
Oct 102013

As some of you know, in March of this year I was fired from the Center de la Propietat Forestal, a company attached to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat. Together with me they were fired 4 more colleagues The five dismissal letters, in which they alleged objective and productive causes, were signed by the Workers' Representatives, formed by CCOO, that were limited, without more, to accept said dismissals.

I have always been clear that they lied and this is demonstrated by the sentence that recognizes the dismissal as IMPROPER. The company, with the arrogance that characterizes them, you were unable to show that the dismissal was justified, it's more, the ruling recognizes that the volume of work in the position I held has not decreased.

For me, said sentence has a bittersweet taste. I wanted to get my job back. Compensation for 45 days is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow. But I must admit that I am glad, and a lot, that in a company that has always been considered with absolute impunity to do and undo in labor relations, have had to give explanations before a court, and given the nature of it, surely the explanations will not end here. They were sure they would get away with it. As well, it has not been like that.

I want to thank in a very special way the cegetistas and libertarians for their support and solidarity throughout the process..


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Oct 102013

No layoffs, no pay cuts. Indefinite Strike!


From CGT we make a call to you to participate in the INDEFINITE STRIKE called from next Sunday 13 October 2013.

You already know the plans they have for us: 1.914 dismissed workers, (75 middle managers, 756 production workers, 600 autonomous and 483 support), brutal pay cuts of between a 35% al 45% and of a 20% to self-employed colleagues, and the payroll for September unpaid. The company offers compensation of 20 days per year worked with a ceiling of 12 monthly payments, and to pay in 24 months. With these proposals on the table, the company intends to reach an agreement in the consultation period.

From the CGT, we want to show our rejection of the company's proposals, who load on the staff what is truly a disastrous management by those who organize the operation of the factory and the distribution of products.

It is totally incomprehensible that there is a distribution of fewer products than are consumed, Unless accounting engineering is being done so that the company's accounts are negative. Companies are already used to this, to manage production, purchases and sales in such a way that they get the desired numbers to justify layoffs of permanent workers and replace them with new workers. In each of the factories there are 50 daily new worker hires.

The CGT considers that these measures are not what is necessary to maintain the activity of the factories and jobs. We give an example that we see daily of business mismanagement, the autonomous carriers that carry out the delivery routes carry fewer products than are needed in the stores due to the demand they have, could be sold 10.000 more breads, Y 4.000 Donuts/Donettes y Bollycaos.

The CGT opposes these dismissals, to the salary reduction and we urge the company to search among the managers for those responsible and those guilty of everything that is not well organized in the company.

We are playing a lot, and in this conflict, we will have to get the best out of each one of us and get involved in the mobilizations.


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Oct 012013

CGT Libertarian Memory Commission

The day 18 September 2013 may go on to become a milestone date within the memorial movement. Finally the first arrest warrant is issued to torturers and assassins of the Franco regime. Right now, when the fascist upswing grows all over Europe, we find good news for the achievement of the real objectives, justice and reparation for the victims of the Franco regime.

CGT welcomes the performance of Judge Servini, first admitting a complaint from citizens massacred in another state and, right now, assuming the investigation of the denounced events and requesting the performance of necessary acts to clarify the crimes committed during the Franco period.

Moved by that desire to achieve reparation for the damages received by the abuses of the followers of fascio in Spain, the General Confederation of Labor and an important group of associations and individuals, They have appeared in the cause against Francoism in Argentina. As a result of the complaint filed before the Argentine judiciary, this arrest warrant for Juan Antonio González Pacheco has emerged, Jose Ignacio Giralte Gonzalez, Celso Galván Abascal and Jesús Muñecas Aguilar. All of them members of the repressive bodies of the old Franco dictatorial regime and who were cruel to their compañeros and compañeras, that following in the footsteps of those who already gave their lives during the civil war, they fought for freedom and to change society.

