Jan 312022

Manifest_3FDownload pdf

The workers and workers are used to not being given anything. The Government's agreement with the employers and the leaders of the CCOO and UGT is no exception. Beyond the hype, the truth is the Government fails to fulfill its promises and abandons its commitment to repeal the labor reform of the Popular Party. With this new reform, it legitimizes and reinforces the central pillars of the labor reforms imposed by the PSOE of Zapatero first and Mariano Rajoy later..

With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered, With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered (ERE), With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered, With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered, With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered. With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered, With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered, With this agreement, severance payments and processing wages are not recovered 14% of female workers are included in agreements that have a clause that guarantees wage increases at the same level as the CPI, Unlike 2008, where were included 70% of employees This "no reform" continues to allow the company to unilaterally carry out substantial changes in working conditions. As Aznar has recognized the president of the CEOE employers' association, Antonio Garamendi, this agreement does not touch the basic pillars of the previous reforms and this cannot be considered in any way an advance.

It is an illusion to consider that it is possible to improve working conditions by allowing employers to have the right to veto labor legislation. The famous "social consensus" means giving up establishing legislation that is clearly favorable to the working class: there is a parliamentary and social majority that would allow progress and reverse the setbacks imposed for decades. In a context of economic and ecological crisis such as the current, push for courageous legislation in favor of the working class and that reduces corporate power, It is the least we can demand from a government that calls itself progressive..

That is why, The undersigned organizations demand that the Government stop agreeing on our rights with the bosses and promote labor legislation that increases the power of the working class.

In that sense, repeal the labor reform must include the following points:

  1. about layoffs:
      • Prohibit layoffs in companies with benefits.
      • Recover processing wages and severance pay 45 days per year worked.
      • Given the inadmissibility of the dismissal, recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement.
  2. recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement:
      • recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement (recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement) recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement.
      • recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement. recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement, recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement 15% recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement. recover the worker's right to opt for compensation or reinstatement.
  3. Against the outsourcing of works services:
      • Item Modification 42 referred to the subcontracting of works and services to avoid their fraudulent and crooked use.
      • Prohibition of the outsourcing of processes that are part of the main productive activity.
  4. Recovery and prevalence of the sector agreement:
      • The Sectoral Agreement must establish the framework conditions for all the people in the sector, reserving to the Company Agreements the improvement of what was agreed in the sectoral ones, not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed.
      • not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed.
      • not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed.
  5. not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed: 32not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed.

not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed, not being able to negatively modify what has already been agreed

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