Feb 152014

The General Confederation of Labor has presented today a complaint with the Attorney General of the State to investigate the facts of the past 6 February on the border of Ceuta, in order that proceedings be opened to establish the facts and responsibilities where appropriate depuar.

The CGT union has registered a written complaint in which he urged the prosecutor to open proceedings and actions to clarify the facts, because they are competing for investigation of the Prosecutor for existing direct and immediate responsibility for the Forces Security State in the wrongful act that caused the drowning of migrants and on the alleged illegal expulsion of the eyewitnesses.
Secretary of Social Action of the CGT, Irene de la Cuerda, has stated that “It is the duty of the prosecution to investigate the facts that were killed at the least 9 immigrants, and deportation of immigrants reached Spanish soil, It follows as a violation of human rights”, at the time commented “the union is awaiting the result of the actions of the Prosecutor to initiate other actions”
CGT reminded the assembled media that the subject of the complaint is “that proceedings be opened to clarify the facts and establish responsibilities where appropriate, since it is a matter of utmost gravity that you can not hushing up waiting to pass his media interest”.

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