Oct 282023

Friday. autumn evening. Girona. A bus leaves from Passeig d'Olot.
This will still stop in Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell.

It will be filled with people who, exhausted from the work week, they go further and this weekend they will travel 500 kilometers to Madrid to demand an end to speculative price inflation and preventive actions to maintain Universal Public Health and Retirement Pensions in the near and distant future. The thing also warms up to beleaguered colleagues. And real democracy.

Some of the travelers have just folded the “curro”.
It will be a long and sleepless journey. Other classmates were unable to attend this time. After, a tedious return home.

And so from many parts of the peninsular territory. During a break on the journey, they meet Rubí's colleagues. Also from Valencia.

Sometimes it's time to really roll up your sleeves, because the Cause well deserves it.
Today is one. There will most likely be many more.

The fatigue of the journey takes its toll and the procession finds it difficult to follow the chants, slogans and dances during the demonstration.
So much is worth. There they are. A grain of sand.
The atmosphere is one of humility and self-sacrificing brotherhood. This matters!

To all those who dedicate their lives to noble causes!




Jan 312022

Manifest_3FDownload pdf

The workers and workers are used to not being given anything. The Government's agreement with the employers and the leaders of the CCOO and UGT is no exception. Beyond the hype, the truth is the Government fails to fulfill its promises and abandons its commitment to repeal the labor reform of the Popular Party. With this new reform, it legitimizes and reinforces the central pillars of the labor reforms imposed by the PSOE of Zapatero first and Mariano Rajoy later..

Read more

Jul 182017

Article de Vidal Aragonès

Vidal Aragonés, advocat laboralista del Col·lectiu Ronda, analitza les dades estadístiques que confronten i desmenteixen radicalment la tesi defensada pel govern del PP que la reforma laboral aprovada l’any 2012 ha contribuït a la creació d’ocupació tot demostrant que l’únic efecte desplegat per la norma ha estat l’extensió de la precarietat i la degradació generalitzada de les condicions laborals.

Durant els darrers anys, coincidint amb la finalització de cadascun dels mesos, el Govern del Partit Popular ha aportat dades relatives a contractació i altes a la Seguretat Social per intentar transmetre la sensació de que es creava ocupació i que, Besides, aquesta suposada creació tenia relació amb les contrareformes laborals aprovades per l’Executiu de Rajoy l’any 2012. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, només cal analitzar les pròpies dades de l’Institut Nacional d’Estadística (INE) i les que es desprenen de l’Enquesta de Població Activa (EPA) per comprovar que als darrers 5 anys no s’ha creat ocupació.

L’EPA del quart trimestre del 2011 (la darrera abans de l’aprovació del Reial Decret Llei 3/2012) situava en 23.440.300 els treballadors actius i en 18.533.000 els ocupats. Cinc any després, les últimes dades de l’EPA corresponents al quart trimestre de 2016 situaven els actius en 23.026.800 i els ocupats en 18.508.100. Definitely, tant el nombre d’actius com d’ocupats ha disminuït i, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, no és possible en absolut parlar de creació d’ocupació.

De la mateixa manera, si optem per l’anàlisi de les dades oficials del Ministeri de Treball relatius a cotitzants, el resultat és el següent: el total de cotitzants adscrits a tots els règims al desembre de 2011 era de 17.361.851 mentre que al gener de 2016 era de 17.104.357. Hem hagut d’esperar al gener de 2017 (17.674.155) per superar la xifra de cotitzants anterior a 2012, si bé encara molt lluny dels 19.161.851cotitzants registrats l’any 2008.

Article sencer al web de CGT Catalonia

Feb 232017

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

Thursday 2 March, 10.30h, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, Via Laietana 18, 9The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:

  • Desiderio Martin, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups
  • The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:
Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT

Feb 232017

He 16 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC (and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC). and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC 30 and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well.


surely thinking about which revolving door will enter the Boards of Directors of these Transnationals to which they have served so well, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality 90 a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality.


a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality, a model of society in the service of economic elites has been voted that will lead to more inequality. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it. In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it, In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it.

