Oct 282023

Friday. autumn evening. Girona. A bus leaves from Passeig d'Olot.
This will still stop in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell.

It will be filled with people who, exhausted from the work week, they go further and this weekend they will travel 500 kilometers to Madrid to demand an end to speculative price inflation and preventive actions to maintain Universal Public Health and Retirement Pensions in the near and distant future. The thing also warms up to beleaguered colleagues. And real democracy.

Some of the travelers have just folded the “curro”.
It will be a long and sleepless journey. Other classmates were unable to attend this time. After, a tedious return home.

And so from many parts of the peninsular territory. During a break on the journey, they meet Rubí's colleagues. Also from Valencia.

Sometimes it's time to really roll up your sleeves, because the Cause well deserves it.
Today is one. There will most likely be many more.

The fatigue of the journey takes its toll and the procession finds it difficult to follow the chants, slogans and dances during the demonstration.
So much is worth. There they are. A grain of sand.
The atmosphere is one of humility and self-sacrificing brotherhood. This matters!

To all those who dedicate their lives to noble causes!




Mar 072023

CGT acts in Barcelona to commemorate the centenary of the murder of Salvador Segui, "The sugar's boy" 1923-2023 by the bosses' gunmen and the collusion of the Catalan bourgeoisie and the powers of the state

Salvador Seguí i Rubinat was an anarcho-syndicalist militant, worker and painter from the 12 years. Follower of the modern school of Ferrer i Guardia and self-taught. He actively participated in the General Strike of the 1902, the constitution of Solidaridad Obrera in 1907, the tragic week in 1909, Read more

Sep 102020
Moria Refugee Camp

From the General Confederation of Labor we want to show our full support and solidarity with all refugees from Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos, who have had to be evacuated as a result of the fires that have destroyed the Refugee Camp where they were living badly since their arrival on the island after fleeing their countries of origin.

Continue reading »
Jun 022020
Download pdf

Today 02 June the company Ramcon S.A has announced the dismissal of our colleague Isabel, active member of our union section, The reason for said dismissal is an interview that the colleague gave to Vallès Visió television after this medium contacted our colleague. From this union we want to denounce the company and the City Council as executors of a clear example of UNION REPRESSION.

Read more
Jul 152018

Call for a rally in support of the colleagues of @CGTlittlebuddha

Day: 17 of July
Hour: 11:00 
Place: Social Court-Gran via de les Corts, 111 Barcelona

The Little Buddha design group located in the Poblenou neighborhood (Barcelona)  has sued two of its workers, members of the CGT union section in the company, for violation of fundamental rights.

Read more"
Mar 012018

Stop repressió!

Aquest matí del dimarts 27 de febrer estava prevista una roda de premsa prèvia a acompanyar a l’Ermengol i a dues companyes més fins a la fiscalia superior de Catalunya per fer front a l’ordre de recerca i captura pels fets relacionats amb l’ocupació del Rectorat de la UAB a l’abril de l’2013. Finalment la roda de premsa no es va fer i l’Ermen i la companya Bàrbara van ser detinguts a la fiscalia i traslladats a la comissaria dels mossos d’esquadra de les Corts per ser posats a disposició del jutjat. Continue reading »

Jan 242018












To this day we have suffered:

-Suspensions of 60 days of employment and salary due to the existence of a section Twitter account and the use of public haghtags that the company considers its own (acts that the company considers as “hostiles”).

-Demand of 150.061,27 € for the activity on Twitter of the union section and because the company considers that we want “profit” in her name.

-Suspension of 60  days of employment and salary for disciplinary measures without objective and reasonable justification to a member of the union section. Among them for supporting the strike on November 8 and assisting the doctor during working hours for a pregnancy checkup, alleging damage to the organization of the company.

-15 days of suspension for collecting information about Lipoatrophy in relation to pregnancy.

-Degradation of our job performing lower category tasks, taking away all kinds of access to the tasks of almost 10 years of work.

