Aug 092013

CMAC flower

The Center de la Propietat Forestal dismissed the companion in the past 31 March alleging budget cuts in this department. It is evident that the company uses the Labor Reform to try to validate the dismissal, in the new case of “if the budget allocation falls, the company being public (this is subcontracted by the public function), can fire… ”This does not hold because, Today, these quotes have not yet been validated. The company LIES because the job of the colleague has not disappeared, the tasks she performed have overloaded the rest of the staff.

For CGT Vallés Oriental, the dismissal of the partner violates her fundamental rights, motivated mainly by union activity that develops- rrolls both in the company and in the social sphere. Something, that we already know, what you do not like.

Last 2 In August the CMAC of our colleague Flor took place, the result of which was “No agreement” the seat, whitout deal.

The judgment will be the day 12 September at the Social Court of Sabadell,at 11am., Avenida Fransesc Macià 34-36
We appeal to all the affiliation of the CGT del Vallès Oriental and to the rest of the unions in Catalonia and to all social groups.

On such an important day, we all have to show that Flor is not alone, and that has all my support.

Because if they touch us, they touch us all!

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