
Jul 022024

Si desprecias “al joven”, “a ella” o “al otro” no eres bienvenidx a la Confederación.

[Solamente serán unas breves líneas]

Todo empezó allá por el siglo XV (, más o menos con el famoso “descubrimiento” de América).

“Todo” fue la globalización del saqueo, extorsión, robo, explotación, esclavitud, violaciones, asesinatos, destrucción de las identidades culturales para conseguir [LOS AMOS] oro y mercancías.

Los inicios de la Acumulación Originaria Precapitalista: América, Asia, Oceanía, África

Para conseguir eso, mataron de hambre, impuestos y hundieron en la miseria secular al pueblo llano del antiguo Reino de Castilla, por ello hoy está “vaciada”.

[Lo mismo que sus homónimos al pueblo llano de Francia, Portugal, Bélgica, England, Holanda, Russia, China, Japón, USA…].

Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial “eso ya no quedaba civilizado” e hicieron ver que, por humanismo los liberaban: pero en forma de Estados Capitalistas Occidentales, favoreciendo a minorías sumisas y manteniendo el control de las minas y las plantaciones [Imperialismo Económico]. Más pobreza y hambre para el pueblo llano de aquellas latitudes.

Casi nadie desea huir de su tierra, la “patria chica”, si no lo empuja el hambre y la desesperación.

Que a Catalunya això no és nou, nassos! (Des de totes les comarques interiors, legions de deheredats cap a Terrasa, Sabadell, Baix Llobregat, Besòs i Barcelona).

¡Que en España eso no es nuevo, narices! (Desde todos los lugares a las barracas de Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla…).

Los y las imbéciles los y las despreciaban: catetos, paletos, xarnegos…

Despreciaban la “alteridad”, al último en llegar:

  • El “de afuera”.

  • El “nuevo o el aprendiz” en la fábrica.

En el fondo, el ruin y cobarde germen del odio al diferente.

Detrás de “ellos y ellas” solamente había nostalgia, hambre y pobreza.

Muchas personas mostraron hospitalidad hacia ellas. Ellas mostraron sobradamente su agradecimiento.


¿Que eran “españoles”? ¿Que els “primers” eren catalans?

Las y los anarcosindicalistas no tenemos patria. Sí identidades sociales y culturales diferentes que nos enriquecen y unen solidariamente con todas las personas [los amos y sus lacayos no son personas].

¿Que los extranjeros roban?

Es mentira. La inmensa mayoría de personas “extranjeras” busca trabajo y dignidad en su vida.

En todo caso una minoría de personas pobres roban o son incívicas. La inmensa mayoría de las personas en situación precaria sufre pasivamente y abnegadamente su desgracia.

OTRA COSA ES QUE LOS CRETINOS SOLAMENTE SE FIJEN CUANDO SU COLOR DE PIEL SEA DIFERENTE (o bien que encuentren el vandalismo o la delincuencia por parte de sus paisanos supuestamente “autóctonos” como cosa “normal”. Para hacérselo psicoanalizar)

Despojar a las personas de su dignidad, hurtándoles el derecho a ser conocidas por su nombre de pila y estigmatizándolas como “inmigrantes”o “delincuentes” en base a su lugar de nacimiento, lo hacen solamente los necios.

Aquellos y aquellas (abrumadoramente fueron aquellos) que sí que han robado y roban a manos llenas del sudor NUESTRO trabajo y NUESTROS impuestos son los AMOS:

Yes, los culpables de todo des del siglo XV y a los que los mezquinos no les falta lengua para adular servilmente.

Es necesario recordar que el “Escudo Social: education, sanidad pública, cohesión social…” que sale de nuestros impuestos fue creado con el objetivo de compensar y evitar las situaciones de pobreza extrema, no para alimentar las “mordidas” de los Empresarios y Políticos que todxs tenemos en mente.

Acaso al o la trabajadora xenófoba le preocupe realmente que algunos de “los otros” puedan tener sus mismos derechos y, mediante el esfuerzo propio, les superen en la “escala social” dejando al descubierto sus vergüenzas e ineptitudes.

El Instituto Nacional de Estadística nos ofrece unas pirámides de población muy gráficas [Catalunya y el Estado de España, a modo de muestra].


Pirámides de población de Catalunya y España, 2022 [Source: INE]

Los datos son de población residente empadronada. La misma fuente nos muestra en los dos casos una galopante tendencia al envejecimiento (población jubilada o a asistir en un breve futuro), tasas de natalidad bajísimas (seguramente lo serían más todavía sin contar con “los otros”, de hasta segundas generaciones), un crecimiento vegetativo (nacimientos menos defunciones) negativo y un crecimiento de población real positivo consecuencia del proceso inmigratorio (personas jóvenes y con mayor tasa de fecundidad que, huyendo de la miseria buscan un trabajo para dar dignidad a su familia y a su vida. ¿Nos suena?).

El contexto social y demográfico es alarmante, .