It is unquestionable that throughout this process,, as in fact it has already happened, pressure from the Spanish government to prevent justice from being done from Argentina. In Spain, it has already been possible to close the path of seeking justice for the victims of the Franco regime, disabling the performance of Judge Garzón as instructor of the process of reporting forced disappearances. And in recent months, a thousand obstacles have been put to the actions that the judge intended to carry out from Argentina to continue with the investigation of the complaint filed in Buenos Aires.

Even so, The requests for the imputation of another important number of Francoist personalities implicated in crimes against human rights remain pending resolution., as well as companies that benefited from the exploitation of Franco's prisoners to profit from the construction of large infrastructure works such as roads, reservoirs, irrigation canals such as the Canal del Bajo Guadalquivir (known as the Channel of the Prisoners) that members of the CGT of Andalusia have documented and presented before the Argentine judge requesting justice and reparation for those who suffered "slave labor".

With the wish that these arrests are only the beginning of the end of the impunity of the Franco regime, we toast for a day in which the objective of TRUTH is fulfilled., JUSTICE AND REPARATION with the victims of the Franco regime.




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Sep 302013
Companys / es:
Luxiona's colleagues are once again calling on us to support their fight against this company for the readmission of 64 workers fired in July. In this way, We hope to see everyone next Tuesday 01 October at 10.00 h before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia ( Lluís Companys 14-16 from Barcelona ).
Now more than ever, we must show solidarity with all those people who do not resign themselves to the reality of misery that the political and business class that governs us wants to impose on us..
Now more than ever, solidarity and mutual support!
SP CGT Vallès Oriental
Sep 302013


Of the day 17 al 20 October, we celebrate the XVII Confederal Congress of the CGT.

In this congress, four basic points will be discussed, that will define the organization's performance during the next four years.

We take advantage of the present to summon you for the taking of Agreements of the Congress on Tuesday 1 October at the union's premises ( Francesc Macia 51. Mollet del Vallès ) in two calls, one from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the second from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the following Agenda:

1.- Voting on Papers.

2.- Voting of Candidacies to the Confederal SP.

3.- Election of fellow Delegates¹ to Congress.

4.- Election of the Bureau of Congress.

¹ These colleagues are the ones to whom we will delegate our agreements and they will go to Congress, they do not necessarily have to be Delegates of the Works Council.

SP CGT Eastern Valle

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Sep 272013

CGT Women's Secretariat

The Popular Party is willing to continue with its proposal to change the Sexual and Reproductive Health Law at the end of October. It has been announced by Minister Gallardón, it will also reform the Penal Code.

They are leaving us without the right to live freely in all areas, labor, familiar, social ... and sexual.

Gallardón has announced on several occasions that a minor cannot abort without parental permission and that he was going to toughen the assumptions for physical or psychological damage to the mother.

This government wants to turn the little that we have and that we have achieved after years of struggle into one of the most retrograde laws in Europe. They don't talk about training, nor prevention, pending and very important issues.

At the Health level they have already reformed the issue of assisted reproduction: single women or women married to other women have no option to inseminate, you must be married to a man. Now they want to reform the current Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health . Step by step we see how the PP is shaping the figure of the 21st century Spanish woman: submissive woman, good and christian. As they already did in the years 60.

The CGT defends the freedom of the people in all senses. No one can be discriminated against because they have a pen or because they want to have a son or daughter without marrying.

Abortion is the last option left to a woman who does not want to continue with the pregnancy. It's a personal decision, sometimes shared and always painful. But it is a right that women have over our body: choose our motherhood freely. No one, nor the Church that blames us, nor should the State that represses us force us to have children because we are women and because they consider that this is our function.

From CGT we call on all the people who feel affected by these cuts to show their rejection, no longer only against the reform of the abortion law, but also against their model of family and sexuality, single parent, patriarchal and retrograde, that legitimizes violence against women and people's bodies without recognizing all possible forms of sexuality.

He 28 September is the day for the decriminalization of abortion. Every day they are made 55 a thousand unsafe abortions in the world, he 95 percent in developing countries, which are responsible for one in eight maternal deaths.

For a right to decide free from prejudices and social conventions, for the right to sex education.

