Jan 162014
The Trade Union of the CGT Burgos, to the mobilization of neighbors and neighbors of Gamonal against the construction of an underground car park and a "boulevard" on the street that runs through the neighborhood Vitoria, manifests and demands:

1º) Support and solidarity to the struggle starring neighborhood neighborhood, right now it is an example of dignity and struggle for the country.

2º) Do own the agreements adopted by the Assembly of neighbors, encouraging and sharp of this Union to participate in the Assembly and making available to the Assembly, as far as possible, the resources of the Union.

3º) Urge other local unions to reject the project as a unit of City Hall and act accordingly in the trade union field.

4º) The immediate cessation of work, the withdrawal of police forces and the release of all detainees.

5º) Open an investigation into those who have driven this unnecessary and megalomaniac project, of continuing to impoverish the working class of Burgos and debug the corresponding responsibilities, economic and political.


Piedad Manjón Marin

CGT General Secretary-Burgos

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