Apr 262023

1Th MayDownload pdf

Against the suffocating rise in prices. Direct action!

comes a new 1 de Mayo and we went out into the street with our traditional protest demonstration, one more of the many demonstrations that the CGT makes throughout the year, like the one in the past 11 March in Barcelona against the increase in the cost of living and the freezing of salaries.

We continue to bear the deterioration of our living conditions, with a rise ofunstoppable prices of what is basic for a decent life: housing and energy supplies (gas and light), food and transportation. And we have no compensation in the very poor salary increases and agreements that are being signed in the companies, with the blessing of themajority unions sold out at the service of capital and its interests.

At once all privatization processes and cuts in services do not stoppublic.

has now been approved new pension reform that does not improve working class conditions, since it does not reduce the retirement age and keeps it at 67 years.

at the same time, instead of defending the public, have been created "Pension Plans ofEmployment", that pretend to be the substitutes for the damned private pension plans and that, of course, will be managed by the private sector. Against this, we have the example ofFrance where the attempt to increase from 62 a 64 years the retirement age has led to theworking class on the streets, massively, why considers it a loss of rightsunacceptable.

With an unemployment rate close to 13% and a youth unemployment rate close to 30% we have tostrongly resume the reduction of the working day and the distribution of work: work less so everyone can work, evidently without reducing salary, So what we have to do is spread business profits and capital wealth.

As long as the gag laws are not repealed and are maintained as a tool for control and repression of the protest. The year of the centenary of the assassination of Salvador followed, workeranarcho-syndicalist, It has to serve us as an example that always, the rights are achievedthrough direct action and struggle in the streets and workplaces.

Long live the 1 of May!
Long live the struggle of the working class!
Long live the CGT!!

Apr 142022

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

Nor will they make us believe, nor will they silence us

What had been promised as the solution to the problems of the working class has been nothing but a new disappointment and a huge failure.: the new reform supposes the definitive legitimation and consecration, by the self-proclaimed most progressive government in history, of the most damaging aspects that were already advanced in the labor reforms of the 2010 (Zapatero government) and the 2012 (govern Rajoy).

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Apr 212019

La lluita sí que serveix

Sense cap dubte, la consecució de la jornada laboral diària de 8 hores és la fita més important del moviment obrer de l’Estat espanyol. Un èxit que va venir precedit per una vaga que va durar 44 dies i que es va iniciar a l’empresa Riegos y Fuerzas del Ebro de Barcelona, coneguda popularment com “La Canadenca”, perquè el seu soci majoritari era el Canadian Bank of Comerce de Toronto.

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Apr 222018

Se cumplen ahora 10 años de esta crisis del sistema capitalista, una crisis que no es más que otra herramienta de la gran patronal, de las multinacionales y de los dueños de la banca, con la complicidad de un sistema político corrupto, para aumentar sus enormes beneficios siempre a costa de los derechos de la ciudadanía y especialmente de la clase trabajadora. Esta crisis es en realidad una gran estafa.

We carry 10 años en una situación de emergencia social, donde ya no solo las personas sin trabajo están bajo el umbral de la pobreza, sino que más del 14% de las personas con trabajo son pobres como consecuencia de la precariedad de los nuevos contratos de trabajo, con contratos parciales y sueldos de supervivencia, que constituye la nueva realidad laboral de indignación.

Read more"
May 102017


Wednesday 10 of May 2017, 19:00h
Plaça Sant Jaume

This Wednesday 10 May 2017 a demonstration is carried out globally in all places of the world, to repudiate the decision of the Argentine government to extend the benefits of the so-called “2×1” (reduced sentences, which accounts 2 years 1 year sentence), extend this to the genocides of the last civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983).
Continue reading »

Apr 212017

Este 1º de Mayo nos encuentra en un contexto de guerra mundial por los recursos y el petróleo, que nos señala sus palabras de orden: competitiveness, individualismo, consumismo. Dictados del nuevo reordenamiento mundial, marcado por la tendencia fascista que desde EEUU, Rusia y otras potencias se nos intenta imponer, mediante la guerra y el terror.