Against the repression of women's bodies and decisions


Octavilla A5 28-S gal 2013 OK.pdf 2.98 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cat 2013 OK.pdf 2.95 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S cas 2013 OK.pdf 2.94 MB
Octavilla A5 28-S eusk 2013 OK.pdf 3.16 MB


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Sep 162013

We wait for them all, in solidarity with those laid off. Today for them, tomorrow for you.


The company has fired 64 workers in addition to reducing the 15% from salary to remaining workforce.

The workers have said enough of so many abuses and have planted. Last 11 Y 12 June they called full days of strike and partial work stoppages and demonstrations for the next few days.

These workers have seen how the institutional unions have ignored them and how they remain installed in the demobilization.

CGT Vallés Oriental joins this fight, which is everyone's fight. And we encourage the solidarity of all the workers to this call.



SP CGT Eastern Valle

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Sep 072013



Next thursday day 12 September at 8:30h is the trial for the dismissal of comrade Flor.
It will be held in the Sabadell courts located at Avenida Francesc Maciá Nº 36-38.
We will leave from the CGT premises in Mollet at 8:15h.



Aug 302013

Education march in Mollet

The CGT of Vallès Oriental received the March for public education as it passed through our region.

Organized by the Yellow Assembly last Saturday, the 1st March for Public Education began in the town of Ribes de Freser, a mobilization that seeks to denounce the attacks on the education system, and which will end next Saturday, coinciding with the festivities in the Sants district of Barcelona.

In the Vallès Oriental, the same, toured the municipalities of Figaró, La Garriga, Granollers and Mollet.

From this union we want to encourage all citizens to participate in the activities planned in our region.

For more information:

CGT Vallès Oriental

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Aug 272013

From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we encourage all our affiliates and supporters to participate in the March for public education organized by the Yellow Assembly.

No cuts, in Catalan, inclusive, democratic, secular and for the people. #*EducacioEnMarxa.

Yellow Assembly, TeachersPrecarias Bcn and Universitat Precària Pudup Bcn.

The world of education is immersed in a process of unprecedented fragmentation. So that, we are witnesses of the growing and relentless precarization, commodification and privatization of public education, and consequently, of the disintegration of the public educational system in which. This process has very serious repercussions: condemns us to social breakdown, segregates the population, classifies it by determining limits that exclude the working classes, namely, to the majority of society.
We cannot forget that the educational system that we knew until now, despite having its shortcomings and being very improvable, is the response to a collective need and the will of society to democratize education. Fruit of the struggle and the united effort of families, faculty, Young people and children, we guide our educational centers towards dialogue, the creation of critical knowledge and democratic management and participation. However, With the latest legislative reforms in education we are suffering the loss of all the rights that so many years and efforts have cost us. That educational ideal in which education equaled us in rights and opportunities and responded to social needs, is being replaced by the educational ideal of neoliberalism. Education is no longer at the service of society, it's not even called education anymore, now it is said teaching, and education is at the service of the oligarchy and the financial markets. (Read the rest of the news in

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Aug 092013

CMAC flower

The Center de la Propietat Forestal dismissed the companion in the past 31 March alleging budget cuts in this department. It is evident that the company uses the Labor Reform to try to validate the dismissal, in the new case of “if the budget allocation falls, the company being public (this is subcontracted by the public function), can fire… ”This does not hold because, Today, these quotes have not yet been validated. The company LIES because the job of the colleague has not disappeared, the tasks she performed have overloaded the rest of the staff.

For CGT Vallés Oriental, the dismissal of the partner violates her fundamental rights, motivated mainly by union activity that develops- rrolls both in the company and in the social sphere. Something, that we already know, what you do not like.

Last 2 In August the CMAC of our colleague Flor took place, the result of which was “No agreement” the seat, whitout deal.

The judgment will be the day 12 September at the Social Court of Sabadell,at 11am., Avenida Fransesc Macià 34-36
We appeal to all the affiliation of the CGT del Vallès Oriental and to the rest of the unions in Catalonia and to all social groups.

On such an important day, we all have to show that Flor is not alone, and that has all my support.

Because if they touch us, they touch us all!

