May 062012
After the birth of the movement the 15 May and the great milestones of the camping, the 19J and the 15O, the next big date will be 12 May when large demonstrations are called throughout the state and new encampments that will last until 15 of the same month when the anniversary of the movement is celebrated.
numerous assemblies, among them that of Sol, have already announced the intention to repeat the encampments between the 12 and the 15 despite threats from the Minister of the Interior or the Madrid Government Delegate. In the capital, it is intended to bring together in a single demonstration the different "tides" that have been activated in recent months (green for education, white for health, blue for public water, red of the unemployed, feminist violet), which would be joined by marches that would leave hours before from towns and neighborhoods. Meanwhile he 12 It will be the day to manifest 15 intends to engage in disruptive actions, among those that sound the most civil disobedience in the style "I do not pay", the blockade of transport and communications nodes, occupations of buildings and public spaces, mass sending of e-mails to authorities and withdrawal of money from banks to transfer it to ethical entities.
Same as him 15 October the mobilization aims to be global and demonstrations are called all over the planet, which are reported on the web An interactive map shows more than 500 activities planned around the world. The coordination between 15M and Occupy Wall Street will try to overcome the success of 15O. The growing maturity of both movements, the anticipation in the organization of the appointment and the growing acuteness of the crisis make us hope that this will be the case.

To learn about the Global Mayo:

- Specific websites for # 12M15M
Calls and diffusion:
assemblies, minutes and news:

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