Nov 092012

He 14 November 2012, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) together with other organizations, convenes General Strike (HG) from 24 hour statewide Spanish because the Government, with its policy of cuts and reforms, It is leading us to a real situation of social emergency, because it is implementing an economic policy, neoliberal and antisocial that it is at the service of financial markets, speculators, to the service of a European Union (EU) governed by German banks, the European central bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Definitely, an HG because we want a new social model that does not favor a minority of the privileged (1%), not exploit the majority of the population (99%), a new social model that is based on sharing, freedom and social justice. With this HG, as a society, we must break the cycle of demotivation, resignation and demobilization to which institutional unionism tries to lead us.

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