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Aug 022013

La CGT entiende que la libertad de las personas pasa por elegir libremente su maternidad o paternidad y su orientación sexual. En un estado que se llama de derecho, nos preguntamos quién tiene esos derechos.

Las personas disidentes sexualmente del Partido Patriarcal, y en particular las mujeres seguimos sufriendo la violencia machista y heterosexista institucional cada día. El último ataque directo, la reciente denegación formal por parte del gobierno del PP al derecho a la reproducción asistida a todas aquellas mujeres que no vayan acompañadas al tratamiento de una pareja varón estable (son necesarios al menos 12 meses de intentos reiterados con el mismo hombre). Con esta medida, el gobierno del PP vulnera directamente el artículo 14 de la Constitución y supedita, nuevamente, el acceso a derechos por parte de las mujeres a la compañía de un varón. Impone modelos de familias heteropatriarcales y discrimina a quienes conforman familias diversas.

Ello con el agravante de que hace apenas unas semanas el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias ha dictado sentencia a favor de una pareja de mujeres lesbianas a las que el Gobierno del Principado denegó la continuación del tratamiento de fertilidad una vez iniciado, por las mismas razones que ahora argumenta el PP. En un caso de clara lesbofobia institucional (leer el resto de la noticia en

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Aug 012013

Hoy día 31 de julio CGT había convocado una jornada de huelga dentro de todo el sector ferroviario en defensa de las múltiples agresiones a las que esta siendo sometido (segregaciones-liberalizaciones-privatizaciones-Planes de Seguridad deficientes-etc); sin embargo y debido al trágico accidente ferroviario de Santiago de Compostela, en un acto de respeto a todas las victimas y a todos sus familiares, hemos pospuesto estas movilizaciones previstas, sin que ello suponga que nos hayamos plegado a las decisiones que tengan perfiladas para acabar con el modelo de ferrocarril publico y social.

Departamento Comunicación Sector Ferroviario-CGT

Han transcurrido siete días desde la tragedia, siendo muchas las interpretaciones sobre la misma, incidiendo en la mayoría de las declaraciones sobre la culpabilidad, exclusiva, del maquinista del tren siniestrado, rehuyendo, en la mayoría de los casos, el debate sobre las deficiencias de los sistemas de seguridad y las responsabilidades que se derivan de las mismas.

CGT siempre se ha comprometido con la seguridad, así como con la formación y la salud, entendiendo que para garantizarla es imprescindible que los Planes Anuales de Seguridad estén dotados de todos los medios necesarios para ello. Precisamente por esta falta de medios, CGT ha sido la única organización sindical que no a firmado el Plan Anual de Seguridad en la Circulación de ADIF.

También hemos de recordar que cuando aprobaron la Ley del sector Ferroviario, a la que también nos opusimos, indicábamos que ello supondría una incidencia negativa en la Seguridad por romperse el sistema integrado de la misma.

Desde CGT vamos a exigir el máximo rigor en las investigaciones de las causas del accidente de Santiago, participando en las distintas Comisiones de Seguridad en la Circulación (leer el resto de la noticia en

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Aug 012013

El drama del paro y el empleo precario.

La EPA no hace sino reflejar estadísticamente, la grave agresión del capital y sus representantes políticos, al mundo del trabajo, a través de la Reforma Laboral

La Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) del segundo trimestre de 2013 nos ofrece el dato de que se ha reducido el paro en 225.200 people, con lo que la tasa de paro se ha rebajado en 0,9 puntos, pasando al 26,26% de la población activa y quedando la cifra en 5.977.500 personas paradas.

Este dato sobre la reducción del paro, no significa que la ocupación se haya incrementado en esta cifra. La ocupación en este segundo trimestre, se ha comportado de manera muy similar al segundo trimestre de 2011, habiendo sido el incremento de sólo 149.000 people, aumentando la tasa de ocupación entre el primer trimestre y el segundo del 2013 a 0,90%, encontrándonos con 16.783.800 personas ocupadas.

So, si bien el empleo ha aumenta en el sector privado, en este segundo trimestre, in 151.600 people, el empleo público se ha reducido en 2.600 people.