-We don't knowrecthe other day  as a union section andse warns us that we cannot distribute information to workers at the company door during non-working hours without prior communication.

Se has communicated to us actively and passively that WE WANT OUT OF THE COMPANY, it is considered that we create a bad environment and we are not loyal, along with abusive behaviors aimed at professionally and psychologically degrading. It seems that by not getting us to voluntarily leave our job due to exhaustion, a dismissal is manufactured that does not entail a cost to the company..







 HILLS 146-148



Follow us on @cgtlittlebuddha

*For this reason they suspended us 60 days without pay, nor employment. And they have filed a lawsuit against us for €150,061.27

Jan 082018


Ahir diumenge 7 de gener els Mossos d’Esquadra van detenir al Carles D., antic estudiant de la UAB i una de les persones encausades en el cas conegut com “27 i més”. Recordem que el cas dels “27 i més” va iniciar arran de diverses denúncies de l’anterior equip de govern de la UAB contra 25 (ara antics) estudiants i dos treballadors, un PAS i un PDI, que havien sigut actius en les protestes universitàries dels cursos 2011-2012 i 2012-2013 contra l’increment de les matrícules, els acomiadaments de professorat, les retallades i les privatitzacions. Unes denúncies que van comportar que la fiscalia, recollint el relat presentat per l’aleshores rectorsecretària general i vicerectora d’estudiants, estigui demanant penes de presó d’entre 11 i 14 anys per a cada encausat/da, a banda de 5 anys d’allunyament de la UAB, multes de 9.500 € i una responsabilitat civil que finalment han rebaixat a 14.000 €.Com a resultat d’això ahir, possiblement per primera vegada a la història de la UAB, a (ex)estudiant va ser detingut per lapolicia després d’una denúncia feta per motius polítics per la pròpia universitat. Una imatge que ens remet, directament, al franquisme.

Els darrers mesos hem tornat a sentir a parlar de presos i preses polítiques. I hem vist com una repressió que mai havia acabat de marxar torna a estar a l’ordre del dia. Ahir en vam viure un altre capítol que, tot indica, tot just ha començat. I aquest cop ens afecta directament, perquè es tracta d’un procés endegat per qui, en teoria, hauria de representar el conjunt de la comunitat universitària com és l’Equip de Govern. Ens pertoca, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, ser actius i actives per intentar frenar una nova barbaritat del sistema judicial de l’Estat espanyol.

És per això que demanem al conjunt de la comunitat universitària de la UAB que estigueu atents i atentes a les convocatòries que vagin sortint del grup d’encausats/des (Més informació aquí) Però també emplacem a l’actual equip de govern a ser valent i a comprometre’s de manera clara i inequívoca amb la defensa de la llibertat també al nostre campus. Som conscients/es que aquesta és una situació que han rebut en herència de l’equip de Ferran Sancho. També som conscients/es que han enretirat la seva acusació particular de l’àmbit penal (no deixa de ser curiós que l’anterior equip sempre va negar que hagués formulat mai cap denúncia) i que han rebaixat la petició de responsabilitat civil. Però tot això no és suficient per desactivar una acció judicial que pot portar a la presó a25 ex estudiants, un tècnic i un professor de la UAB. Emplacem directament a la rectora a:


  1. Retirar del tot la demanda de responsabilitat civil per uns actes que es van dur a terme en el marc de protestes universitàries
  2. Contribuir activament a desmuntar, des de la UAB, les falsedats que en nom de la mateixa UAB es van dir davant de la policia i del jutge i que incriminen les 27 persones encausades.

No només no volem ser còmplices de cap empresonament per causes polítiques a la UAB, sinó que ho volem revertir. I la rectora, en honor a la història de lluita que ella mateixa reivindica, n’ha de ser un agent actiu. Li demanem que concreti en fets les seves paraules.

Secció sindical de CGT-UAB



Oct 152017

Companys / es,

next wednesday 18 In October, the conciliation will take place between our colleague Marta and the graphic design company Little Buddha.

