Oct 282023

Friday. autumn evening. Girona. A bus leaves from Passeig d'Olot.
This will still stop in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell.

It will be filled with people who, exhausted from the work week, they go further and this weekend they will travel 500 kilometers to Madrid to demand an end to speculative price inflation and preventive actions to maintain Universal Public Health and Retirement Pensions in the near and distant future. The thing also warms up to beleaguered colleagues. And real democracy.

Some of the travelers have just folded the “curro”.
It will be a long and sleepless journey. Other classmates were unable to attend this time. After, a tedious return home.

And so from many parts of the peninsular territory. During a break on the journey, they meet Rubí's colleagues. Also from Valencia.

Sometimes it's time to really roll up your sleeves, because the Cause well deserves it.
Today is one. There will most likely be many more.

The fatigue of the journey takes its toll and the procession finds it difficult to follow the chants, slogans and dances during the demonstration.
So much is worth. There they are. A grain of sand.
The atmosphere is one of humility and self-sacrificing brotherhood. This matters!

To all those who dedicate their lives to noble causes!




Nov 232016

cx2srg-xgaaqwmk-jpg-largeOur pensions are neither sold nor traded
Communiqué SP CGT Catalonia

This Thursday 24 in November there will be a meeting between the government, employers' organizations and the CCOO and UGT unions. The point to be made is, as it has transpired, negotiating the “social peace”. Between baby dolls, However, there are more points on the table. Business organizations have already claimed the need for a new labor reform. Equally, large financial and insurance corporations have begun to promote a media campaign to prepare the ground for a new pension reform. They want to deepen what, the agents themselves, they agreed in January of the year 2011 on that occasion under the auspices of the Zapatero government of the PSOE.

Experience tells us that too many times these meetings result in highly harmful agreements for the interests of the working class, of the majority of the population. In the past we have repeatedly seen how under the pretext of social peace we have left rights and conquests in the ditch of history: now companies are free to fire (at most paying smaller and smaller compensations), they can dispose quite freely of part of our working day by making us work overtime, they can make us work on tasks above our contract rating… and a long et cetera.

I, in the name of social peace, we have also seen how it is necessary to work more now than before 6 years to access a full pension and how the extension of the regulatory bases lowers pensions that, at the entrance, they are already among the lowest in the EU. All these concessions made, always, in the name of a social peace that only benefits those at the top, to the owners of the capital.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia


Oct 212013


Once again we find that the PP government is launching for pensions alleging an unsustainability that only they share, together with the experts appointed by hand for this purpose.

The result of this new robbery means going from pensions as a right to pensions as a business, introducing the so-called sustainability factor based on the life expectancy of the population and also eliminating the automatic revaluation of the pension receivable, as it will always be below the annual CPI.

With this they manage to reduce the money we charge after a lifetime of work, with the ultimate goal that bankers and speculators fill their coffers at the cost of the creation of private pension plans

While the common people are squeezed with taxes, with generalized cuts in wages and pensions, with the punishment of unemployment and the elimination of public services, we observe how a system of generalized corruption is established in the political class, economic perks and clientelistic cronyism that make the whole world blush making our passivity unsustainable.

Time to get them all out of their golden armchairs, to recover what is ours and that the financial elites are robbing us with the support of a false democracy that laughs at each and all of us.

The incoherent logic according to which to end unemployment, save public health, teaching, pensions, the cares…. they tell us that the only possible way is to work more for less, on longer hours, for more years and privatizing everything. It has been amply proven to be insane that it needs urgent shock treatment.




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Oct 172013

Previous activities for this day

Saturday 19 October

At 18.30 Conference in the restaurant-bookstore Anonymous
Granollers ( Miquel Ricomà57 )
Offensive against pensions. A new attack on the working class
With: Alex Tisminetzky, labor lawyer of the Ronda and Marina Duñach Collective,
member of the Mollet Retirement and Pensioners Commission
Organize: Arran Granollers, Libertarian Assembly of the V. Oriental, CGT Vallès
Oriental, CNT Granollers , CUP Granollers and Cooperativa Integral Catalana

Thursday 24 October

Mollet del Vallès: Demonstration at 6 pm in Plaça Prat de la Riba ( Organize the
Commission for pensioners and retirees ) and from this union we endorse this
Granollers: Concentration at 19.00 h in the Plaza la Porxada ( summon Arran,
Assembly Libertarian Vallès Oriental, CGT, CNT, CUP, CP Left i Cooperative
Catalan Integral )

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Jun 262013


For the CGT, estos expertos, no actúan científicamente sino que mienten a la población en beneficio de las grandes empresas, que son quienes les pagan, para eliminar el derecho a una pensión pública e incentivar los planes privados de pensiones.

Tras su presentación a la opinión pública, el informe elaborado por 12 expertos sobre el Sistema Público de Pensiones se le presenta al grupo de trabajo del “Pacto de Toledo” y posteriormente será debatido en el Parlamento. El objetivo esencial del Informe de los 12 Expertos es adoctrinar a la población sobre la necesidad de reformar el sistema público de pensiones, por insostenible, y que la pensión pública deje de ser un derecho, reduciendo su cuantía y el número de personas que podrán acceder a la misma. For the CGT, estamos un informe de 12-1 expertos miserables por, al menos, 12 mentiras conscientes:

Primera: Su ciencia no es ciencia, sino pura ideología estafadora. In 1995, estos mismos expertos pagados por BBVA y La CAIXA, ya vaticinaban, en otro informe, el desastre del sistema público de pensiones para 2010, al ser insostenible. La realidad ha demostrado que su informe no era científico sino manipulado por “pura ideología neoliberal“, para causar alarma social y que se produjera el robo de las pensiones públicas por aseguradoras y bancos. Ahora pretenden lo mismo.

Segunda: No es verdad que el gasto social en Pensiones en el estado español sea mayor que en otros países de la UE. Nuestro porcentaje dedicado a pensiones (leer hasta la mentira número 12 en cgt.org.es)

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May 312013

For the CGT, el informe de los “expertos” sobre la insostenibilidad del sistema público de pensiones es otra estafa más que pretende la privatización. El Capítulo de Gasto Social de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE), ascendió en el año 2012 a 175.382 millions of euros. Gasto Social que se empleó para PENSIONES (115.825millions), DESEMPLEO (28.503 millions), SANIDAD (3.974 millions), EDUCACIÓN (2.220 millions).

On the other hand, el Estado ha pagado, from intereses a los banqueros y tenedores de la deuda, during the 2012, un total de 28.848 millions of euros, namely, ha pagado de los bolsillos de la mayoría social, 345 Millones de € más que a las personas desempleadas y eso que el desempleo aumentó en el 2012 in 805.000 people.

Las mentiras y el “cientifismo interesado” de los expertos ligados a las entidades Financieras y Aseguradoras (leer el resto de la noticia de http://www.cgt.org.es)

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Jan 262013

Artículo 161.1,a) LGSS:
– 65 años si se acreditan 38 años y 6 meses de cotización.
– 67 años en el resto de los casos.
Disposición transitoria 20a LGSS:
establece un periodo transitorio: entre 2013 Y 2027.
Edad: se incrementará un mes por año desde 2013 until 2018 Y 2 meses por año
desde 2019 until 2027.
Periodo de cotización: se incrementará 3 meses por año entre 2013 Y 2027. (Descargar documento)

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