Mar 112024

In response to the latest statement from the UTE dated 22/02/24:

If the UTE tells us a story, the RLT also knows how to tell stories, stories and fables...

Once upon a time there was a Temporary Business Union, leave OUT, who boasted of being the most kind and generous with her workers. They offered them free coffee, extra days off and even massages in the break room. Nevertheless, behind that façade of benevolence, The UTE had a hidden plan: They wanted to take away all job benefits from their employees to maximize their profits..

On the other hand, the Legal Representation of Workers together with the working staff, who were known for being relentless in defending workers' rights. They did not tolerate abuse, no injustices and were willing to fight to the end for what they considered fair.

When the time came to adapt a new agreement, The UTE tried to impose abusive clauses that curtailed workers' rights. Nevertheless, these, led by the Union Section of the CGT, They flatly refused to accept the unfair conditions. They called an assembly and, unanimously, They decided that they would not allow them to reduce their salary or any other benefits.

Leave OUT, surprised by the resistance of her employees, decided to report them to court. But unfortunately, The judge assigned to the case turned out to be a fair and staunch defender of labor rights. He dismissed the UTE's demands and ruled in favor of the workers.

Humiliated and defeated, The UTE was forced to withdraw with its tail between its legs. He never again attempted to undermine the rights of his employees, who celebrated their victory with joy and pride. And so, History showed that justice always prevails, even on the most powerful companies.

And red colorín, This story is over.

                                                                                                                LONG LIVE THE STRUGGLE OF THE WORKING CLASS!




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