Since last July the trade union section was established in this company, it seems that this did not take well at all that the colleagues decided to organize.

In this way, The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 11 In August, the company issued a written sanction against our colleague Marta (trade union representative of the section) to have a union section twitter account @CGTlittlebuddha, since the company accused the company of appropriating the company's trade name or using hashtags associated with the company such as #ommm (that we remember are public), in addition to asking that the colleagues destroy the shirt they have made to make themselves known among the workers.

We ask for your support, so that the company can visualize that if they touch us one, affect us all!!

we need you (when and where):

Wednesday 18 of October, at 11.30 a.m.

in the Department of Labor (C/ Albareda 2)

Enough union and labor repression in Little Buddha or anywhere else!

-Trade union section of the CGT in Little Buddha-


Sep 202017

Fem front a l’escalada repressiva fascista que ha activat l’estat espanyol en Catalunya. La repressió des de la CGT anarcosindicalista l’hem viscuda de sempre, no és cap novetat. En tot cas ara la novetat és per a la burgesia, tot comptant que ells amb la seva classe política la vénen aplicant de sempre contra nosaltres.

Arribats aquest punt però, ho tenim clar, sempre lluitarem per la defensa dels drets i llibertats i contra l’opressió del règim capitalista i de l’estat, sigui quina sigui la seva bandera. Més enllà del conflicte entre dos estats, l’un en franca decadència, i l’altre volent sorgir, nosaltres estem junt al poble i la classe treballadora.

Enough repression, peró no només ara!!
Prou repressió ara i sempre!!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Sep 152017

Press release from the Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

Faced with repressive episodes such as media searches, limitations on freedom of expression, of meeting, suspensions or limitations of rights and court appointments with threat of arrest, from the CGT of Catalonia we want to state that:

1.- Although the referendum call for the day 1 October is far from what we consider one complete process of self-determination, from our organization we consider intolerable the authoritarian response that is given by the central government and the state administrations.

2.- We are concerned and alarmed that the repressive escalation that we are experiencing these days and that is expected to be accentuated in the coming days will consolidate a cut in the spaces for collective participation.. And we also worry about that, apart from the 1-O referendum, this regression has continuity in other areas, such as the world of work and other social and civic struggles. Historically, when fascist attitudes enter through the door, they never come out if they are not expelled.

3.- From the CGT of Catalonia we express our commitment to the active defense of freedom and against any form of state repression. We call on our members and our union sections to put these principles into practice., on the street and where necessary, against repression and in defense of rights and freedoms that we will not allow to be taken.

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
15 of September of 2017


Mar 152017

eviction G l'Adaknt, Granollers

This morning was evicted the Social Center Okupat Ca l'Enkant, Granollers, with a great unfolding of mossos riot and police cars Granollers.

The last friday 3 March were summoned as CGT Vallès Oriental, together with other organizations, where members of the group told us the project autogestionario Ca l'Enkant, an open space where instead be given to all those groups, unions, policies, etc. and individuals who are in the struggle for social change and against the capitalist system of exploitation.

With all the difficulties of the case, starting with the pressure that had already begun to exert forces established DISORDER, this granollerina youth had begun to walk and build other forms of struggle to change the system, playing one of those sacred precincts of Power: Private Property.

Beyond eviction today, and tissue was begun, ties will endure and seek new spaces, because the first space already conquered in that action, It was the space of mentalities, was the realization that the properties can be useless collective capitalists do and give a social utility. What apparently it was just an experiment, It may be a touch of reality, this reality of occupation of spaces, Private reuse disused buildings, with a social purpose, cultural and transformation.