¿Y dónde nos encontramos los trabajador@s, en este contexto, como clase explotada? En las empresas se nos pretende imponer la “competitividad” como medida de todas las relaciones, y así se nos quiere aislar, romper los lazos de solidaridad de clase que es justamente nuestra fuerza. Continue reading »

Mar 222017

ManifestDescarregar manifest en pdf

Saturday 1 of April, toda la CGT de Catalunya nos manifestamos en Manresa, estamos todos y todas convocados, la actitud y presencia de la CGT quedará marcada en las calles de Manresa, donde acudiremos desde todos los rincones de Catalunya. El éxito de la misma estará asegurado con nuestra presencia, apuntaros este día en vuestras agendas, todos y todas somos necesarias.

En la CGT Vallès Oriental estamos organizando nuestra movilización hacia Manresa, viendo ofertas de autocares y viendo las mejores opciones. Pronto abriremos las listas de inscripción y anunciaremos horarios y demás información.

Saturday 1 de abril en Manresa (Plaça Bonavista, 11:30h) estaremos presentes defendiendo los servicios públicos y las pensiones, y contra la represión sindical, por una vida digna!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Manifest en defensa del que és nostre i contra la repressió
Manifestació 1 of April of 2017 a Manresa

Any rera any veiem com els diferents governs legislen i aproven lleis que ens retallen drets. Que permeten als empresaris disposar encara més de les nostres vides, dictant-nos en funció dels seus interessos com han de ser les nostres condicions laborals i, quan no els servim, llençar-nos a la cuneta.

Any rera any veiem com la patronal, esperonada pel servilisme de governs, imposa de manera més crua i descarnada la llei del seu benefici privat al conjunt de la població. No tenen cap mania per tancar una fàbrica i deslocalitzar-la allà on els salaris són més baixos, sovint en països víctimes de l’empobriment imperialista i de dictadures salvatges. I han agafat per norma xuclar milers de milions de diners públics pels seus negocis, per tapar els forats de bancs que prèviament han descapitalitzat, etc. Uns diners aportats per totes i tots amb el nostre treball i els nostres impostos.

Manifest sencer:
CGT Manresa (facebook)
CGT Catalonia (web)


Mar 152017

eviction G l'Adaknt, Granollers

This morning was evicted the Social Center Okupat Ca l'Enkant, Granollers, with a great unfolding of mossos riot and police cars Granollers.

The last friday 3 March were summoned as CGT Vallès Oriental, together with other organizations, where members of the group told us the project autogestionario Ca l'Enkant, an open space where instead be given to all those groups, unions, policies, etc. and individuals who are in the struggle for social change and against the capitalist system of exploitation.

With all the difficulties of the case, starting with the pressure that had already begun to exert forces established DISORDER, this granollerina youth had begun to walk and build other forms of struggle to change the system, playing one of those sacred precincts of Power: Private Property.

Beyond eviction today, and tissue was begun, ties will endure and seek new spaces, because the first space already conquered in that action, It was the space of mentalities, was the realization that the properties can be useless collective capitalists do and give a social utility. What apparently it was just an experiment, It may be a touch of reality, this reality of occupation of spaces, Private reuse disused buildings, with a social purpose, cultural and transformation.

Social Center Okupado Can L'Enkant is a germ, It is a start, because in the early collapse of this system, They not reach them all riot of the world to stop popular will, the desire for freedom, equality and social self.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers
[15/03/2017, 13:40h]

Today at 6 a morning 20 brimos came from Sabadell to evacuate 15 People at that time were the Ca Enkant. We have used force, contempt and imposing fear. But above all, have done with the complicity of’City of Granollers you always knew what would happen. Therefore we call today at 19pm rally in front of the La Porxada, to denounce the abuse of power of capital, which always has the judiciary to their side, violating the rights of people who were part of the CSO, and the absolute complicity of the council. They wanted to bury but did not know they were then #JoTambéEnkantoGranollers

EnkantGranollers [fb]


Jan 232017

Durant els últims 40 anys Barcelona s’ha anat construint amb errors i encerts presidits per dos factors fonamentals: d’una banda l’especulació immobiliària i, de l’altra, la lluita dels barris per una ciutat digna i cosmopolita, que atresora una llarga història per a la supervivència de la ciutat i la seva gent.