Si vemos la evolución de la tasa de ocupación en términos anuales, namely, of June 2012 a junio 2013, ésta ha disminuido en un -3,64%, es decir el empleo se ha reducido en 633.500 personas en el último año.

¿Dónde se ha creado empleo y qué tipo de empleo?

El empleo creado es fundamentalmente estacional, namely, no es empleo estructural. Aumenta el empleo en el sector Servicios en 154.800 people (turismo, hostelería, fundamentalmente) y el sector Agricultura en 37.500, mientras que se destruye empleo en la Construcción con 26.500 y en la Industria con 16.000. (Read the rest of the news in

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Jul 232013

Secretaría de Acción Social CGT Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha y Extremadura

Estamos ultimando los detalles para el Tinto de Verano. Este año se celebrará en el pueblo de ALCONCHEL DE LA ESTRELLA, cerca de Villar de Cañas (Cuenca), en protesta al cementerio nuclear que quieren construir allí.


Este año el tema central serán las Iniciativas Económicas de Sobrevivencia en el medio rural.


  • Analizar y comprender el funcionamiento del sistema capitalista y sus crisis.
  • Acercarse a medio rural conocer sus problemáticas.
  • Idear nuevas formas de vida y relaciones económicas transformadoras de la realidad y al servicio de las personas, especialmente en el medio rural.
  • Compartir experiencias de economía social y solidaria.
  • Fortalecer el apoyo mutuo entre las personas y los colectivos con mayor precariedad.


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Enlace al Tinto de Verano con todas las informaciones útiles:

Folleto Tinto de verano 2013.pdf

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Jul 202013

Este fin de semana, como ya habíamos informado en un comunicado anterior, se ha llevado a cabo las actividades en recuerdo del 77 aniversario de la revolución social organizadas por nuestra asamblea y los sindicatos CGT y CNT.

Comenzó el sábado con una conferencia sobre los hechos revolucionarios que se vivieron entre el 19 de julio y mayo de 1937 en la ciudad de Granollers. A la misma, asistieron una veintena de personas que reflexionaron sobre la necesidad de construir un sistema económico al servicio de las personas y garantizar los derechos sociales básicos de la población (health, salud, vivienda, etc.) In this sense, destacamos que en pocos meses, se solucionaron problemáticas sociales, que ni el estado ni los empresarios habían querido solucionar durante años. Hechos como la creación de la CENU, y las mejores en el ámbito sanitario, y del trabajo es una buena muestra.

Ayer domingo, gracias a la colaboración del restaurante-libreria Anonims de Granollers se ha realizado una cena de hermandad en la cual participaron unas sesenta personas. Durante el mismo, hubieron unas palabras de los compañeros Luciera Tiza como miembro de nuestra asamblea, Broto secretario general de la CNT-AIT de Granollers y comarca, y Charo Luchena como secretaria de acción social de la CGT del Vallès Oriental. Los tres han querido recordar a los miles de hombres y mujeres que lucharon para construir una sociedad basada en los principios de la libertad y la justicia social.

Para concluir la jornada, se expuso un documental sobre los hechos de mayo de 1937.

Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental.

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Jul 192013

Barcelona, ​​19 de julio de 1936. Las sirenas de las fábricas llaman a los trabajadores a la lucha

A partir de hoy iniciamos la publicación de textos aparecidos en el número especial de Polémica con motivo del 50 aniversario de la Revolución española de 1936. Estos textos, que relatan la reacción del pueblo ante el levantamiento militar fascista, tienen el valor de ser testimonio de personas que fueron testigos directos o protagonistas de aquellos hechos.

Federica Montseny

Amaneció el 19 de julio en Barcelona entre el ruido ensordecedor de las sirenas que llamaban al pueblo a las armas.

