Jul 242016

20160723_184438The poetry of the "Bio-Slow" moved our hearts and fists, positioned us, the ground shook but calm because we know where we step.

On Saturday afternoon he shouted at La Marineta, where more than twenty long people listen with their skin to the torrent of words like lashes that "Bio-Slow" they were tearing us. Unstoppable, we had to almost gag them to continue with the planned activity.

So the documentary «Project A», that we expected from silence and uncertainty, without knowing what we would find, but eager to know what that was about draft in which many of us are involved. There was an expectant silence, attentive to what was said, there was identification with the militant and combative attitude, both in the stories of Athens and in Germany; there was surprise at the appearance of our CGT confederation, but not from its more combative current aspect, but reduced to the historical memory of a glorious past as CNT; there was smile, silence and confusion, with the cooperative narrative about Catalonia and Germany.

And a lively debate was generated around these issues, because if we are looking for something precisely it is to open spaces and times of debate, so necessary to find us, strengthen our bonds of solidarity and transform everything from below.

CGT Vallès Oriental

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