Barcelona està en venda. En l’última dècada, el fenomen especulatiu ha adquirit una dimensió global, impulsat pel capital financer i la complicitat de les elits polítiques de Madrid i Catalunya, que volen transformar la ciutat en un gran negoci.

Davant d’aquesta situació, que porta al col·lapse de la ciutat, cal que lesveïnes i veïns aixequem la nostra veu i ens organitzem, unint les nostres forces per barrar el pas als “enemics de la ciutat”.

Pel dret a viure a la ciutat, cridem a tothom a ocupar La Rambla!
The day 28 of January of 2017 a les 11h tothom a la Rambla de Canaletes

Whole article: CGT Barcelona

Jan 232017

Companions, companions,

este próximo viernes 27 January at 13 y a las 15h, se harán concentraciones delante de la empresa INACSA, en Ctra. Nova, 1B, en La Batlloria, Sant Celoni (estación Gualba de la Renfe). A continuación reproducimos el comunicado explicativo hecho por el sindicato CGT Maresme, donde está afiliado el compañero. Ha sido víctima de acoso por parte de la empresa, motivado por su actividad sindical como delegado de la CGT.

Estamos todos y todas convocados a dar apoyo al compañero Manel Espejo en Sant Celoni, este próximo viernes.

La solidaridad es nuestra mejor arma!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Solidaritat amb Manel Espejo, treballador injustament acomiadat

Concentració (pancartada) en suport i solidaritat cap al company Manel Espejo. L’empresa privada INACSA (Industrias del Acetato de Celulosa S.A.) a la qual treballava el va acomiadar injustament patint prèviament assetjament laboral.

La Concentració (pancartada) tindrà lloc el divendres 27 de gener del 2017 de les 13h a les 15h davant l’empresa INACSA situada a Ctra. Nova, 1B, 08476 Sant Celoni, Barcelona.

Manel Espejo (treballador de l’empresa INACSA i representant dels treballadors en el comitè d’empresa per part del sindicat CGT) va ser acomiadat després de patir assetjament laboral (un any aproximadament).

  • L’empresa INACSA li va restringir els seus drets sindicals prohibint-li l’entrada al recinte per poder exercir els seus drets com a representant dels treballadors.
  • En una reunió del comitè d’empresa el gerent va fer comentaris despectius cap al company M. Espejo. (Convidant-lo a marxar de l’empresa).
  • Per aquesta, i per moltes més actuacions per part de l’empresa, queda demostrat l’assetjament laboral al nostre company.

Contra l’assetjament laboral i els acomiadaments injustos tolerància zero!

CGT Maresme
C/ Unió, 38 downs
Mataró, BA 08302
Loss: 93 790 82 61

Jan 232017



El dijous 26 January, les treballadores del sector del telemàrketing tenim una nova oportunitat per fer-nos visibles i lluitar per millorar les nostres condicions de treball.

No és un dia per fer-li el joc a les nostres empreses anant a treballar ni tampoc és un dia per quedar-se a casa descansant. Toca sortir al carrer i fer-nos sentir.

Ens sobren motius per fer-ho:

  • Tenim el sou congelat des del gener de l’any 2014
  • La patronal no proposa cap revisió salarial
  • Podem ser acomiadats a baix cost per “disminució del volum de la campanya” (article 17)
  • Podem ser acomiadats a baix cost per “canvi d’empresa” (article 18)
  • Es manté la contractació precària per ETT, eventual o per obra i servei
  • Es mantenen les jornades parcials com les més habituals.
  • Seguim perdent dies festius quan coincideixen amb les nostres lliurances. (…)


9h sortida Plaça Antonio López (Via Laietana – oficina Correus)

10h recorregut a peu pel Poble Nou passant per Arvato Qualytel (Pallars 108), Teleperformance Espanya (Sancho Àvila 60), Emergia Call Center (Sancho Àvila 60), Knecta Bto (Llacuna 56).

12.30h Conecta SL (Entença 332)


13h Patronal Telemarqueting c/Entença 218.


