Mar 062023


The CGT union summons concentrations for days 9 Y 16 of March, to 11:00h., in front of the company offices, (State B Highway Maintenance and Exploitation Center-04) UTE AP7 VALLÉS (OHLA group).

● Meeting point at 10:30h in Bread and wine restaurant: Can Perellada Street, 26, nave 1, 08170 Montornés del Vallés

We denounce the situation of persecution and dismissals that this company is carrying out with the subrogated personnel for the maintenance works of the AP-7 motorway, responsibility of MITMA (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agency).

Se está despidiendo al personal más antiguo y cualificado ante una clara maniobra de reducir costes sin causa justiciada.

We demand that the company abandon these practices.

no to layoffs, readmission!!

On the other hand, la UTE ha abierto un proceso de negociación derivado de la aplicación del Art.44 del ET para el paso del Convenio Cun III (Abertis private agreement), to the Construction Agreement, where pretende dinamitar las condiciones laborales y beneficios sociales que con el paso de los más de 50 years have been achieved. Said measures range from a severe economic adjustment to modifications of the working day and rest time, and removal of all social benefits. They all want to do all of this., all, Even though the Workers know that MITMA grants them an annual allowance of 745.000 € for the salary difference between Agreements. Partida que la empresa se quiere embolsar para otros fines…

The benefit of the contract does not have to be with the salary of the Workers!!

We will not accept the mutilation of our labor rights!!

Contact: David – 687576994

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