Jul 232012

19-J: Valuation cassolada by the streets of Mollet

From the CGT of the Vallès Oriental we make a positive assessment of the casserole of protest that the past 19 of July it crossed the streets of Mollet. We want to emphasize that despite the speed and the little diffusion made almost 300 people came to our call. Fact that proves, that there are increasingly important sections of the population who are not willing to stand idly by watching the different governments end up with rights that years of struggle have given us.

La cassolada de protesta va transcórrer pel centre del poble passant davant les seus del PP i CiU on els assistents férem sentir de forma sorollosa el nostre rebuig a les polítiques que aquestes dues formacions estan duent a terme als governs espanyol i català.

From this union we will continue to occupy the streets as many times as necessary to stop the attacks on our rights and to build a different society based on freedom., social justice and mutual support.

CGT Vallès Oriental


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