Whole article: CGT Catalonia


Sector Federal de Telemarqueting de la CGT

Sep 192016

mani-sorpresa-11-14-anys-pressoSome 500 surprise people to the demonstration of the CGT 15 September in Barcelona, from the Paral·lel to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by Ramblas and Ferran, in solidarity with the defendants in case 27i + to defend the public university, among them Ermengol Gassiot, General Secretary of CGT Catalunya.

The CGT is manifested by surprise against the cause that affects 27 people from the UAB

The union concentrates almost half a thousand members in the center of Barcelona in defense of the public and quality university

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has summoned some 450 affiliates and supporters in a demonstration to denounce the case of @ som27imés. In this summary they are asked 11 years in prison to the general secretary, Ermengol Gassiot and similar penalties to 25 students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the administration and services staff. In total almost 300 years in prison plus accessory sentences.

The anarchist union has taken to the streets without informing Interior. He has done so on a route that has crossed the most touristy Barcelona, from near the Shipyards to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by the boulevard. Nearly half a thousand trade unionists have called against the surrounding processions of large firecrackers and firecrackers. There were no incidents or police officers at any time.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Jul 282016

Here all the videos of the conference, We hope you have enjoyed as well as we @ s, and that these days we encourage them to continue the struggle for a more just and egalitarian society, without rich or poor, where you do not have to work to accumulate useless goods, but for the needs of people; where we do not look askance but confidently, solidarity and mutual support; a society without fear of doing or saying something, for fear of police reprisals, military, policies, religious or media… a world without repressors, without police, military, politicians, religions, means the power to control us, repress and nullify.

And from here and build a society for people, everybody.


CGT Vallès Oriental

15 July Exhibition “Libertarian revolution” 19 July Exhibition “Free women”
Jordi Viader debate talk. Pass the documentary “Indomables”
21 July Book presentation “lawlessness 22 July Concert Muyayo RIRs, and
works” con Peter Gelderloos, Author. Skandal Jackson
23 Bio-lentoa July Poetry to the rescue 24 Route collectivization Mollet 1936

Jun 192016

2016-06-18 Madrid Public Services

Jun 102016

IMG-20160613-WA0000Desde las federaciones y sindicatos de CGT en sectores implicados en esta lucha (ferrocarriles, metro, health, aeropuertos, enseñanza, puertos, ayuntamientos, televisiones, protección del medioambiente y el patrimonio cultural, atención a mayores, discapacidad, childhood, etc.) se ha convocado a toda la CGT y a las plataformas y mareas de los distintos sectores en lucha por lo público a la manifestación del sábado18 de junio, en Madrid. La manifestación partirá a las 12h. de Cibeles y concluirá, con intervenciones de trabajadores de los sectores públicos, en Plaza de España.

CGT pone autocares para poder asistir.

Salida desde Barcelona a las 24.00 h del viernes día 17 of June (noche del viernes al sábado).

Llegada a Madrid a las 24.00 h del sábado 18 of June.

L@s que queráis ir os tenéis que apuntar en el sindicato, o por teléfono al 600 375500, o por email a cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com

Os animamos a que vengáis!!

Punto de encuentro: in the union, in Mollet, to 22:45 h del viernes 17 of June.

Reserva de plazas: hasta el martes 14 of June, para los autocares que salen de Barcelona.


Jun 102016

First mobilization in the history of the Social Sector. Companies enriching themselves at the expense of the most fragile and taking advantage of the goodwill of the professionals who work with them.
We are going to scream their hypocrisy in their faces!



Communiqué of the Social Sector CGT


As many of you already know, tomorrow we will hold a rally at the inauguration of the Third Sector Table Congress. There will be the representatives of the employer and the whole gang of politicians who “entities” they have invited. Our intention is to give a bath of reality to this great marketing operation that is repeated year after year while our conditionss labor are precarious to intolerable limits. Tomorrow (Tuesday 14) we will be at 17.30 at the door of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and they will have to listen to us. We invite you to come and spread the word about the call and the text below. (and that we will distribute during the concentration). Faced with an agreement that protects precariousness, an employer who does not respect us, ineffective unions that negotiate our misery, we have to move!

Remember, Tuesday 14 at 5.30 p.m. in front of the door of the National Theater of Catalonia
(next to the new Encants market).



Take a look at the Tweet of @sectorsocialCGT.

Facebook Sector Social CGT