May 242014

Text published in “Worker Solidarity”, Gijon, 25 from December to 1909, and that has not lost its validity

Vote, but listen – Ricardo Mella

Had, on the eve of the last elections, the humor of looking into the paradise of a certain theater where an electoral rally was being held. For me it was a new spectacle in which old friends with broad ideas took part with new people with very limited orientations.. Continue reading »

May 172014

CGT lanza una campaña por la abstención activa ante las elecciones europeas Abstenerse el 25 de mayo es el mejor referéndum para que las personas expresen su desacuerdo con este sistema social y político

El 25M, gane quien gane, ganará la banca y las multinacionales y seguirá gobernando la troika CGT considera que la autoorganización y la lucha en la calle es la mejor garantía que tienen las personas trabajadoras para la defensa efectiva de sus intereses. Continue reading »

May 142014

“Whereas now, how you cross your arms and sleep on the laurels of providence-vow, councilors, deputies and ministers, however radical and socialist they may be, they will continue the routine of empty speeches, of foolish laws and of the cominera administration. And you will long for popular instruction, and you will continue as donkey as before, you will cry for freedom and as tied as before to the ring of the salary you will follow, you will demand equity, Justice, solidarity, and they will give you guts and more gums of decrees, of laws, regulations, but not a bit of what you are entitled to and do not enjoy because you neither know nor want to take it by your hand.”

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