Sep 102020
Moria Refugee Camp

From the General Confederation of Labor we want to show our full support and solidarity with all refugees from Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos, who have had to be evacuated as a result of the fires that have destroyed the Refugee Camp where they were living badly since their arrival on the island after fleeing their countries of origin.

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Jan 052018


The organizations of the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles agree that the capitalist system, and their “crises”, It has consequences throughout the world and we want to work together to oppose antisocial attacks and win new rights, strengthen unionism to break with capitalism and expand, make more effective, this network.º-encuentro-de-la-red-sindical-internacional-de-solidaridad-y-de-luchas







May 102017


Wednesday 10 of May 2017, 19:00h
Plaça Sant Jaume

This Wednesday 10 May 2017 a demonstration is carried out globally in all places of the world, to repudiate the decision of the Argentine government to extend the benefits of the so-called “2×1” (reduced sentences, which accounts 2 years 1 year sentence), extend this to the genocides of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983).
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Jan 232017

A few members want to set up a group to think and act against borders with a view to the free movement of people but also taking into account what causes the need to migrate and seek refuge., as well as the everyday borders that lie in or around our city (YOU, deportations, racism, farms…)

There is a lot of work ahead and the more we are the better. If you want to get involved, we invite you to a meeting in which we will try to define ourselves by finding answers to:

  • What we are?
  • What we want to do?
  • How we organize ourselves?

The meeting will be next Wednesday 25 from January to 18:30 at the headquarters of the CGT of Catalonia (C / Burgos 59, downs, very close to Sants Station) open to anyone affiliated with the CGT of Catalonia.

If you think you need to work on this topic and are motivated to help as much as you can, come and participate.

+ info: article CGT Catalunya
+ info: article CGT Diputació de Barcelona

CGT Catalonia
Social Action Secretariat – Confederal Committee

Dec 302016

Mikel Begoña and Freedom!Once again. If a few weeks ago our partner Lola had to suffer the real face of a Europe sick of undisguised institutional racism, now it's Begoña and Mikel's turn. As part of a campaign of disobedience, members of the Permanent Social Forum of Euskal Herria have been arrested 28 of December by Greek police, while trying to get eight refugees into a caravan.

The story that each refugee carries in her backpack has several pages of dangerous paths, sometimes fleeing wars or political persecutions, others of misery. If you are lucky enough not to be one more number to add to the thousands of drownings in the Mediterranean every year, a clandestine life awaits you across borders until you reach your destination, where the state repressive apparatus will look for you to lock you in a CIE or send you to a safe area, such as a Turkish concentration camp.

In this succession of crimes against humanity there are people who extend their hand in solidarity. This is unacceptable to states. And that's because it's not just about questioning the racist assembly of fortress Europe, but because it also dismantles false institutional discourses: a rotten mask that can no longer cover the true face of the European capitalist system.

The CGT of Catalonia shows its active solidarity with the two detained comrades and makes itself available to its support group.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
29 of December of 2016

Dec 032016

cgt-lola-gutierrez-dilluns-20161205CONCENTRATION Monday 5/12 at the Consulate of Greece
c / Freixa, 6 Barcelona (FCG La Bonanova) at 10 am

Our partner from CGT, Lola gutierrez, has been imprisoned in Greece since last Sunday 27 of November, after his arrest at the Athens airport, accused of helping a Kurdish refugee flee the war and, probably, of death.
We celebrate that there are people who, due to their active involvement in the face of injustice, act on the ground, risking his own life and freedom. It turns out that our partner is one of those many supportive and generous people who have the courage to confront repressive regimes like that of Greece, country in which she remains in prison as she is considered an enemy of the state and will only be released when she is extradited and reaches Barcelona.

The European Union's agreements with Turkey to act as a barrier to immigrants and the humiliating treatment in Europe of those fleeing hunger, wars and death, You can have no other response than to disobey all laws that prevent people seeking refuge from being saved, through actions that allow helping all those who want to continue to have a future.

Illegals and criminals are part of the governments of countries that pledged aid and practice hot returns or internment of immigrants. We still remember the shameful photos of European leaders and their promises of aid to refugees.
From the CGT we are going to continue demanding the freedom of our colleague Lola Gutiérrez, we want her in Barcelona NOW, and we are not worth excuses from a "progressive" Greek government that imprisons those who are in solidarity with the most disadvantaged.



CGT Barcelona

Oct 092016

NO TTIP act CGT VOThe so-called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP in English), they intend to sign between the European Union and the US, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA in English), between the European Union and Canada, are two “agreements” who try to sneak us in secret and wanting to go unnoticed, but that would totally transform our reality as workers, and as citizens in our societies.

These two “agreements” they seek to equate the legal frameworks on both sides of the Atlantic to the laws that prioritize profit and theft by multinationals and large economic corporations, with the complicit collaboration of states, governments, intermediaries, companies and other parasites of the capitalist system.

