Mar 112016

Video debate and talk on the struggle of the Kurdish people,
by the Azadí Platform
Photographic exhibition: "So that freedom is not just a wish"
(of the 14 al 18 March)

Friday 18 of March of 2016, at 18:00


“Honorança to Sakine, Sapling and Leyla” (2013)
About the murder, to Paris, very Kurdish activists: Sakine Cansiz, Don't Tell Leyla about Fidan Dogan, he 9 of January of 2013.

"Red Democracy without a state" (2015)
The experience of women’s militias in Rojava, Syrian Kurdistan, narrated by themselves.

Coinciding with the Newroz (any new Kurdish), we carry out these activities in solidarity with the Kurdish struggle for the construction of a confederate Kurdistan without the oppression of any state.. In these times when they are being harassed on all fronts, by DAESH (the fascist Islamic state) as a common enemy, but also with the continuous military attacks of the also fascist state of Turkey (candidate for new member of the European Union). Kobanê is a symbol of resistance against jihadist forces amid the destruction of Syria. However, Rojava aroused international interest in his project of democratic confederalism, with the construction of a horizontal socio-political structure, organized into thousands of communes, local assemblies and autonomous territorial councils, as the basis of a revolutionary project that has a broad base of social support.

This revolution and the struggle of Kurdish militias also means breaking with the patriarchal structures of domination and the liberation of women., which maintains an equal role in defense, education and territorial organization positions. Women play a relevant role in the organization of society from the ground up. The revolutionary process of the Kurdish people has led to the achievement of this new political and economic model, inspired by social ecology and libertarian municipalism, model of a new concept of revolution and construction of collective social freedom.

Up those who fight!!

CGT Vallès Oriental

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