

In order to guide the training to your needs and concerns, We launched this form where you can give your opinion on the courses you are interested in taking.. At the same time , If you think it is interesting to take a course that is not on the list, Send it to us through this form or to the email

On the other hand, given the self-management of training, It would be interesting to have those delegates who have knowledge in a subject in order to share it with the rest of the membership through a short course., charla, etc.

CGT VO Training Secretariat

Fill in these details, Select the courses you would be interested in taking, and then click on “to send”:

>> Click on this FORM: Training options and proposals


1. Courses 2017

Training session: Trade Union Doubts: questions and concerns, on collective union action in companies
By Jessica Bolancel (legal field), Demetrio Bermejo and Charo Luchena (CGT union action)
Tuesday 27 March at 9:30 h
Marineta, Mollet del Vallès


2. Completed courses

Training: What is the CGT? Identity signs, organic structure and functioning
By Deme (CGT Vallès Oriental)
Saturday 18 of March 2017 to 9:45 h
Marineta, Mollet del Vallès

Basic course on LibreOffice
Write: Saturdays 21 Y 28 of November 2016, from 10:00h a 13:00h, and CGT VO, Mollet.
Spreadsheet: Saturdays 9 Y 16 of January of 2016, from 10:00h a 13:00h, and CGT VO, Mollet.

SalutLaboralBasica_CGT-VO_petitAdvanced occupational healthAdvanced Occupational Health Course
In charge of Marc Álvarez (CGT Prevention delegate, at the Synchrotron, Alba de Cerdanyola)
Wednesday 20 from January 2016, de 17h a 19h, in the premises of CGT Vallès Oriental.

Basic Occupational Health Course
By Alex Tisminetzky (secretary of Labor Health of CGT Catalonia)
Tuesday 27 October 2015, de 17h a 19h, in the premises of CGT Vallès Oriental.


 Posted by at 11:58