These agreements that they would sign between them, but that in the first place affect us and us, the working class, they are an attack to outline the new panorama that they intend to establish, pretending to argue with the great lie of “economic growth” and the “competitiveness”. In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, like the ecological, the sanitary, the agrarian, the legal, the politician, The education, etc, obviously sets its sights on the productive system, In the laboral world. If the path to follow is the Yankee labor model, we have it clear.

Attack on labor rights

Regarding labor and trade union rights, keep in mind that harmonization could result in downward equalization. In the United States, labor and union rights are conspicuous by their absence, while in the European Union for now they are guaranteed, but not harmonized, at least formally.

The US has only signed two of the eight agreements of the International Labor Organization (OIT), those opposed to child labor and slave labor, but not those that refer to collective bargaining or the right to organize and associate. Nor has it ratified the International Covenant on Economic Rights (including labor, union and health), social and cultural, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. In the US there are “facilities to work” (availability for employment or employability), instead of work. The call has been placed Workfare, the acceptance of any job under pressure by the unemployed (From a neoliberal vision, the unemployed are held responsible for their own situation, and not to the socioeconomic context that produces unemployment, poverty and inequality), which is also paradoxically called right to work (right to work). The minimum wage is not established, or safety and health in the workplace.

In addition to all the areas affected by these treaties, we highlight the direct attack that they mean to our rights as workers, already beaten enough for years, but telling that we are still fighting and claiming a world of equal and free people, without flags or borders, without masters or slaves.

Actions against TTIP and CETA

For all this, from the CGT del Vallès Oriental we convene and inform about the actions against the TTIP and the CETA that we will carry out this next Thursday 13 October in Mollet del Vallès, with information tables in the morning and afternoon, reporting on the meaning and scope of these treaties, and how they would affect our lives and that of the planet as a whole. Likewise, he Saturday 15 October a international day of fight against TTIP in all Europe, to which we joined with the screening of an explanatory documentary video and the subsequent debate talk, in Marineta, Saturday 15 October at 6pm.

From the CGT Vallès Oriental we denounce and say NO to these capitalist agreements whose sole objective is to totally dismantle the working class to impose a slave labor market at bargain prices and without any kind of rights..

NO al TTIP, CETA and other free trade agreements!!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Jul 232016

ProjektA_Ananzeige14Logos.inddFollowing the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Saturday 23 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Marineta (Pl. Church, 7, Mollet del Vallès, a 100 mts of the Old Town Hall), we will have the presentation of the poetry group "Bio-Slow", who present themselves in this way:

THE BIO · SLOW (POETRY TO THE RESCUE) It is a current project that encompasses poets and performers on the Barcelona stage, repeatedly or occasionally, depending on the case. The main purpose is to bring poetry to the street, or present it where it was not expected (thus escape from a closed circle where poets attend acts of poets). We are interested, particularly, be on the barricades, instead of just in the comfortable rear guards of conventional recitals.

«Project A»

Later we will also exclusively pass the documentary «Project A», from Marcel Seehuber & Moritz Springer (2016).

Financial crises and waves of refugees, social inequality and ecological catastrophes, terrorism and wars ... Western civilization is like a bullet train speeding up against a wall. And to the control of the controls, governments that apparently are not capable of solving people's problems. Aren't they even part of the problem?Are there alternatives?

Project A is a documentary that contradicts the typical cliches about anarchism and makes one thing clear: Another world is possible. Be in the Exarchia district in Athens, with its anarchist influences; protest actions against nuclear energy in Germany; CGT, as the world's largest anarcho-syndicalist organization, in Spain; or the projects of the Catalan CIC cooperative or the Kartoffelkombinat group in Munich, also cooperatively organized.

These activists contribute their idea of ​​an independent existence of the State and its structures, based on equal rights and with the objective of a solidarity and community economy.

Project A brings to the table an alternative vision of the world and shows some anarchist ideas of life and joint action. A form of society in which no one should have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, the earth or other people.

Documentary trailer


We wait for all and all!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Saturday 23 de Julio - La Marineta Civic Center
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"

Jul 172016

First of commemorative days of the 80 Social Revolution Anniversary.

Awesome !! The exhibition… 26 panels that tell us about the libertarian movement, AIT, self-management, anarchosyndicalism and Communism Libertario inter.

After the documentary was passed “economy Col.lectiva” It is showing how in the early months of the Spanish Civil War, in Catalunya men and women workers, stop after the coup, companies took, the collectivized, reduced workplaces and improved their facilities and machinery, improving productivity and quality in the produce, unifying wages, introducing some companies the family wage, although what is given more is the reduction of differences between occupational categories, medical care for l @ s @ s worker who could not work and a similar or equal to the obrer @ activ salary is guaranteed @, 60a retirement with salary between 50 and the 85%, It is reduced unemployment by creating new jobs and working hours reduciedo… what became clear was that the work had, It had to distribute. As an example in the collectivized barbershops one shift 8h is replaced by two 6 and a half hours a day, and Textile Industry Badalona working time is reduced to 32h weekly.
the price is low rent, increase public performances (cinemas, theaters…), schools are created, training centers for l @ s worker @ s, libraries, journals, it improves water supply system, the light, the transports, communications and lower prices for all services.