In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Jan 022017

CGT formation: Temporary hiringConference of affiliates and delegates of the CGT of Catalonia

taught by TSJC magistrate Carlos Hugo Preciado with the title: “Temporary recruitment and temporary contracts following recent EU court rulings”

The sentence of 14/09/2016 of the Supreme Court of Justice of the EU (SSTJUE) sets important limitations on the chaining of contingent contracts and interim contracts in public administrations. In order to know the basic aspects of the new legal situation and its possibilities for our trade union action, the CGT of Catalonia has planned the following

The training session will take place on Friday 13 January, from 10 a 14 h in the Fort Pienc Civic Center event room (Fort Pienc Square, 4-5, Barcelona) (link to map)

This issue affects public administrations in a very special way, in the field of health and education. Given that the capacity of the room is limited, we ask that you register in advance by email formacio@cgtcatalunya.cat indicating your federation/union/union section and the number of people.

We attach a poster.

Health and freedom

Secretary of Training
CGT of Catalonia

Dec 132016

Communiqué of the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

CGT will not attend these "instrumental mobilizations of the regime unions on the days 15 i 18 of December" since the only thing they aim for is to position themselves, with "some legitimacy", in the social dialogue negotiations they have been carrying out with the different governments since 1977.

The unions of the Concertation have been basic tools for the domestication of wage earners, inserting them into the unique dynamics of the continued Social Pact, signing the Labor Reforms – increasingly precarious – and thereby allowing employers to maintain or improve their rates of profit and to implement a neoliberal and deregulated model of working conditions. They have guaranteed with this the “pau social” in exchange for prominence and prebends for their organizations and their domes.

These unions, with huge membership in past dates, with influence in all strata, with a presence at all negotiation tables, omnipresent in television and media, participants in business dinners, governmental and unofficial, they admitted the European Union unconditionally in the 86 and they admitted Maastricht in the 93. Then they only made grandiloquent statements and did not lift a finger against this Europe of Capital and the Markets.

The several dozen Labor Reforms since the Moncloa Pacts (1977) and Public Pension Systems, until the last Reform of the PP in 2012, they have destroyed the counterpower of the working class, through these "consensus and social dialogue" policies, leaving us in a situation of integral precariousness, poverty and social inequality, to extremes never known in the Spanish state.

Despite fiscal policies, tax and social, called "adjustment and austerity", they have never taken to the streets with serious and firm intentions to confront these criminal policies that have been implemented against the majority of people.

to mobilize, it is to have conviction and the will to search, present and defend alternatives and actions with which:

- Oppose collective redundancies (to millions) through the ERE.
- Oppose the fact that the unilateral will of the employer determines the working conditions.
- Oppose the fact that workers lose the agreements and our labor relations are individualized and available to the employer.
- Oppose the lowering of wages, on the double salary scales.
- Defend the stable and fixed contract in all markets, both public and private and do not accept contracts and subcontracts, job loan, outsourcing, privatizations...
- Defending the Public and the reversion to the Public of everything privatized.
- Defending the rights and freedoms that have been stolen from us and confronting the repression they have developed against the most consistent people of the class they claim to represent.

The CGT is in the streets with those who suffer, with precarious and precarious, with the millions of people whose work has been taken away from them, the ceiling (home), the pa (salary and social benefits), freedom, and with the social majority, that we have been scammed with policies that have "saved the banks with hundreds of billions", to companies and the rich, through lowering their taxes, and occupations have been carried forward, pensions, Health, education and care...

The mobilizations of 15-M, the tides, the Dignity Marches, the Platforms in defense of the Public, alternative trade unionism, yes we have legitimacy, because we have proposed alternatives, because we have carried out processes of self-management and an alternative social economy and because WE HAVE BEEN IN THE STREETS confronting this predatory capitalism.