Si eliminamos las maniobras de distracción los responsables están claros. Y tienen mayoritariamente el Pedigrí de muchos más que 8 apellidos aristócratas y burgueses: SAQUEANDO A MANOS LLENAS DES DEL SIGLO XV.

Un Estudio económico establece que se necesitaría el Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) during 1.000 años de todos los Estados partícipes de los procesos coloniales para “compensar o restituir” el daño causado a los territorios y sociedades colonizadas.

El dolor causado por las violaciones y torturas ya es irreparable, al igual que la aniquilación cultural de sus identidades.

También al equilibrio de la Madre Tierra, “nuestro” Planeta.

Con toda probabilidad las sociedades culturalmente homogéneas simplifiquen la convivencia. También que LAS ABSOLUTAMENTE HOMOGÉNEAS EN TÉRMINOS DE CLASE SOCIAL EMANCIPADA, MÁS TODAVÍA (un mundo sin oligarcas ni burgueses explotadores, sin Poder).

Las y los trabajadores xenófobos necesitan con urgencia cambiar de foco e ir a la raíz del problema: su sumisión al Amo y a su mentalidad (hasta el pensamiento les tiene domesticado). Una vez reconstruida la propia conciencia autónoma, exigirle que dedique sus millones a restituir el mal hecho orgullosamente por sus familias y “los suyos”, para que “los otros” puedan volver a sus tierras y pueblos con garantías de tener una vida bien digna. Aquellos y aquellas que quieran, claro.

Si desprecias “al joven”, “a ella” o “al otro” no eres bienvenidx a la Confederación.

Jun 292024

Comença a rodar el Sindicat de Transports i Comunicacions del Vallès Oriental:
Transportistes, Missatgers, Repartidores, Telemàrketing, Telecomunicacions, Riders, Logística, Manteniment viari….

Seguim creixent com a Federació Comarcal!!

Us desitgem molta Salut i Èxits, companys i companyes!!

Com contactar-hi? 👇

Jun 042024
Next Friday 14 from June to 17 hours will be held at the Ronda d'Orient location, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a talk – Press round with the following contents:


May 252024

Durante una charla informal compañeras y compañeros del sindicato dialogaban sobre el peligro real del auge de la extrema derecha en Europa y el mundo.

Uno de ellos dijo que el filósofo Bertrand Russell afirmó que “los fascistas primero fascinan a los tontos. Luego amordazan a los inteligentes”.

Una compañera añadió que la democracia representativa [burguesa] también seduce a los tontos. Pero que, de manera muy perspicaz, compra a los inteligentes.

A lo cual otro compañero sentenció que en la direct democracy, que nosotros ejercemos, aspiramos a convertir a los supuestos tontos en inteligentes conscientes y dueños de sus propios designios, muy a pesar de de constantemente se nos cuelen demagogos e inteligentes “comprados” con el objetivo de impedirlo. Manzanas podridas que intentan echarnos a perder al resto. Pero no podrán.


¡Mucha Salud, Federalismo de Base y Democracia directa!

Apr 242024

El proper curs 2024-2025 és obligat implantar la reforma de la FP que ha impulsat el govern d’Espanya. Existeixen molts punts sense concreció que suposen incerteses i neguits. Parlem una mica dels principals aspectes preocupants, com són:

Reducció de les hores de formació reglada i baixada generalitzada de la qualitat de la formació.

Ampliació de les hores de pràctiques que per mantenir la durada de 2 anys s’ha fet a costa de la formació reglada

Precarització de la feina dels alumnes a les empreses, tot i que es suposa que es cotitzarà les pràctiques a la seguretat social.

Privatització manifesta de la formació professional ja que una bona part de la formació es confia a empreses privades.

Reducció de les hores de formació

La reducció d’hores lectives a l’institut suposa una baixada de la qualitat de la formació per a l’alumne, ja amb prou carències de coneixements. Escurça cada cop més el seu temps de preparació enfront de la que serà la seva llarga futura vida laboral i personal.

Desapareixen totalment els continguts, que abans indicaven els mínims que s’havien d’impartir a tot el territori i eren una garantia per poder homologar els estudis i assegurar una formació igualitària. Ara només s’avaluen RA=Resultats d’aprenentatge. Es produeix un buidat en els continguts específics de cada ofici que fa que l’alumnat arribi a l’empresa amb menys coneixements elementals per desenvolupar la seva carrera, i encara dificulta més que pugui desenvolupar el seu progrés en el mon laboral del seu sector. Això provoca un estancament de les persones i les fa dependents en tot moment de les seves empreses.

Tots els mòduls perden hores de formació específica del perfil professional al centre, en benefici d’altres mòduls que s’ha considerat més importants i que constitueixen fins al 60% de les hores del cicles:

Una part se’n va a engreixar la DUAL, que acaba constituint entre un 25 i un 50% de les hores totals del cicle.

Un altra part se’n va a mòduls transversals que es troben a tots els cicles formatius tant de grau mig com superior. Tenint en compte que les hores lectives són unes 25 hores setmanals tenim:

Anglès tècnic (2 h) 66 h. A Catalunya ja es feia a grau mig, ara s’estén a grau superior.

