Sep 272013

CGT Women's Secretariat

The Popular Party is willing to continue with its proposal to change the Sexual and Reproductive Health Law at the end of October. It has been announced by Minister Gallardón, it will also reform the Penal Code.

They are leaving us without the right to live freely in all areas, labor, familiar, social ... and sexual.

Gallardón has announced on several occasions that a minor cannot abort without parental permission and that he was going to toughen the assumptions for physical or psychological damage to the mother.

This government wants to turn the little that we have and that we have achieved after years of struggle into one of the most retrograde laws in Europe. They don't talk about training, nor prevention, pending and very important issues.

At the Health level they have already reformed the issue of assisted reproduction: single women or women married to other women have no option to inseminate, you must be married to a man. Now they want to reform the current Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health . Step by step we see how the PP is shaping the figure of the 21st century Spanish woman: submissive woman, good and christian. As they already did in the years 60.

The CGT defends the freedom of the people in all senses. No one can be discriminated against because they have a pen or because they want to have a son or daughter without marrying.

Abortion is the last option left to a woman who does not want to continue with the pregnancy. It's a personal decision, sometimes shared and always painful. But it is a right that women have over our body: choose our motherhood freely. No one, nor the Church that blames us, nor should the State that represses us force us to have children because we are women and because they consider that this is our function.

From CGT we call on all the people who feel affected by these cuts to show their rejection, no longer only against the reform of the abortion law, but also against their model of family and sexuality, single parent, patriarchal and retrograde, that legitimizes violence against women and people's bodies without recognizing all possible forms of sexuality.

He 28 September is the day for the decriminalization of abortion. Every day they are made 55 a thousand unsafe abortions in the world, he 95 percent in developing countries, which are responsible for one in eight maternal deaths.

For a right to decide free from prejudices and social conventions, for the right to sex education.

Against the repression of women's bodies and decisions


Octavilla A5 28-S gal 2013 OK.pdf 2.98 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cat 2013 OK.pdf 2.95 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cas 2013 OK.pdf 2.94 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S eusk 2013 OK.pdf 3.16 MB


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