Nov 242021

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

There is a lot of violence that women suffer daily in this capitalist and patriarchal system, and on many occasions becomes invisible and normalizes. We will not be complicit with our silence. So, the day 25 of November, we open our eyes and raise our voices all together to say: Enough!!

Enough of macho murders, Enough vicarious violence, of economic violence ... in short, Enough of patriarchal violence. We raise our voices, to demand security, respect and equality, in all the spaces of our lives.

Our body and our sexuality are not weapons to destroy the enemy, nor trafficked in the hands of exploiters, nor reproductive vessels at the service of the market, nor are they the territory of any religion, nor of lonely or herd rapists.

The violence that takes our lives, that tortures and oppresses us, that violates us, that objectifies our bodies and impoverishes us, is here and around the world. Sometimes painfully visible, but many others live with us and is accepted by this society What, for instance, the omission of the gender perspective in medicine.

For this hetero-patriarchal capitalism it is "natural", and even necessary, the existence of a ultra-right that denies sexist violence, pursues sexual diversity, encourages hatred towards Trans people and is openly racist, knowing that she is protected by punitive justice. They want us quiet, submissive, obedient, broken ... But they will find us more united, with greater sisterhood and diversity, more independent, more fighters.

The current labor market is not immune to the violence that women suffer. We have the lowest wages, the most precarious jobs, we are the majority in the unemployment queues and, when we retire, we receive misery pensions, perpetuating the wage gap and discrimination suffered during our working life.

Conversely, we are the base that supports unpaid jobs, the essential care to maintain life and the system itself.

From CGT we will continue organizing ourselves to make visible and denounce the scourge of state violence.

A patriarchy

More of 1.300 murdered women


Source: Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

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