Digitalització (1 h) 33 h. Sense discriminar si el cicle ho necessita o no, com pots ser el cas d’informàtica, totalment digitalitzat.

Sostenibilitat (1h) 33h. Els materials del mòdul s’han encarregat l’empresa privada Naturgy que és la segona o tercera de les 10 empreses que més contaminen a Espanya.

Mòduls optatius (2 a 3h) 66-99 h. Poden tenir Unitats de competència externes. O sigui, Resultats d’Aprenentatge d’altres cicles formatius.

Coma comentari, es canvia el nom d’alguns mòduls com FOL (Formació i orientació laboral), EIE (Empresa i Iniciativa Emprenedora) i Síntesi (Projecte final de cicle):

– “Itinerari personal per l’ocupabilitat I” (3 h) 99 h

– “Itinerari personal per l’ocupabilitat II” (2 h) 66 h

– “Projecte intermodular de 198 hours”

Un altre efecte serà la disminució de la plantilla de professorat a curt, mig i llarg termini. A Catalunya s’assegura que no afectarà les plantilles, al menys el primer any, ja que es vol substituir l’equivalent en hores acadèmiques suprimides, per càrrecs d’observador, de visitador casual de les empreses i comercial de projectes. Això desnaturalitza la feina docent que li és pròpia, per anar-lo substituint i segurament eliminant.

No es garanteix que les hores de professorat puguin mantenir-se en un futur i és clarament on es poden fer les retallades que han de venir. Sembla una manera infal·lible de solucionar el dèficit de professorat que s’està produint en els cicles de FP en els darrers anys.

Ampliació de les hores de pràctiques

Com s’ha dit abans, una gran part de les hores perdudes de formació van a DUAL:

DUAL és el nou nom que posa el govern d’Espanya al que abans eren les pràctiques sense remunerar o FCT=Formació en centre de treball.

Dual general (SENSE REMUNERAR): of the 25% a 35% de les hores (from 500 a 700 h). A Catalunya es faran 515 h.

Dual intensiu (REMUNERAT al mínim): of the 35% al 50% (from 700 a 1000 hores del cicle), amb contracte de DUAL. A Catalunya 713 h (dual general+projecte intermodular).

L’increment de les hores de pràctiques a empreses planteja problemes en trobar llocs addicionals on poder fer la DUAL amb garanties.

També en poder dur a terme la consecució d’aquestes en els terminis establerts.

A més propicia l’augment de les tasques burocràtiques i administratives i en dificulta les de control per part del professorat.

Per una altra banda, la gran majoria de les empreses participants en el nou model, no podran assegurar prou tutorització i que l’aprenentatge aconseguit no sigui parcial, específic, i destinat a la consecució urgent de les necessitats de cada companyia. No creiem que l’alumnat aprengui el mateix a l’empresa que a l’escola i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, no es poden substituir unes hores per les altres.

S’obliga literalment a començar la DUAL en empresa al primer curs amb la qual cosa:

Hi ha una manca de formació de l’alumne per començar les pràctiques.

S’estableix una competència ferotge entre alumnes de FP Inicial, grau mig i grau superior. Els alumnes de nivells inferiors, sobretot la FP Inicial, tindran molt difícil fer les pràctiques enfront els de nivells superiors.

En moltes poblacions no existeixen empreses que puguin absorbir tantes hores de pràctiques.

Al final, es veu venir la creació de solucions miraculoses com ara muntar projectes a corre-cuita amb els alumnes que no es puguin col·locar.

Hi haurà molts alumnes que no podran acabar el cicle en 2 years, durada que s’han entestat en mantenir.

AvaluacióconjuntaInstitut i Empresa

Com que el Resultats d’Aprenentatge que no es poden fer a l’institut les ha de fer i avaluar l’empresa, caldrà professionals qualificats a les empreses per a poder fer la formació, el seguiment i l’avaluació dels alumnes, que són per ells, els aprenents.

Així elstutorsd’empresa han d’avaluar les RA’stransferides” i:

A cada mòdul l’empresa posarà un 10% de la nota.

Els alumnes poden no desenvolupar totes les RA ja que depenen de l’empresa en concret en la que fan les pràctiques.

No hi ha garanties legals ja que ni els tutors d’empresa ni les empreses, no tenen cap mena de:

requeriment de formació com els professors que han de ser enginyers.

control per l’administració com els professors que tenen inspecció d’ensenyament.

sancions en cas d’incompliment com els professors que poden rebre sancions o expedients.

Es produeix l’efecte que fins que l’empresa no hagi posat la seva qualificació, l’alumne no te aprovat el mòdul corresponent. O sigui, que fins que no s’hagi acabat l’estada en empresa, no tindrà qualificació del mòdul. So:

Es desconeix què passarà amb les beques, ja que depenen de les notes de l’any anterior.

