Aug 272013

From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we encourage all our affiliates and supporters to participate in the March for public education organized by the Yellow Assembly.

No cuts, in Catalan, inclusive, democratic, secular and for the people. #*EducacioEnMarxa.

Yellow Assembly, TeachersPrecarias Bcn and Universitat Precària Pudup Bcn.

The world of education is immersed in a process of unprecedented fragmentation. So that, we are witnesses of the growing and relentless precarization, commodification and privatization of public education, and consequently, of the disintegration of the public educational system in which. This process has very serious repercussions: condemns us to social breakdown, segregates the population, classifies it by determining limits that exclude the working classes, namely, to the majority of society.
We cannot forget that the educational system that we knew until now, despite having its shortcomings and being very improvable, is the response to a collective need and the will of society to democratize education. Fruit of the struggle and the united effort of families, faculty, Young people and children, we guide our educational centers towards dialogue, the creation of critical knowledge and democratic management and participation. However, With the latest legislative reforms in education we are suffering the loss of all the rights that so many years and efforts have cost us. That educational ideal in which education equaled us in rights and opportunities and responded to social needs, is being replaced by the educational ideal of neoliberalism. Education is no longer at the service of society, it's not even called education anymore, now it is said teaching, and education is at the service of the oligarchy and the financial markets. (Read the rest of the news in

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