Social Center Okupado Can L'Enkant is a germ, It is a start, because in the early collapse of this system, They not reach them all riot of the world to stop popular will, the desire for freedom, equality and social self.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers
[15/03/2017, 13:40h]

Today at 6 a morning 20 brimos came from Sabadell to evacuate 15 People at that time were the Ca Enkant. We have used force, contempt and imposing fear. But above all, have done with the complicity of’City of Granollers you always knew what would happen. Therefore we call today at 19pm rally in front of the La Porxada, to denounce the abuse of power of capital, which always has the judiciary to their side, violating the rights of people who were part of the CSO, and the absolute complicity of the council. They wanted to bury but did not know they were then #JoTambéEnkantoGranollers

EnkantGranollers [fb]


Dec 282016

march 31 dec 2016XX March against prisons and in solidarity with prisoners

Saturday 31 of December of 2016 a Barcelona

  • 11.30 h March on the Wad-Ras women's prison
    C / Doctor Trueta 76-98, Metro Bogatell L4
    There will be vegan breakfast and live broadcast, bring your radio to amplify the sound!
  • 17.00 h Concentration in front of the CIE Zona Franca
    THERE IS, we stay at 16.30 h to the bus stop 109 de pl. Spain
    Bring things to make noise!
  • 23.00 h Torchlight march at the Model Prison
    C / Understanding 55, Metro Entença L5

We start the year by protesting for freedom!

On the floor the walls of the prisons!


He 31 of December, a Barcelona, and in many other cities around the world, we live the New Year in a different way.

Durant 20 years we have approached the Wad-Ras women's prison, at the CIE in Zona Franca and in the old Model prison to send our voice to those people who are locked up and those who keep them inside.

"Because you do all this if it's useless? Prisons have always existed!
If they weren’t there, the thieves, murderers and rapists, they would camp the world without the punishment they deserve, Hi?”

We are told that the law is the same for all but the 80% of the inmate population is for reasons related to social inequalities and private property, and the 99% belongs to the popular classes.

We are told that someone who has done something wrong is in prison, but Spain has one of the highest rates of prisoners in Europe.. However, it has one of the lowest crime rates on the continent. We add the gag law to it?

In the meantime…
Real thieves work in banks and companies.
The real killers patrol our cities with impunity.
The rapists are forgiven and the victims are questioned.

Prison is a weapon of the rich and powerful against the poor and dissidents!

For a society without exploiters or exploited, for a society without aggressors or victims, for a future without powers or repression.

We walk together against the prison!



Dec 032016

cgt-lola-gutierrez-dilluns-20161205CONCENTRATION Monday 5/12 at the Consulate of Greece
c / Freixa, 6 Barcelona (FCG La Bonanova) at 10 am

Our partner from CGT, Lola gutierrez, has been imprisoned in Greece since last Sunday 27 of November, after his arrest at the Athens airport, accused of helping a Kurdish refugee flee the war and, probably, of death.
We celebrate that there are people who, due to their active involvement in the face of injustice, act on the ground, risking his own life and freedom. It turns out that our partner is one of those many supportive and generous people who have the courage to confront repressive regimes like that of Greece, country in which she remains in prison as she is considered an enemy of the state and will only be released when she is extradited and reaches Barcelona.

The European Union's agreements with Turkey to act as a barrier to immigrants and the humiliating treatment in Europe of those fleeing hunger, wars and death, You can have no other response than to disobey all laws that prevent people seeking refuge from being saved, through actions that allow helping all those who want to continue to have a future.

Illegals and criminals are part of the governments of countries that pledged aid and practice hot returns or internment of immigrants. We still remember the shameful photos of European leaders and their promises of aid to refugees.
From the CGT we are going to continue demanding the freedom of our colleague Lola Gutiérrez, we want her in Barcelona NOW, and we are not worth excuses from a "progressive" Greek government that imprisons those who are in solidarity with the most disadvantaged.



CGT Barcelona

Sep 192016

mani-sorpresa-11-14-anys-pressoSome 500 surprise people to the demonstration of the CGT 15 September in Barcelona, from the Paral·lel to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by Ramblas and Ferran, in solidarity with the defendants in case 27i + to defend the public university, among them Ermengol Gassiot, General Secretary of CGT Catalunya.