Els tutors d’empresa normalment avaluen per indicis, no hi ha cap procediment específic ni objectiu.

Privatització de la FP

S’ha començat a detectar una tendència dels centres concertats a oferir pagament per cada alumne que incorpori per a les pràctiques. D’aquesta manera, els diners públics tornaran a finançar les empreses privades per mantenir una il·lusió de col·laboració d’aquestes.

El cas extrem es troba en que empreses multinacionals estan oferint els cicles formatius de FP de forma totalment privada o concertada amb pràctiques que es fan a les seves pròpies instal·lacions. D’aquesta manera, ja fan la selecció de personal en el moment de la formació i segreguen l’alumnat d’entrada.


Les principals conseqüències d’aquestes polítiques:

Hi ha una baixada de la qualitat de la formació per a la persona, ja amb prou carències de coneixements. S’escurça cada cop més el seu temps de preparació enfront de la que serà la seva llarga futura vida laboral i personal.

Es buida els cicles professionals de continguts específics de cada ofici. Això fa que les persones arribin a l’empresa amb menys coneixements elementals per desenvolupar la seva carrera, i millorar la seva qualificació i possibilitats de progressar en el seu sector.

Les empreses participants, en general no poden assegurar prou tutorització i que l’aprenentatge aconseguit no sigui parcial, específic, i destinat a la consecució només de les necessitats de cada companyia.

No existeixen controls ni sancions per les empreses que no compleixin els convenis de DUAL. La formació queda en mans de tutors de les empreses dels que no es requereix un mínim de qualitat i formació prèvia com si que es fa amb els docents de la FP. Les perjudicades són les persones en formació.

No són pocs els casos en que empreses validen com a equivalent de la formació qualitativa que abans feien professionals docents activitats habituals de les «pràctiques» com escombrar o fer fotocòpies. No són tots els casos però sí una majoria, and with all impunity.

Les persones en pràctiques es converteixen en mà d’obra gratuïta o precària, ja que no existeix remuneració en la DUAL. I les persones en DUAL intensiva es converteixen en mà d’obra barata, però exigint com si fos personal professional. La remuneració amb prou feines arriba a 300 € mensuals.

I per acabar, es produeix una privatització de facto en la FP amb empreses que ofereixen la formació i pràctiques per aconseguir uns treballadors dòcils i amb les destreses mínimes necessàries per a la seva especificitat.


Al Vallès Oriental els treballadors i treballadores del sector d’ensenyament afiliades al sindicat CGT potenciem l’organització en seccions sindicals de centre de treball.

Les seccions sindicals són l’eina bàsica d’organització dels treballadors i estan poc esteses en els centres educatius a diferència de qualsevol altra empresa, on son una organització habitual.

Les seccions sindicals possibiliten l’organització i participació directa real i autònoma dels i les treballadores de cada centre de treball per actuar, negociar i millorar les condicions laborals, de seguretat i higiene particulars del centre de treball. Un exemple podrien ser els problemes amb les calefaccions i climatitzacions del centre en particular, que se sap ben cert que no es solucionaran a les taules de negociació externes a la realitat del centre.

La constitució de la secció sindical no és complicada i requereix de la participació de al menys dues persones afiliades. La documentació es lliura al departament de Treball i es comunica de forma oficial al centre de treball si es vol. A partir d’aquest moment, es te el suport del sindicat i és possible inclús convocar vagues locals al centre de treball.

Un cop constituïda la secció, el sol fet de la seva existència fa que les direccions dels centres educatius es plantegin les seves decisions que afecten els treballadors i treballadores del centre. Es pot iniciar converses per aconseguir que se’ns reconegui com a interlocutors vàlids i se’ns comuniqui les decisions que es prenguin i tinguin incidència sobre les condicions laborals dels treballadors.

Per últim, comentar que els nostres companys i companyes d’altres centres del Vallès Oriental, com l’institut Carles Vallbona de Granollers o l’ISMD de Mollet del Vallès també han constituït seccions sindicals per mirar de fer habitual aquest dret a tots els centres.

Apr 192024

This year it is May Day, again.

A day to continue paving the way towards the libertarian commune. Utopia.

Also to remember and pay tribute to all those ADMIRABLE people who have preceded us in the hard fight for a fair and equal world where the words "my, boss, I love Hierarchy» they will never exist again.

anonymous, the majority.

Millions of them before Chicago.

And those from Chicago.

And the thousands who lived and died with the VERY HIGH LOOK of DIGNITY, after.

Also for the recent ones, that are leaving us little by little.

Too often the romantic view of the worthy deeds of the past does not contribute enough to valuing our humble everyday heroes and heroines.

Well they are there. Between us.

In fact, WE ALL ARE!

– Let's not forget the worthy people.

– We extend a hand to a fellow in need.

– Let's spread the good received to the four winds and replicate it with new actions.

– LET'S KEEP LOOKING at the despot!


– For the young people who come behind us.

– We keep chipping away at the road to Utopia.



