Jun 142015

Vienna Strike 13 June

Balance of the 2nd day of the Strike in the Vienna of Montmeló

Saturday day of classifications in the MotoGP Grand Prix 2015, The colleagues from Vienna Montmeló began to set up the picket from early.

The day passed more or less calmly., but now with a greater influx of motorcycling public, especially foreign.

Anyway, We all kept the accesses covered, and on behalf of the company they put another security guard, as if that would change anything. Beyond a couple of puppets (maybe friends of the company), who returned to provoke, and a couple of cars loaded with motorcycle attendants who are arrogant towards their colleagues on strike., no one passed. To those who passed, They had a good fight as close as possible to their tables., so that the sandwiches could choke on them and circulate quickly, so that as quickly as they ate them, they were going to shit.

Already in the afternoon, The company reused the word written the day before and hung the poster again, throwing in the towel:

“We regret that we cannot provide the night shift service..
The management”.

Second round won, another day of losses for them and a battle won by the workers of the Vienna Montmeló.

Let that force continue, companions and companions!!
We admire you and continue by your side!!!


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