Jul 142016

80aniv-revol-social-granollersTo mark the 80th anniversary of the revolution 36, a l’anonymous from Granollers There will be a series of activities organized by’Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental and with the support of the CGT, Embat, CNT and FAC, down below:

  • De l'1 of 30 July, photography exhibition "When freedom was not just a wish".
  • Sunday 17 July, commemorative lunch.
  • Wednesday 20 July, has the 19h, lecture-debate Miquel Izard, historian and author of the book "Let them know it and not forget us. Summer's unlikely the 36 Catalonia »

On: anonymous (beers, meals and think)
Michael Ricomà, 57, Granollers.

For the dinar to be held Sunday 17 July a l’anonymous possible on the mail: anonimsgr@gmail.com o al tel. 93 860 07 89.
Share the spirit 36. We will wait for you!!!

CGT Vallès Oriental

Jul 122016

Poster-80-aniv-Revolution-Social-2016Companions, companions,
are met 80 years of summer 1936, when workers and popular classes took to the streets to stop the coup and start an impetuous process: Social Revolution.
In a few months enormous social advances were achieved as never before in the history of mankind: collectivization of industry and field, secular and libertarian education, participation of the people in all areas of decision, an active and equal role of women in economic activity and radical transformation of society.
Anarchy dream, but also forged, he got up…

Today like yesterday, 80 years later, from the CGT union we continue to struggle daily in our workplaces, in the streets and squares, both neighborhoods as well as in social networks, in schools and universities, in all areas where the capitalist system seeks to take away the dignity, our freedom, our lives as free people, autonomous and solidary, our social spaces so often trampled upon and rebuilt many times. You spent decades, but we @ s still fighting, we continue dreaming and building a world free of borders, free of oppressors and parasites, a world of equal and free people.

We @ s know a way to commemorate the past: Confronting this we do this bleak, we do vindicating those same libertarian principles, and we do it in order to change all our society and globally, by building an egalitarian society, solidary and libertarian.

And this time we do also from culture, from music to move our bodies and hearts, from history and present ideas to flow like water, from the share with comrades talk about good times and freedom.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Friday 15 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00 Opening of the exhibition "The Social Revolution"
18:30h documentary "Collective Economy"
Con Jordi Viader, journalist and historian.

Tuesday 19 July - Civic Center Can Borrell
18:00h Opening of the exhibition "Free Women"
documentary "Indomitable, A History of Free Women "

Thursday 21 of July – Civic Center Can Pantiquet
19:00h Presentation of the book "Anarchy Works"
Con su autor Peter Gelderloos.

Friday 22 July - Park Can Mulá
20:00h a 21:30h music "Scandol Jackson”
21:30h a 22:00h Mitin.
22:00h a 23:45 music "Muyayo RIF"

Saturday 23 of July – The Civic Center Marineta
18:00h poetry group "Bio-slow"
18:30h Documental "Projekt A"

Sunday 24 of July – journey through Mollet
10:00h Ruta de las colectivizaciones in Mollet del Vallés.

Video Days:

Jul 072016

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

In this summer they meet 80 years from when our society carried out the transformation dreamed of for decades: the libertarian social revolution.

From the CGT we organize the celebration of this 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, not only as a recovery of the historical memory that we need so much as a society, to understand the current moment and to perceive where we are going, but also to see that those who so often treat us as utopian, dreamers of impossible things, You are wrong, because we keep dreaming and acting to turn everything around, so that this capitalist system ends up falling and then build and consolidate a libertarian society, open, egalitarian, a society where the priority is once again people and not the market, where people can develop as free and supportive beings and where social freedom is the parameter and measure for all human relationships.

On Friday of next week we start the activities, what you can see in this poster and program.


CGT Vallès Oriental
