Oct 012012
The Federal Railroad Union of CGT is going to file a complaint regarding the attacks perpetrated by the police and by the sworn guards at the Atocha Cercanías station on the night of 25 of September.

The brutality exercised against the people who were in the station has no possible justification, and the one carried out on the platforms put the integrity of the people in particular danger.
The documentary and testimonial evidence of these attacks makes it possible to identify some directly responsible for the attacks, but the responsibility also falls on the security company, as well as the Renfe and Adif Safety Directorates.
The aggressions of the sworn guards of the Atocha station are not a specific event: in the strike of the past 17 September, they attacked the workers concentrated in the station, and also acted in the concentration prior to the strike of the 3 of August, intervening in a labor dispute against what is established by law.
There are also numerous complaints and claims filed for violent actions by sworn guards against travelers. It is not admissible that the situations of risk and insecurity for users and citizens generated by these actions have not been stopped by those responsible for the companies.
CGT legal services are finalizing the complaints, that will be presented in the next few days.

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