertarian commune. Utopia.
Also to remember and pay tribute to all those ADMIRABLE people who have preceded us in the hard fight for a fair and equal world where the words "my, boss, I love Hierarchy» they will never exist again.
anonymous, the majority.
Millions of them before Chicago.
And those from Chicago.
And the thousands who lived and died with the VERY HIGH LOOK of DIGNITY, after.
Also for the recent ones, that are leaving us little by little.
Too often the romantic view of the worthy deeds of the past does not contribute enough to valuing our humble everyday heroes and heroines.
Well they are there. Between us.
In fact, WE ALL ARE!
– Let's not forget the worthy people.
– We extend a hand to a fellow in need.
– Let's spread the good received to the four winds and replicate it with new actions.
– LET'S KEEP LOOKING at the despot!
– For the young people who come behind us.
– We keep chipping away at the road to Utopia.
Next Friday 19 d'april to them 18 hours will be held at our location in the Ronda d'Orient, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a Press Round in charge of our affiliated workers, with the following contents.
We will take this opportunity to explain the events organized for May Day:
Friday 22 of March of 2024 the colleagues of the Ter Defense Group (GDT) they visited Mollet and we welcomed them to our premises to share their struggle and make visible the state of the waters, of the air and the social injustices of the pig sector in Catalonia.
The GDT is historic for having quarreled, fa 35 years, against the Puigneró textile for the pollution of the river. A historic victory for environmentalism and to defend the health of people and the environment before justice.
With the motto: "There are pigs left over, there is a lack of farmers" in the talk it was made visible that the raising and fattening of pigs has become a sector of speculation by capitalism. What, like everything where it is installed, it leaves negative externalities on the territory while business profits grow by creating a political lobby to keep the scam going. Money for four international vulture funds and as waste in the territory: slurry, disappearance of small farms, contaminated sources, methane emissions, increase in road transport, animal discomfort, exporting virtual water and creating a bubble about to burst.
To enter data, pig fattening means a consumption of 11l/day per pig, daily in Catalonia they stay there 8 millions of pigs. Slaughterhouses must be added to the accounts, on s'hi mates 40.000 pigs per day also from Aragon. It is an industrialized sector, where the feed already includes preventive antibiotics, hence we find both nitrates and antibiotic residues present in bodies of water. This implies that groundwater is no longer potable and increases the risk of bacterial resistance for people's health.
The analyzes carried out in the sources prove it to us and the politicians look the other way in the face of pressure from the business sector to continue growing despite the prevailing drought in Catalonia. The only solutions proposed by the administration are technological ones that are not very efficient in practice. We do not want to deflate a bubble that keeps Osona's economy by a thread dependent on a single sector.
There are alternatives: stop exporting pigs and maintain the sector and water for Catalonia's food sovereignty, compel companies to use their profits to restore Catalonia's bodies of water, to promote ecological and traditional livestock farming that keeps the rural population in dignified working and living conditions and to extend the debate between our spaces.
Fewer pigs and more farmers!!
Mobility in commuting from home to work and from work to home by private vehicle generates major traffic jams and is one of the major factors contributing to environmental pollution and climate change.
We think that the reduction of a large part of these polluting inputs is necessary, essential for the future of life on the planet. And in our sector it is possible.
With the aim of reducing pollution, the carbon footprint, the pollutant emissions during work journeys from home to work, achieve a supportive planet, sustainable and comply with the Sustainable Development Goals, we propose:
The rationalization of the distribution of the workers of the Generalitat de Catalunya in public children's education, primary, compulsory secondary and high school, taking as a structural criterion the proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.
It is quite common for a primary education teacher resident in Barcelona to commute to Canovelles every day to work, vice versa. And so for all the studies mentioned above. The teaching staff of the Generalitat amounts to more than 80.000 people. The impact of their daily mobility is not residual.
The approximation of distances between places of residence and work also improves the reconciliation of work and family life, the care spaces, saves time, life quality, well-being and health among workers.
We raise these groups of female workers mainly because they are the most abundant and widespread (including secondary education specialties) and more easily interchangeable with mobility criteria.
However, we consider that this should be a structural criterion of all Public Administrations in the allocation of places and competition for transfers.
That this same should be the line of action of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia in more specialized studies, as much as possible.
That transfer competitions be called, offering in a pedagogical way, trunk and priority the practical possibility of bringing the place of work closer to the place of residence.
The allocation of places is the result of a public competition using as a priority the criterion of proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.