Sep 302013


Of the day 17 al 20 October, we celebrate the XVII Confederal Congress of the CGT.

In this congress, four basic points will be discussed, that will define the organization's performance during the next four years.

We take advantage of the present to summon you for the taking of Agreements of the Congress on Tuesday 1 October at the union's premises ( Francesc Macia 51. Mollet del Vallès ) in two calls, one from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the second from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the following Agenda:

1.- Voting on Papers.

2.- Voting of Candidacies to the Confederal SP.

3.- Election of fellow Delegates¹ to Congress.

4.- Election of the Bureau of Congress.

¹ These colleagues are the ones to whom we will delegate our agreements and they will go to Congress, they do not necessarily have to be Delegates of the Works Council.

SP CGT Eastern Valle

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