The "unions of the regime", not only have they been hidden all the time of the crisis-scam but that, in your "DNA", it is recorded that "collaboration with governments and business" is where they have their raison d'être.

CGT will return to the streets to defend the claims and proposals that we have never abandoned, those from whom we build a society of all, egalitarian, and we understand that, as the slogan we shout in the Manifestations says:


In this process, you will find an opportunity to put an end to it

Sep 252016

A ruling by the ECJ questions the different compensation between permanent and temporary contracts. Lawyers believe that the decision to force changes in the Workers' Statute.

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (TWENTY) questioning the treatment that is given in the Spanish labor market before the indefinite temporary contracts in the event of termination has caused a reaction of interpretations of social, Governments and law. The ruling by the European Court in Luxembourg which requires a worker interim compensation will reverse much of the Spanish labor legislation. There are clear deadlines for this legislation meets this sentence but, moment and while this does not happen, the arguments used by the European Court allow the plaintiffs to have more legal force to convince the judges.

The ruling dynamite all the way recruitment has been doing that all administrations in Spain, both local, the regional and state, procurement of staff in the administration. Which requires a large-scale policy change, not only of the Workers' Statute, which of course should be modified to reflect this judgment, but also regional standards should be modified.

It is a very important decision, which will mark a before and after, and said that a temporary worker should be compensated like it would be a permanent worker when his contract ends.

0 days per year worked is the compensation received by an employee acting once the employment relationship ends.

12 days per year worked receives compensation as a temporary employee once the employment relationship.

Spanish legislation contains various compensation once the employment relationship ends: 12 days per year worked in labor contracts, 20 days per year in permanent dismissal and with 33 days with the permanent unfair dismissal. the interim, meanwhile, have a temporary contract that does not entitle them to compensation once the employment relationship ends. There are also training contracts, without any compensation after timeout.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia

Jun 192016

2016-06-18 Madrid Public Services

Dec 272013
Este viernes 20 from December, el Gobierno ha anunciado una nueva reforma laboral con medidas destructivas para la estabilidad y la calidad del empleo, algunas de las cuales han sido ya plasmadas en un nuevo real decreto. Otras de las medidas aún no se conocen en detalle, pero lo informado hasta el momento sobre ellas muestra claramente su naturaleza regresiva. Las expondremos a continuación:

1) Fomento del trabajo a tiempo parcial en contra de la contratación a tiempo completo.

Los trabajadores y trabajadoras a tiempo parcial podrán hacer horas complementarias hasta un 90% de la jornada pactada en su contrato. That is to say, que con un contrato a tiempo parcial de 20 hours, el empleado puede llegar a trabajar 38 horas semanales, al poder añadirle 18 horas complementarias. Hasta ahora, las horas complementarias sólo podían alcanzar el 60% de la jornada. Con esta nueva medida se facilita más todavía el encubrimiento de las horas extraordinarias.

El contrato indefinido de apoyo a los emprendedores, que hasta ahora sólo podía ser a tiempo completo, podrá realizarse también a tiempo parcial.

Para seguir fomentando el trabajo a tiempo parcial, se aumenta el derecho de las trabajadoras a acogerse a una reducción de jornada por maternidad hasta que el niño tenga 12 years, cuatro más que ahora.

Dados los reducidos salarios que caracterizan a la mayoría de trabajos en España, la apuesta por la contratación a tiempo parcial del Gobierno resulta nefasta para los trabajadores y trabajadoras, pues ahora la persona mileurista (que ganaba su exiguo salario por trabajar 40 horas semanales) corre el riesgo de reducir su sueldo a la mitad gracias a la libertad para optar por contratos de jornada reducida que ha otorgado el Gobierno a los empresarios. So, se apuesta por un escenario como el alemán, donde, como reconoce la propia Administración de Merkel, un extenso porcentaje de población trabaja y vive en la pobreza a la vez, pues sus miserables salarios no le dan para comer.

