Oct 282013
Elected the new Permanent Secretariat and general secretary of CGT in the person of José Manuel Muñoz Póliz.

The railway sector worker José Manuel Muñoz Póliz, from 51 year old, has been elected new Secretary General of the CGT on the last day of the XVII Confederal Congress that concluded today in the Auditorium of the University of A Coruña.

Affiliated with this union since 1986, He has been Secretary of Trade Union Action of the Confederal CGT of 2001 a 2005, and Secretary of Organization since 2005 a 2008.

They will accompany you in your new journey for the next four years, a team formed by Luis Romón, as Secretary of Organization; Lola vicious, as Secretary of Administration and Finance; Jose Aranda, as Secretary of Union Action; Irene de la Cuerda, as Secretary of Social Action; Jose Manuel Fernandez Mora, as Secretary of Communication; Desiderio Martin, as Secretary of Training and Occupational Health; Paula Ruíz Roa, as Secretary for Women; Jose Antonio Garcia de Merlo, as Legal Secretary; and Angel Bosqued, as Secretary of International. Vicente Blanco Lacruz renews his position as Coordinator of Ruesta. Jacinto Ceacero assumes the direction of Libre Pensamiento and Paqui Arnau of the newspaper Rojo y Negro.

Among the main challenges facing the CGT in this new stage, They emphasize the strengthening of the militancy and the participation of the unions and of the union action, to give a labor and social response on the street, in defense of rights and public services. All this within a model of combative anarcho-syndicalism, against the institutional unionism represented by CCOO and UGT.

Press Center: Juana Vazquez.

News from cgt.org.es

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