Apr 122024

Next Friday 19 d'april to them 18 hours will be held at our location in the Ronda d'Orient, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a Press Round in charge of our affiliated workers, with the following contents.

We will take this opportunity to explain the events organized for May Day:

En acabar s’obrirà un torn de dialèctica.
Mar 302024

Friday 22 of March of 2024 the colleagues of the Ter Defense Group (GDT) they visited Mollet and we welcomed them to our premises to share their struggle and make visible the state of the waters, of the air and the social injustices of the pig sector in Catalonia.

The GDT is historic for having quarreled, fa 35 years, against the Puigneró textile for the pollution of the river. A historic victory for environmentalism and to defend the health of people and the environment before justice.

With the motto: "There are pigs left over, there is a lack of farmers" in the talk it was made visible that the raising and fattening of pigs has become a sector of speculation by capitalism. What, like everything where it is installed, it leaves negative externalities on the territory while business profits grow by creating a political lobby to keep the scam going. Money for four international vulture funds and as waste in the territory: slurry, disappearance of small farms, contaminated sources, methane emissions, increase in road transport, animal discomfort, exporting virtual water and creating a bubble about to burst.

To enter data, pig fattening means a consumption of 11l/day per pig, daily in Catalonia they stay there 8 millions of pigs. Slaughterhouses must be added to the accounts, on s'hi mates 40.000 pigs per day also from Aragon. It is an industrialized sector, where the feed already includes preventive antibiotics, hence we find both nitrates and antibiotic residues present in bodies of water. This implies that groundwater is no longer potable and increases the risk of bacterial resistance for people's health.

The analyzes carried out in the sources prove it to us and the politicians look the other way in the face of pressure from the business sector to continue growing despite the prevailing drought in Catalonia. The only solutions proposed by the administration are technological ones that are not very efficient in practice. We do not want to deflate a bubble that keeps Osona's economy by a thread dependent on a single sector.

There are alternatives: stop exporting pigs and maintain the sector and water for Catalonia's food sovereignty, compel companies to use their profits to restore Catalonia's bodies of water, to promote ecological and traditional livestock farming that keeps the rural population in dignified working and living conditions and to extend the debate between our spaces.

Fewer pigs and more farmers!!

Mar 182024

Mobility in commuting from home to work and from work to home by private vehicle generates major traffic jams and is one of the major factors contributing to environmental pollution and climate change.

We think that the reduction of a large part of these polluting inputs is necessary, essential for the future of life on the planet. And in our sector it is possible.

With the aim of reducing pollution, the carbon footprint, the pollutant emissions during work journeys from home to work, achieve a supportive planet, sustainable and comply with the Sustainable Development Goals, we propose:

The rationalization of the distribution of the workers of the Generalitat de Catalunya in public children's education, primary, compulsory secondary and high school, taking as a structural criterion the proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.

It is quite common for a primary education teacher resident in Barcelona to commute to Canovelles every day to work, vice versa. And so for all the studies mentioned above. The teaching staff of the Generalitat amounts to more than 80.000 people. The impact of their daily mobility is not residual.

The approximation of distances between places of residence and work also improves the reconciliation of work and family life, the care spaces, saves time, life quality, well-being and health among workers.

We raise these groups of female workers mainly because they are the most abundant and widespread (including secondary education specialties) and more easily interchangeable with mobility criteria.

However, we consider that this should be a structural criterion of all Public Administrations in the allocation of places and competition for transfers.

That this same should be the line of action of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia in more specialized studies, as much as possible.


That transfer competitions be called, offering in a pedagogical way, trunk and priority the practical possibility of bringing the place of work closer to the place of residence.

The allocation of places is the result of a public competition using as a priority the criterion of proximity between the place of residence and the place of work.

Mar 172024


Inspection supports union complaint, uncovering suspicious practices.

The company claims it only shows data to individual employees, ignoring the rights of the Legal Representation of Workers.

Clear breach of the Workers' Statute!

The UTE must allow access to workday records to the Legal Representation of Workers as dictated by law in Article 34.9 of ET.

Another case that calls into question transparency and labor rights!!





Mar 122024

Next Friday 22 from March to 18 hours will be held at the Ronda d'Orient location, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a talk-debate by the Ter Defense Group on the sustainability of the industrial farm model and the effects on environmental pollution, climate change and water pollution.


Industrial farms, Food, Slurry, Nitrates and Water.

Talk and Debate by the Ter Defense Group.

Friday 22 from March to 18 hours.
Ronda d'Orient, 6 (Mollet del Vallès) [in front of the Mollet-Sant Fost train station]


Mar 112024

In response to the latest statement from the UTE dated 22/02/24:

If the UTE tells us a story, the RLT also knows how to tell stories, stories and fables...

Once upon a time there was a Temporary Business Union, leave OUT, who boasted of being the most kind and generous with her workers. They offered them free coffee, extra days off and even massages in the break room. Nevertheless, behind that façade of benevolence, The UTE had a hidden plan: They wanted to take away all job benefits from their employees to maximize their profits..