Todo el día 18, and the 17 and the 16, se les habían pasado los trabajadores montando guardia cerca de los cuarteles y centros oficiales. Hasta las cuatro de la madrugada del 19 permanecieron los militantes en los sindicatos, en la Generalitat y en todos los centros y ayuntamientos de los pueblos y poblaciones de Cataluña. Llegaban noticias confusas de toda España. Que si en Zaragoza se ha revuelto Cabanellas, que si en Sevilla Queipo de Llano y en Canarias el general Franco. Que si se espera el golpe en Barcelona para esta noche. Abad de Santillán, García Oliver, Ascaso, Durruti y Assens, los dos últimos en representación del Comité Regional y de la Federación Local, habían estado en Gobernación ya la Generalitat, exigiendo de Compañeros la entrega de armas, indispensables para organizar la defensa el centro de la capital y en las barriadas. Se las negaron hasta el último momento y los primeros combates tuvieron sostener dando el pecho desnudo a fusiles y los cañones. Y ya comenzada la lucha, sólo nos dieron un centenar de pistolas. El pueblo tuvo que armarse, conquistando las armas a las tropas sublevadas.

Las descargas de fusilería, el fragor de los combates retumbaba de un ámbito a otro de Barcelona. En la región, el pueblo estaba también sobre las armas. Los trabajadores acudían de todos los pueblos, concentrando sobre las plazas fuertes. Figueres y Girona fueron durante muchas horas motivo de gran preocupación. El pueblo rodeaba los cuarteles, impidiendo la salida de las fuerzas rebeladas contra la República. Lleida y Tarragona no llegaron a sublevarse, ya que el movimiento, no triunfante en Barcelona en las primeras horas, apareció ya sin solución de continuidad en el resto de Cataluña. (Read the rest of the news)

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Jul 192013


Have passed 77 years of the social revolution that the people, que la clase trabajadoraof the Estado Español, He starred in the 19 July 1936. The CGT wants to remind people that, their desire for social justice and freedom, aquel pueblo capaz de enfrentarse y parar el golpe de estado fascista perpetrado, en complicidad, por el ejercito, the political right, employers, la clase empresarial, la iglesia.

La Revolución Social vivída en España en aquellos años, representó la mayor cota de libertad, de justicia social y democracia directa experimentada jamás en la historia reciente de la humanidad, según reconocen la práctica totalidad de historiadores e investigadores que la estudian con una mínima objetividad.

En aquellos breves años, en aquella corta vida de la anarquía, en pleno conflicto bélico, se aplicaron muchos de los ideales que, desde hacía decenas de años, las organizaciones del movimiento obrero, con el anarcosindicalismo a la cabeza, habían planificado. El pueblo abolió, transformó, el poder del Estado, de las instituciones, colectivizó la propiedad de la tierra, de las fábricas, de los transportes, de los servicios, transformó el sistema educativo, el sistema sanitario, el concepto de defensa y de ejercito, el pueblo aplicó todos los aprendizajes revolucionarios que se habían impartido tradicionalmente en ateneos libertarios, escuelas racionalistas, sindicatos revolucionarios, organizaciones asamblearias. (Leer el resto del artículo en

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Jul 172013

the next 19 of July, es compleix el 77è aniversari de la Revolució Social. A partir d´aquella data es va aturar el cop d’estat feixista i s´inicià una revolució social que comportà que milions de persones es fessin amb el control de llurs vides gràcies a l’inici de profundes transformacions econòmiques (col·lectivitzacions al camp i la indústria) i culturals (supressió de les relacions de domini en l’àmbit afectiu, educatiu, ecològic) que apuntaven a la creació d’una societat nova. Per cel·lebrar aquesta data, les organitzacions Assemblea Llibertària del Vallès Oriental, CGT i CNT hem organitzat un seguit d´activitats per recordar aquells importants esdeveniments.

In this way, el proper dissabte 20 de juliol a les 18.30h, al restaurant-llibreria Anónims de Granollers (Michael Ricomà 57) es realitzarà la presentació del llibre La Revolució de 1936 Granollers, amb la presència de Carles Font autor del mateix.

Així mateix i com a finalització de les activitats de record, es realitzarà un dinar de germanor commemoratiu amb el passi d´un documental sobre el procés revolucionari que es va viure a casa nostra.

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