Nov 182019

Enough of Violence! For you, for us, for all

From CGT, one more year, We once again raise our voices against any type of gender-based aggression. Since 2013, there are already more than a thousand women murdered in our country and millions in the world, but they still don't call him by name: MACHIST TERRORISM.

Assassinations that are permitted by a Macho and patriarchal state, that sees us women as objects to be exploited in all areas of the life. A patriarchal system that leaves murderers on the streets, what after raping and murdering the women they are free and exercising his profession.

Women who are abused, who are also living the Institutional mistreatment by justice and that they see suicide as the only way out by not taking the pressure anymore, threats and harassment. Their deaths do not count as murders for this State and system as guilty as the stalker himself by following allowing this to happen with impunity.

Minors who are also victims of femicides or left in a situation of helplessness and that are not counted as victims of gender violence.

They present us every day, as something everyday, let them go out herds of rapists and aggressors but always alluding to the victim (did not defend; I was not wearing suitable clothes; It was late…). We don't want to have to defend ourselves, we don't want to be afraid, we want to live free and quiet.

From CGT we propose to join forces against this scourge that is killing. We call for social mobilization, to organization and fighting every day, to stand up, with firmness, a is neoliberal system, capitalist, patriarchal and macho who considers women little more than a sexual object to his full readiness.

Before any aggression: direct action and self defense, without fear, without guilt.

We want each other alive and combative

Against all abuse of power

Against all gender-based violence



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