On the other hand, the Legal Representation of Workers together with the working staff, who were known for being relentless in defending workers' rights. They did not tolerate abuse, no injustices and were willing to fight to the end for what they considered fair.

When the time came to adapt a new agreement, The UTE tried to impose abusive clauses that curtailed workers' rights. Nevertheless, these, led by the Union Section of the CGT, They flatly refused to accept the unfair conditions. They called an assembly and, unanimously, They decided that they would not allow them to reduce their salary or any other benefits.

Leave OUT, surprised by the resistance of her employees, decided to report them to court. But unfortunately, The judge assigned to the case turned out to be a fair and staunch defender of labor rights. He dismissed the UTE's demands and ruled in favor of the workers.

Humiliated and defeated, The UTE was forced to withdraw with its tail between its legs. He never again attempted to undermine the rights of his employees, who celebrated their victory with joy and pride. And so, History showed that justice always prevails, even on the most powerful companies.

And red colorín, This story is over.

                                                                                                                LONG LIVE THE STRUGGLE OF THE WORKING CLASS!




Mar 082024

Suddenly the explosive effervescence with which the economic powers, politicians, media and theirs collaborators trade unions make an epidermal and instrumental facade for women's rights. The rest of the year, a wasteland (unless they find some opportunity embodied in a "woman" of the affluent or privileged class, intending to make synecdoche with him 99% of women remaining). It seems to work for them.

We understand that they are talking only about their wives, clar. The Executives are very clear about the concept of social class and have no interest in modifying it in favor of women (and the rest of the people) of our social class.

Among the popular classes (workers) reality confirms that we are not very clear, all together:

From the Occident, headed and headed in reductionisms more of identity narcissism than of collective interest, we waste day by day the energies of the earth's disinherited by looking at the finger that very intelligently invites us to look at the "Sage", instead of incorporating all of the women, homes, teens, children around us in the struggle of the thousands of bonfires that everywhere should illuminate the reciprocal collaboration towards the most disadvantaged people in our environment, and even more… the ultra-exploited ones from all over the planet, and animal and plant life on Earth. EVERYTHING goes into the game.

In the meantime, the politician, the entrepreneur, he take care and his puppets tokens sex, gender or race are focused, they throw us bread crumbs and circus, and they literally piss in our faces:

Among those who, enthusiastic and excited, they open their mouths wide so as not to lose a single drop, and those who are blown away by their grandiloquent navel, we have it very hairy.

Lucky for the not a few decent people who still see and act clearly, despite the dense fog! With these we have the humble pride of living with them on a daily basis.

The freedom of working class women will never achieve true equality in patriarchal societies.:

– Classism is patriarchal.

– The Executive Power is patriarchal.

– Representativism (politician, labor or "expert") it is patriarchal.

– Tokenism is patriarchal.

– Passivity is patriarchal.

– Narcissism is patriarchal.

– Private Property [of the means of production and services] it is patriarchal.

– Centralism is patriarchal.

– Non-direct democracy is patriarchal.

– Gregarism is patriarchal.


The vital context and the socialization process of people define their cultural background, their cognitive identity and mentality in a decisive way.



– Mutual help.

– Direct Democracy.

– Basic federalism.

– Confederalism.

– Dignity and Honesty.



That today, like every day of our life, the more folded people we push towards Utopia to the extent of our strength!!

Feb 222024

Comrades s, after a year since the complaint of the Abertis surrogate group, on three breaches of CUN III and the Christmas Lot of 2021 and having been treated by:


In all of them they have ruled in favor of the workers and the Company has been sanctioned with a
INFRINGEMENT classified as SERIOUS in labor matters of the LISOS LAW.

The UTE today informed us that they will partially comply with the resolution:
– Days of own affairs year 2021, for your enjoyment during the 2022:
They will be compensated 2,5 days of own business. (Request them in time, for company organization. We advise first ordering the 2,5 days of 22). (For this one 24 you have a total of 5.5 days).
– Christmas lot year 2021.:
It will be paid in the February payroll. 57,57€. (Observe that it is reflected in the payroll as a Christmas Lot concept 2021).
– Flexible office hours:
The UTE refuses to adapt the schedule as indicated in the Art. 20 of the CUN III.
– PCF Ticket Restaurante:
The company denies the right to Art. 38 PCF without the possibility of having a Restaurant Ticket card.

From the CGT union section, the company's position leaves us with a bittersweet taste and we want to express our concern about the decision taken to accept only part of the resolutions proposed.. We are shocked by the company's criteria in choosing to assume only two aspects of these resolutions and discard the rest.. We are no longer surprised by the way in which the UTE admits its responsibilities, on this occasion by omitting compliance with the provisions of Art. 38 of the PCF, in relation to the Restaurant Ticket Card, and in Art.20 on Flexible Office Hours.