The CGT is manifested by surprise against the cause that affects 27 people from the UAB

The union concentrates almost half a thousand members in the center of Barcelona in defense of the public and quality university

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) has summoned some 450 affiliates and supporters in a demonstration to denounce the case of @ som27imés. In this summary they are asked 11 years in prison to the general secretary, Ermengol Gassiot and similar penalties to 25 students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the administration and services staff. In total almost 300 years in prison plus accessory sentences.

The anarchist union has taken to the streets without informing Interior. He has done so on a route that has crossed the most touristy Barcelona, from near the Shipyards to Plaça de Sant Jaume, passing by the boulevard. Nearly half a thousand trade unionists have called against the surrounding processions of large firecrackers and firecrackers. There were no incidents or police officers at any time.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Jul 062016

Carta a companyes i companys: 11 peak years in prison

Ara que ja és públic, penjo la carta que he enviat a les meves companyes i companys de sindicat un cop hem conegut la petició fiscal pel cas 27 and more. Per si no ho recordeu, fa més d’un any la universitat on treballo, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, va denunciar junt a una vice-rectora i altres persones a 25 estudiants i 2 workers (un company del PAS i jo mateix) per un seguit de lluites sindicals i socials. Tot plegat ho podeu seguir també al blog de la CGT-UAB.

Companyes/ companys

Des que sóc secretari general de la CGT de Catalunya mai he volgut adreçar-me a vosaltres de manera personal, ja que entenia que l’SP de la CGT de Catalunya som un equip i volem expressar-nos com a tal. No obstant, avui he optat per fer-ho. I us explico el motiu. Com ja sabeu, fa un any i pocs mesos la secció sindical de CGT a la UAB va denunciar que la UAB havia iniciat un procés repressiu, amb denúncia penal inclosa, contra 25 students, un treballador del PAS i jo mateix.

Ara hem rebut l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia. En ell, en el que a mi m’afecta, formula les següents peticions per haver participat en una roda de premsa on donàvem, la CGT i altres col·lectius sindicals, recolzament a una ocupació de protesta al rectorat de la UAB:

- Delicte continuat desordres públics: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte de violació de domicili jurídic: 2 anys i 9 mesos de presó
- Delicte de danys: 2 anys i 10 mesos de presó
- Delicte continuat coaccions : 3 years
- Prohibició d’accés a la UAB (i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, al meu lloc de treball) durant 5 years

Quan la notícia es faci pública hi haurà un comunicat de la CGT al respecte. Mentre, simplement, us volia en confiança posar en coneixement de la situació que encara no és pública. No cal que us digui que el ministeri fiscal segueix ordres del govern i que l’acusació és un autèntic despropòsit jurídic, segons asseguren els i les nostres advocades. Tenim molt clar que respon a una voluntat política d’atacar la lluita sindical i social contra la privatització de les universitats i els negocis que empreses i alguns professors/es fan amb aquest procés. Tenim molt clar que, Besides, és un atac directe també a la CGT que tant a la UAB, a altres universitats i en molts altres espais protagonitzem una lluita en contra els interessos del capital i del poder.

Tot plegat, ens dóna encara més energia per seguir el camí que hem emprés.

Health, lluita i llibertat

Ermengol Gassiot, Secretari General CGT Catalunya

Jul 062016

arton12021-4102aComunicat de la Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya

Volem informar que ens ha arribat l’escrit d’acusació de la fiscalia per les protestes estudiantils i sindicals a la UAB durant la primavera del 2013, durant les quals es va ocupar l’edifici del rectorat de la UAB l’any 2013. En una successió d’imputacions que qualifiquem de delirants i aberrants, s’acumulen peticions de presó que arriben fins els 11 anys i 5 mesos pel nostre secretari general, el professor Ermengol Gassiot, i peticions semblants per a 25 estudiants i un treballador del PAS (personal d’administració i serveis), delegat al comitè d’empresa del PAS pel sindicat CAU-IAC.

