Dec 272013
This Friday 20 from December, The Government has announced a new labor reform with destructive measures for the stability and quality of employment, some of which have already been reflected in a new royal decree. Other measures are not yet known in detail, but what has been reported so far about them clearly shows their regressive nature.. We will present them below:

1) Promoting part-time work against full-time employment.

Part-time workers may work additional hours up to a 90% of the day agreed in your contract. That is to say, that with a part-time contract of 20 hours, the employee can come to work 38 weekly hours, by being able to add 18 additional hours. Until now, the additional hours could only reach the 60% of the journey. With this new measure, the concealment of overtime is made even easier.

The indefinite contract to support entrepreneurs, which until now could only be full time, can also be done part time.

To continue promoting part-time work, the right of female workers to benefit from a reduction in working hours for maternity is increased until the child has 12 years, four more than now.

Given the low salaries that characterize most jobs in Spain, The Government's commitment to part-time hiring is disastrous for workers, well now the mileurist person (who earned his meager salary by working 40 weekly hours) runs the risk of reducing his salary by half thanks to the freedom to opt for short-time contracts that the Government has granted to employers. So, we are betting on a scenario like the German one, where, as Merkel's own Administration recognizes, a large percentage of the population works and lives in poverty at the same time, because their miserable salaries do not give them enough to eat.

2) Reduction of 42 a 4 of the current contract models.

The Government has decided to reduce the most 42 hiring models that exist right now at four: Undefined, temporal, in internships and training and learning. This measure has not yet been implemented and its details are not known., but, taking into account the background of the Ministry of Labor and common sense itself, The project seems like a frontal attack against permanent contracts and a commitment to job insecurity..

Los 42 Contract models in force until now sought to collect the particularities of each type of employment relationship, reducing the possibility of imposing temporary contracts to limited cases (although insufficiently) and force the employer to hire indefinitely if he did not meet the requirements to opt for some type of temporary contract. Equally, graduated severance pay depending on the characteristics of the contractual relationship.

Government, by condensing these dozens of contracts into a generic “temporary” contract whose specific characteristics we still do not know, seems to want to create a mixed bag in which to cover the greatest number of labor relationships possible, giving the employer maximum freedom to choose this type of precarious work to the detriment of permanent contracts, as well as eliminating compensation differences between temporary contracts for, with all certainty, impose even more meager compensation or directly eliminate it.

To top, The Government will also allow contracts for training and learning to be carried out without the need to do so within a Vocational Training degree or professional certificate.. That is to say, this type of contract especially precarious, and whose justification was theoretically to train vocational training students in work practice while taking their courses., now he can impose himself on any young man, even if you are not studying studies related to the work you do. Thus, The mask of the contract for training and learning falls, making it clear that its only purpose is to promote exploitation.

3) Increasing the power of mutual insurance companies to withdraw disability benefits in the event of sick leave.

The Minister of Labor has announced that mutual insurance companies will monitor sick leave from the first day and will request discharge when they consider it appropriate., although the public health service must ultimately decide. According to this reform, The public health service will have a period of 5 days to decide whether or not to approve the application for mutual registration, and if they do not respond, it will be understood that the worker has overcome the temporary disability and must be discharged..

Evidently, It is very difficult for the public health service to be able to study the enormous requests that mutual insurance companies make in such a short period of time., eager to get rid of benefit payments, they will send you. Thanks to this inability to respond to cases and analyze them appropriately, mutual insurance companies may force hundreds of unjustified discharges, thanks to a measure to which no logical meaning can be found beyond that of increasing the number of sick workers and reducing the payment of disability benefits.

CGT Murcia Region

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