The lack of transparency of the Company in what was communicated to the Workers' Representatives last day 8, in relation to the mentioned personnel, where it was said that the Construction Convention would apply from the publication of CUN IV, and that the working conditions of Abertis would continue. It is contradictory that the lack of application of the Article is not corrected 38 and the article 20, since the company assures that the Abertis conditions for these personnel will be maintained.

The response of the UTE to this disagreement, has been that the same conditions that applied to date will continue to apply, and the rest don't. That is to say, they will continue as in an open buffet., They will select parts of the agreement they like and discard those they don't.. further, On the other hand, they tell us that they had judicialized the conflict and at the same time they deny it., claiming that it was still in process.




Feb 172024

STAHL is a recognized Dutch multinational in the chemical sector related to equipment for the textile and leather industries located in Parets del Vallès.

STAHL is projected abroad as an innovative company with excellence, the research, ecology and sustainability, collaborating with the Parets del Vallès Town Council and opening the doors to the educational centers of the region to show their virtues.

[Alguns links clarifiers]

What STAHL does not explain and seems to keep under the carpet is what affects its inhumane treatment of workers: belittlement, depersonalization, treatment as numbers and erosion of labor rights.

European and Spanish legality allow and protect workers to organize themselves to defend our rights and thus guarantee a more dignified life for our families, sons and daughters. But it seems that STAHL does not agree.

The dates of the union elections are approaching and the Management dismissed a worker, still convalescing from an illness, alleging TARGET DISMISSAL (justifiable only for alterations or structural readjustments of production that affect its solvency) at the same time as it is in full swing of expansion and recruitment of new workers.

The fact is that this colleague is very active in the Trade Union Section of the CGT demanding improvements in the rights of all STAHL workers and is part of our union's candidacy for the aforementioned union elections.

The colleague has been singled out and sentenced in an intimidating manner, taking advantage of his fragility and social isolation by being on leave, as a Turkish head so that people preemptively soak their beards if they intend to vote for the CGT in the next union elections. Paralyzing fear spread from mouth to mouth among the protesting workers… «who will be next?». But we already know this music! And we dance it well enough! Maybe the one who doesn't know is the company.

Incomprehensibly, the CGT is enemy number one 1 of those unscrupulous employers who do not wish to improve the rights and conditions of workers thus contributing to global happiness. On the other hand, philanthropic and humanist entrepreneurs adore our honesty and selflessness in the fight for the sustainable development of the planet without poverty and with social equity. And this is the action of the colleagues of the CGT in the company. In the hands of what kind of entrepreneurs is STAHL? Which side is he on??

In any case, STAHL is always in time to rectify. It's wise.

Either way, we will have our colleague readmitted to his workplace. It is up to the company to ensure that your suffering and that of your family is as short-lived as possible. Also the prevention of an uncertain development conflict that will surely tarnish its international image as an innovative company, ecological, sustainable and social.

Not just co-workers, otherwise the entire CGT will not stand idly by and we will start the whole network and machinery of social action, union, solidarity and mutual aid until the colleague is readmitted and the rights of the workers respected by STAHL.



Feb 102024

Too often companies violate labor laws and regulations with absolute impunity.

In companies where the workers are not organized, we find ourselves in the most absolute defenselessness and submission, at the will of the boss's despotism. And we live in a silence of fear, very afraid…

Where we decide to organize ourselves with colleagues, warmth and mutual solidarity give us the security to vindicate our rights and dignity, despite the difficulties and the fear of reprisals.

We are not fooled, the political and legal system is designed to make it difficult for us to organize and act autonomously (direct action) and favors the supposed collective "negotiation" at the highest levels by the "unions" most tamed by power, rewarded with constant promotion and direct subsidies and indirect favors. It also puts sticks in the wheels of direct trade union action while favoring the systematic judicialization of any claim (which could be solved with the habit of various strikes or boycotts around the company: no company can handle it for more than a few days, and we have a thousand strategies to make them more poignant, long while reducing the impact on our pockets).

Obviously, all of this goes up in the air when the company communicates that it wants to close or reduce production. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DIG THE WELL WAY BEFORE YOU GET THIRSTY.

The Trade Union Organization is the Association of Workers in various companies with the objectives of defending our common interests against employers, share knowledge, resources, strategies, collaborations, mutual aid and join forces when necessary.

Too often employers feel so unpunished in their arbitrariness and abuse that they disregard their own legality:

Lavabos bruts, absence of dining room or dressing rooms, machinery in bad condition, poor ventilation, lack of personal protective equipment, non-compliance with breaks and holidays, obligation to exceed the legal working day (even without remuneration), black money, non-compliance with the remuneration of the category of the job carried out, contractual breaches, threats, bullying… they are very common on the part of the bosses who "watch out for us" without the Parliaments or the Governments in turn even moving. They just look the other way.

* In these situations there is a useful and effective tool, despite being slow due to the lack of investment in personnel to deploy it with widespread effectiveness: THE COMPLAINT [CONFIDENTIAL] A THE WORK INSPECTION.

– It is a resource in instance format where we have to indicate personal data, those of the company and explain the situation of flagrant non-compliance with any labor law or regulation.