It's the economy at the service of citizens, without bosses or masters and the margin of any government, so autogestionaria.

Are the years that Catalonia is more independent in its history without a doubt, It has its police, Your army, has it all ... until May the 37 which is operated by the central government.

It also shows how from the government led by the Socialist Largo Caballero and then by Juan Negrin, fearful of social and economic transformations in Catalunya, boycotted the whole process, they did not want it to work collectivization. They also had fear that the people of Catalonia majority unionist had a power of weapons
On the one hand were the CNT, FAI and POUM, Supporters of collectivization and secondly the UGT (who had participated in the collectivization), PSUC, left Republicans, the Government of the Generalitar directed by Lluis Companys and the central government that boycotted the whole process to destroy.

Jordi Viader finally we talked about the Dairy Industry Socialized, how it was conducted collectivization, improvements of machines, the installations, unification of dairies and happened several photos on the topic…

You can see everything (unless documentary) in this video.

Apr 112016

“The EU-Turkey agreement is almost human trafficking”

This is an attack on "European values". In recent days, Central European leaders have used the phrase to refer to the terrorist attacks in Brussels in 22 March, which ended the life of 35 people. And is that the European Union, according to its Charter of Fundamental Rights, “It is based on the indivisible and universal values ​​of human dignity, of freedom, equality and solidarity; is based on the principle of democracy and the rule of law. ”.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Mar 072016

migrations-europeNor do they represent us, they don't even care. Today all over this Capitalist Europe the press talks about the new summit, the nth, in which experts (there is an inexplicable majority of "them" over "them") Together with the theorists responsible for migration policies, they will put the same arguments on the table as always.

And it is that this EU was born with an "original sin" with which it will always have to live: the people did not ask for it nor did it, he thought it, organized and formalized capital through the shaping hands of his servants in governments.

It is not a Europe of the people, it is a Europe of goods, capital and finance.

CGT already denounced it when they were forming it; we repeat it when Rome, Maastricht o Lisboa; We denounce it together with the ESF and together with the anti-globalization movements in Brussels, Madrid, Prague o Genoa (Health, Carlo!).

Those who gather at these Summits have come out of ballot boxes that, more than any other, they are far, far away, of your constituents. If any Parliament represents for CGT a wrong way of managing society through the quadrennial delegation of powers of the citizen, those of the European Parliament are its maximum expression of remoteness and appropriation.

To top, the chosen ones seem the best selection of uselessness to find solutions. They are a directive machine, we have thousands, for any small matter. But they have not given a solution to a single problem that real citizens - those who ask for work, food and roof instead of circus, speculation and prada bags- they have been raised.

And now, when thousands of people flee the effects of weapons manufactured - and therefore sold- from public or private companies in our countries; when thousands of them leave their homes for distant "paradises" due to the incompetence of our management - whether active or passive- in international conflicts; the only thing we know how to tell them, from glass palaces like the European Parliament or the House of Lords, is that the crisis has hit us and that right now we only need highly qualified or under-qualified labor, but that they come with a dropper and with a total disposition to exploitation.

Some of those well-dressed European parliamentarians argued in their defense that migration issues, habitually, and even more at this time of wars and massive displacement, are highly difficult to manage. We ask ourselves, what is the use of having experts and professional politicians if it is not for the difficult?

What happens is that they know who they represent, to the owners of money and merchandise. The only thing that matters is keeping their masters happy, not its people. And we can add that their masters are not the ones who pay their salary, that comes from our taxes. Doesn't that sound weird?

CGT supports any action of solidarity with migrants, refugees or whatever you want to call, always focusing on that no person is illegal, that we are not merchandise and that the best solution is the one that allows no one to have to forcibly leave their place of origin.

While the summit is being held, Erdogan continues to bomb Kurdish cities, (Cizre y Diyarbakir) with the acquiescence of the EU, that financially endows the Turkish State to retain refugees fleeing wars. The EU, look the other way and in this way legitimate barbarism and violation of human rights.

We and we will continue to give our solidarity to all those forced to abandon their land and their homes.

CGT Confederal Committee

Dec 142014
L @ ​​s activists specialized in Palestine; Manu Pineda, Paloma Montuenga, Jalil Sadaka, and Rosa Merino, They are provided in this interview to give voice to the Palestinian people from their field experiences, and his extensive knowledge in research into the problems that cause the Zionist occupiers.

communication CGT
Aug 142014

ManifestDownload statement in pdf

19 of July. Palestine Team of the RR.II Secretariat. The CGT

It is reiterative to remember the confederal position of support for the Palestinian population. How our rejection of totalitarianism is immovable, to abuse of power, to the oppression of any state and/or government over its inhabitants or its neighbors. Continue reading »

Jun 142014

Party CNT-66 14 June 2014

Today we attended the CNT-Solidaritat Obrera party 66, The companions have been holding this party for years in various places around Perpignan. Yesterday it was held in Salses-le-Château and we were attended by colleagues from CGT Berga, Girona, Barcelona and Vallès Oriental. Some photos of the day. We include some that our colleague J has given us.aèn Boyer.