Oct 042014

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) is an organization of workers, taking decisions in assemblies and aims to transform society to make it fairer, more equal and more free. To carry out this social change the CGT It starts intervening in reality closer, the workplace, although it goes far beyond, also affecting all other areas of life (the House, health, teaching, environment, discrimination of any kind, antimilitarism, public services, etc…)


Nowadays, in any workplace, we find ourselves faced with the precarious: double pay scales, loss of purchasing power and poverty wages, flexibility and mobility, increasing work rates, shift changes and reducing workers' rights that are agreed with the unions of the regime without asking, closures, relocations, mass layoffs,… and a host of attacks that appear to be borne by society as a natural thing.

Against this order of things it is what we fight against the CGT.

Because when working people join together in defense of our interests, when we are and who we make decisions that affect us, when we organize and realize that we can make this change, beginning to take responsibility for deciding on our own affairs, then the transformation of reality we want begins.


The CGT It is an autonomous and independent union any other interest than that of the working people who constitute, stranger to political structures, business, religious or other sign, It makes its own decisions mechanisms direct democracy, in assembly: one one affiliate, a vote. Delegates and CGT delegates are spokespersons, people elected by their peers, to develop our union model, based on participation, in claim and in mobilizing.

The CGT practice unionism radically different to the union of the regime, using this you our own identity, which they are participation, the Solidarity, transparency, ethics and direct action. We raise our demands and problems directly to the company without the intervention of anyone, making choices among all of.

It is these mechanisms that ensure that things can change when membership in the CGT decides to run union elections for works councils.

It is for these reasons that we ask for Voting CGT. That is why you want to organize in CGT. But if the end decides otherwise, we ask is that you do not be manipulated. You decide yourself, be your own decision. They do not give a blank check with your ID to vote for you, because it is an indignity we pay each and all.

You decide to. For you to be star of your own life.

CGT vote is to vote honesty and commitment. DO NOT HESITATE VOTE CGT

Rate CGT A5 leaflet Castellano.pdf
Rate CGT leaflet Catala.pdf

source and posters cgt.org.es

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