L’Ermengol, com a delegat de la Confederació General del Treball a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i membre del Comitè d’Empresa, va donar suport als estudiants que van ocupar el rectorat l’any 2013, que posteriorment es va convertir en una ocupació de tots els col·lectius en lluita de la UAB, així com també a les mobilitzacions universitàries que es van realitzar durant el curs 2012-2013. En totes les ocasions, va mantenir una ferma lluita sindical contra l’anterior equip de rectorat. En la mencionada ocupació, alguns professors i personal d’administració i serveis (NOT) van mostrar la seva solidaritat amb la seva presència a l’edifici, i fent les seves classes al rectorat.

La Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona s’ha personat com a acusació particular del present procediment. Es tracta de la primera vegada des del franquisme que una universitat pública denuncia penalment un professor i un membre del PAS per la seva pràctica político-sindical. I també és una situació quasi inèdita el fet que una universitat pública hagi denunciat penalment els seus propis estudiants.

La UAB no només s’ha personat com a acusació particular, sinó que també ha redactat informes per a la policia i ha perseguit clarament a aquelles persones que van ser contràries a la candidatura de l’anterior rector, Ferran Sancho. Tot plegat ha fet que el present procediment conformi una persecució indiscriminada de la lluita sindical i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, en una clara vulneració de l’exercici de drets fonamentals.

Aquesta brutal repressió i peticions fiscals basades en la revenja ideològica tenen com a objectiu acoquinar l’estudiantat, la comunitat universitària i la població en general.

Denunciem la persecució ideològica a la UAB contra tota oposició a la política de retallades i agressions a la universitat pública. Denunciem la responsabilitat i instigació de l’equip de Ferran Sancho en aquesta denúncia. Denunciem les mentides i revenges de l’ex-vicerectora Sílvia Carrasco, personada com acusació particular a la causa.

I recordem que a la CGT de Catalunya quan ens toquen a una ens toquen a totes, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, no ens quedarem de braços creuats mirant com actituds feixistes pretenen engarjolar al nostre secretari general i a 26 persones que simplement feien una ocupació en defensa dels drets de totes i tots a una universitat pública, social i de qualitat.

Confederació General del Treball de Catalunya
Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia

6 de juliol de 2016

Jun 072016

Article by Josep Garcia, Training Secretary of CGT Catalonia

We are following with interest all the debate that has been taking place lately, especially here in the city of Barcelona, around neighborhood unionism. We are interested, to the extent that it is clear that there are activist sectors, sectors of social movements, who feel the need to put the field of salaried exploitation on their agenda of struggle, and generate territorialized networks of solidarity and mutual support to defend labor rights through direct action.
This seems important to us, because we know that there are many people who have lived on their backs for a long time in the world of salaried work, while generating a discourse of rejection that prevented them from conceiving this as a battlefield (just as we conceive of other spaces in our everyday life as such), and this despite having to earn the carobs, like most, allowing themselves to be exploited in the capitalist market.

I think that all of us here must have spent many hours of our lives in our neighborhoods or towns building spaces of autonomy with many other people, self-management projects, etc. For some of us, that we have arrived at trade unionism from militancy in social movements, it has always been difficult to understand that there were colleagues who were hyperactive in a thousand moves outside of work, but what, However, were completely canceled once they crossed the door of the work center. That they become there in what we call a "Padefo" (in other words that is, a “Fucking Step”). As if work is not part of life, as if the job (what, we already know, it is a space of alienation) was not also a key determinant of our possibilities to realize ourselves, individually and collectively.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Apr 042016
5 d’abril: They attack and Roger Mercader, but we will find you all.

A young man takes leave of his fellow picket a day of general strike, it is time to regain strength for the afternoon demonstration. Not knowing how, is in the ground while police beat and arrested several useful the separation of the group. An affiliate of the CGT, known for Bus recent strikes in the struggle for two days, heads there and protesting police violence with other neighboring. A policeman says "I know you", "So you do not I". Continue reading »