2) Reducción de 42 a 4 de los modelos de contrato vigentes.

El Gobierno ha decidido reducir los más 42 modelos de contratación que existen ahora mismo a cuatro: indefinido, temporal, en prácticas y de formación y aprendizaje. Esta medida aún no se ha implementado y no se conocen sus detalles, pero, teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes del Ministerio de Trabajo y el propio sentido común, el proyecto parece un frontal ataque contra la contratación indefinida y una apuesta por la precariedad laboral.

Los 42 modelos de contrato vigentes hasta ahora pretendían recoger las particularidades de cada tipo de relación laboral, reduciendo la posibilidad de imponer contratos temporales a supuestos limitados (aunque insuficientemente) y obligar al empresario a contratar indefinidamente si no reunía los requisitos para optar por algún tipo de contrato temporal. Igualmente, graduaban las indemnizaciones por despido dependiendo de las características de la relación contractual.

El Gobierno, al condensar estas decenas de contratos en un genérico contrato “temporal” cuyas características concretas aun no conocemos, parece querer crear un cajón de sastre en el que abarcar el mayor número de relaciones laborales posibles, dando la máxima libertad al empresario para elegir esta modalidad de trabajo precario en perjuicio de la contratación indefinida, así como eliminando las diferencias indemnizatorias entre contratos temporales para, con toda certeza, imponer una indemnización aun más exigua o directamente eliminarla.

To top, el Gobierno también permitirá la realización de contratos para la formación y el aprendizaje sin necesidad de hacerlo dentro de un título de Formación Profesional o certificado profesionalidad. That is to say, esta modalidad de contrato especialmente precaria, y cuya justificación era teóricamente formar en la práctica laboral al estudiante de FP mientras realiza sus cursos, ahora puede imponerse a cualquier joven, aunque no esté cursando unos estudios relacionados con el trabajo que ejecuta. De este modo, cae la máscara del contrato para la formación y el aprendizaje, quedando claro que su único fin es fomentar la explotación.

3) Aumento del poder de las mutuas para retirar los subsidios por incapacidad en caso de baja laboral.

La Ministra de Trabajo ha comunicado que las mutuas harán un seguimiento de las bajas laborales desde el primer día y pedirán el alta cuando lo entiendan procedente, aunque el servicio público de salud deberá decidir en última instancia. Según esta reforma, el servicio público de salud dispondrá de un periodo de 5 días para decidir si da el visto bueno o no a la solicitud de alta de las mutuas, y si no responde se entenderá que el trabajador ha superado la incapacidad temporal y debe ser dado de alta.

Evidentemente, resulta muy difícil que en tan escaso período el servicio público de salud pueda estudiar las ingentes solicitudes que las mutuas, deseosas de librarse del pago de prestaciones, le enviarán. Gracias a esa incapacidad para responder a los casos y analizarlos convenientemente, las mutuas podrán forzar cientos de altas injustificadas, gracias a una medida a la que no puede encontrarse ningún sentido lógico más allá que el de lograr aumentar las altas de trabajadores y trabajadoras enfermas y reducir el pago de prestaciones por incapacidad.

CGT Región Murciana

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Nov 092012

He 14 Noviembre de 2012, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) together with other organizations, convenes General Strike (HG) from 24 hour statewide Spanish because the Government, with its policy of cuts and reforms, nos está llevando a una auténtica situación de emergencia social, because it is implementing an economic policy, neoliberal and antisocial that it is at the service of financial markets, speculators, to the service of a European Union (EU) governed by German banks, el Banco central Europeo (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Definitely, una HG porque queremos un nuevo modelo social que no favorezca a una minoría de privilegiados (1%), not exploit the majority of the population (99%), a new social model that is based on sharing, freedom and social justice. Con esta HG, as a society, debemos romper el círculo de desmotivación, resignación y desmovilización a la que nos intenta conducir el sindicalismo institucional.

