Jul 172016

First of commemorative days of the 80 Social Revolution Anniversary.

Awesome !! The exhibition… 26 panels that tell us about the libertarian movement, AIT, self-management, anarchosyndicalism and Communism Libertario inter.

After the documentary was passed “economy Col.lectiva” It is showing how in the early months of the Spanish Civil War, in Catalunya men and women workers, stop after the coup, companies took, the collectivized, reduced workplaces and improved their facilities and machinery, improving productivity and quality in the produce, unifying wages, introducing some companies the family wage, although what is given more is the reduction of differences between occupational categories, medical care for l @ s @ s worker who could not work and a similar or equal to the obrer @ activ salary is guaranteed @, 60a retirement with salary between 50 and the 85%, It is reduced unemployment by creating new jobs and working hours reduciedo… what became clear was that the work had, It had to distribute. As an example in the collectivized barbershops one shift 8h is replaced by two 6 and a half hours a day, and Textile Industry Badalona working time is reduced to 32h weekly.
the price is low rent, increase public performances (cinemas, theaters…), schools are created, training centers for l @ s worker @ s, libraries, journals, it improves water supply system, the light, the transports, communications and lower prices for all services.

It's the economy at the service of citizens, without bosses or masters and the margin of any government, so autogestionaria.

Are the years that Catalonia is more independent in its history without a doubt, It has its police, Your army, has it all ... until May the 37 which is operated by the central government.

It also shows how from the government led by the Socialist Largo Caballero and then by Juan Negrin, fearful of social and economic transformations in Catalunya, boycotted the whole process, they did not want it to work collectivization. They also had fear that the people of Catalonia majority unionist had a power of weapons
On the one hand were the CNT, FAI and POUM, Supporters of collectivization and secondly the UGT (who had participated in the collectivization), PSUC, left Republicans, the Government of the Generalitar directed by Lluis Companys and the central government that boycotted the whole process to destroy.

Jordi Viader finally we talked about the Dairy Industry Socialized, how it was conducted collectivization, improvements of machines, the installations, unification of dairies and happened several photos on the topic…

You can see everything (unless documentary) in this video.

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