Dec 092021

We left by coach from Mollet on Friday 17 at night. Reserve your place in the mail or telephone of the union. Registration period until 12 from December

In the Confederal Plenary celebrated the past 7 October it was decided that the CGT would be in the streets of Madrid next 18 from December, to defend our demands on labor reforms, repressive laws, pensions, ecology, feminism etc., take back the streets for the working class.

From the Permanent Secretariat we reiterate our offer to move to any Sector Federation, Territorial or Local that organizes an Informative Assembly to mobilize the membership to participate in the demonstration. In the same way a third of the cost of the buses that travel to Madrid that day will be covered.

It is clear that this year and a half of pandemic has only served the interests of the most powerful classes: The great fortunes have not stopped growing, fascism occupies the positions of power, the media and even the streets, on the contrary we, that we mostly put the corpses in the pandemic, we are already paying the consequences of a new economic and social crisis, but it seems that we are not being aware of it.

Europe is not going to rescue us. The European Recovery Funds is the great lie that they tell us to keep us in our homes and that it seems that most of us prefer to believe in order not to have to go out and mobilize. But this crisis, as happened with that of 2008, solo the working people and their families will pay it.

Of the 140.000 million euros promised more than half are loans that we will have to repay and the rest will be committed to structural reforms that Europe will demand of the Spanish state in matters such as health, education, employment or pensions. If we take into account that of the total tax collection of the state only a small 8% corresponds to corporation tax, being the main part paid by the working classes through personal income tax and VAT, a 88% of the total, we already know who are going to return the money to Europe. Some funds that will be distributed in a majority way by the large IBEX companies, so that we also continue without manufacturing anything.

It is clear that the labor reforms will not be repealed, on the contrary, they will be cosmetic modifications that in many cases will impose more sacrifices on workers. The pensions will not see the last two legal modifications canceled either., far from this, the requirements for accessing retirement will become more stringent. We are already seeing how the different administrations they continue with their policies of privatizing public education and health, as if the pandemic had not served as an example.

For these reasons and many more it is essential that the CGT is on the street, protesting and claiming, in each sectorial conflict that is necessary, but also in a unitary way to defend ourselves from an unprecedented aggression that we are already suffering as a class and that will worsen with each passing day.. It is necessary for the CGT to fill the streets of Madrid on 18 December with one voice:

For social justice

People before capital

For the repeal of labor reforms and repressive laws

In defense of public services and pensions, guarantee the real CPI

12:00 hours

Pza. Blessed María Ana de Jesús until the Congress of Deputies

Source: Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

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