Download Leaflet in Catalan
Download Leaflet in Castilian
Download Poster in Catalan
Download Poster in Castilian

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Aug 072012
After the last General Strike 29 of March, things keep getting worse for the working class and the majority of the population.
The General Budget of the State (PGE) from 2012 represent a cut 27.000 million in social spending.
By royal decree, the government cuts 10.000 million euros in education and health. Public education and health systems are privatized, is desprestigian, are repaid with new taxes and fees while more than expected 300.000 layoffs in the public sector and a "medicamentazo" brutal approved.
In the meantime, the main problem of the population, unemployment, remains unresolved, agravándose, up to unbearable, the situation of millions of families who are denied access to a dignified life to be lived. (Read more)


Jun 202012
On Saturday a demonstration was held in Barcelona which was attended by some 2.500 people, under the slogan Against repression, labor reform and social cuts. Ehe route of the demonstration has passed through the Ministry of the Interior, Government Delegation, Public Prosecutor's Office of Catalonia, Work Promotion, From the CGT premises in Vía Laietana a banner has been taken down by some of those who have been prohibited by the judges from attending the demonstrations, who said “Prou repression, Puig resign "ending in Jaume I to Plaça Sant Jaume where the demonstration ended. They have shouted for the freedom of Andreu and against the repression.
The CGT has called this demonstration in Barcelona, which have been attended by members of Barcelona, from the various regions of Catalonia and colleagues from other provinces of the country (Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Valladolid, etc.). (Read more)


Jun 112012

The CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.

The mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest.

That is why we call a Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona, on saturday 16 of June, which will leave from the intersection of Calle Diputación and Paseo de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours. (Read more)

<<<Catalan octave>>> <<<Castilian leaflet>>>


Jun 032012

The CGT in defense of freedoms. Against labor reform and social cuts

For freedom without charges for Laura Gómez and the rest of those detained and prosecuted by the HG of 29M

The financial and economic crisis in which bankers have put us, speculators and submissive politicians, is being resolved against the interests of the majority of the population, while the government is taking advantage of the situation to apply its hidden ultra liberal program and increase the exploitation of workers and suffocate their aspirations for freedom and social justice.

(Read more)


May 282012
As you know, the CGT has agreed in its last Confederal Plenary to continue the mobilizations against repression and for the freedom of Laura Gómez, Secretary of Organization of the Local Federation of Barcelona.
So, we find that the mobilization plan approved in the Plenary contemplates a Campaign for the Freedom of Laura Gómez and against repression, that must also contain the fight against the Labor Reform and the Social Cuts that generated his arrest. So, we have one
· Demonstration of the entire CGT in Barcelona. will be the next 16 of June and will leave the intersection of Diputació street with Paseig de Sant Joan at 11.30 hours.
Thus, from each Territory we must start the planning in order to organize the trips through the different Local Federations.
In these days the Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee will contact the different Territories to know and coordinate the forecasts in each one of them.
It is important for the Organization to properly develop this action, since although Laura is on the street, the freedom she enjoys is provisional and judicial and police actions are being carried out to try to lock up our colleague for symbolically burning a box of papers in front of the Barcelona Stock Exchange in the last General Strike of the 29 of March.
Nor must we forget that it is not only our partner who is affected by this wave of repression.. Different delegates and affiliates of ours and other union and social organizations have been arrested and even imprisoned since and for the General Strike.
In a few days we will send you the materials for this campaign, which will consist of a poster, flyer and sticker.
From the SP of the Confederal Committee we encourage all the affiliation and militancy to participate in the actions against repression that this Organization is going to develop in defense of freedoms.
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee

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Mar 222012
Interview with Adoración Guamán, within the framework of the labor reform approved by the Popular Party (PP) Spanish the past 10 February, further tightening conditions for workers after the reforms of 2010 Y 2011 carried out by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).

Adoración Guamán is a tenured professor of labor law at the University of Valencia and an alternate professor at the French University Paris Ouest.

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