– Documents and photographs can be attached as proof.

– Management and our identity IT IS CONFIDENTIAL (only the Inspector will know our identity, expressly protected).

– It can be submitted online:

Here, the link:

– If more information is required, the inspector can call us (ALWAYS GUARANTEEING OUR CONFIDENTIALITY).

– The resolution of your action will be returned to us in writing.

– Although it takes months, they act, I'm sorry and I'm a fan.

* There is also the LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSPECTION MAILBOX … COLLABORATE which allows a complaint to be made completely anonymously (it can be of situations in other companies as well) so that even the inspector will not be aware of it (in this situation we will not be considered an interested reporting party and we will not receive any feedback on the evolution and development of the inspection process).

Here, the link:


It is called Autonomy and Emancipation: A SMILE ON THE LIPS.

Jan 242024

“There are people who don't like that workers join together to defend our collective rights and build a new just world. It's the same people who don't like to be talked about, it is written or thought”.

L’ Ovidi Montllor would have signed it.

Continue reading »

Jan 122024

Too often desperate people come to the union: "I've been fired, the companyri harass me, they don't pay me what is due to me, fa of the months that I don't get paid»…

It is often too late to keep a job and for anything other than bureaucratic prosecution.

Too often they are situations of individual affect [understanding that they usually affect many people in the same company, but that these assume them and manage by way of personal and not collective] that could have been avoided or prevented through collaboration and organization with the other fellow workers, sharing sorrows, common needs and taking the initiative of their destinies, which at the same time are those of their families.

All of this we call EMANCIPATION and AUTONOMY. The colleagues with more knowledge in the fight for the dignity of workers' rights share their baggage with the rest: payroll interpretation, health and safety at work, right to public holidays, compliance with current laws such as the workers' statute and collective agreements, organization in trade union sections, report to the labor inspection, right to protest and strike. And the most important thing so that they don't step on us: the feeling of being a collective and the support of all the workers standing up against the abuses of the employers.

Because we are people, not things.



Too many times desperate people come to the union: "I got fired, the businessman harasses me, They don't pay me what I owe, "I haven't been paid for two months."…

Too often late to keep the job and for anything other than bureaucratic judicialization.

Recurrently, these are situations of individual impact. [understanding that they usually affect many people in the same company, but that these are assumed and managed personally and not collectively.] that could have been avoided or prevented through collaboration and organization with the rest of the working colleagues, sharing concerns, common needs and taking the initiative for their destinies, who at the same time are those of their families.

We call this EMANCIPATION and AUTONOMY. The comrades with the most knowledge in the fight for the dignity of workers' rights share their background with the rest: payroll interpretation, security and health at work, right to holidays, Compliance with current laws such as workers' statutes and collective agreements, organization in union sections, complaints to the labor inspection, right to protest and strike. And the most important thing so that they don't step on us: the feeling of being a collective and the support of all the workers standing together in the face of the abuses of the employers.

Because we are people, not things.


Dec 072023

We are pleased to inform you that from the joint action of the educational centers of Maresme and Vallès Oriental we have forced the Generalitat to carry out the compulsory annual medical examination in all Catalan schools and institutes, in compliance with the Statute of Workers and the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks (which up until now were passed over with impunity).

As a strategy we have used the sum of many individual complaints from workers to the Labor Inspectorate, skipping the inefficient corporate months, that they did nothing but throw balls out about it. Collective Action i Direct we call it.

As a result of our complaints, the Labor Inspectorate requires the Department of Education of the Generalitat to carry out this in all schools in the non-university public network and gives it until the day 9 of July of 2024 to make them effective.

Let's be on the lookout from all the work centers so that the annual regularity is met and maintained.

We encourage you to continue reporting to the Labor Inspectorate to further increase the pressure and public shame of the Generalitat. They take a year to respond, but it works.

We remind you that complaints to the Labor Inspectorate are free and guarantee the confidentiality of the person making the complaint.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF TO REPORT AND DEMAND AN ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION AT YOUR SCHOOL, INSTITUTE! [also in any work center in any sector where it is not fulfilled]

We attach the link to the complaint model and the argument to be presented. For any doubts contact us:


[The complaint model]


That in compliment of the Article 4.2 of the Workers' Statute and the articles 14 jo 22 of the Law 31/1995, from 8 November, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales all companies should carry out an annual medical examination for all workers in their centers.
That the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya has been for years, in some cases up to a decade, without fulfilling this responsibility with the workers who depend on them, in all the provinces of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.

– That your institution requests the corresponding documentation from the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– That your institution put an end to this negligent action that threatens the right to occupational health of workers.
- That your institution investigates the causes of this violation and establishes responsibilities.
- That from this same course 202
3-2024 and henceforth the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya complies with its obligation to guarantee the corresponding annual medical check-up for all the workers in its centers, or to its centers and/or organizations that depend on them, are hired directly, o no. However, exercise the corresponding proactive responsibility in cases where results among its workers require it.