May 232012
Follow-ups on all the different educational stages are majority, It is the Spanish universities that follow accumulate more, classless remain as a whole and even to close some campuses.
For Communities include traces of Asturias with 75% average in all stages, the Valencian Country with data from monitoring of the 80% in universities and the 65% Primary and Secondary, or Catalonia, with follow-up through the 60% in all sections. In Aragon the mean follow-up we encrypt the 70% in the whole educational community; Andalusia is monitoring the 53%; Castilla y Leon or where it has reached a 70% follow-up among all sections.
Madrid track reaches the Strike 80% in Universities and the 70% Primary and Secondary. They have also developed several mass meetings in all the cities of the state where participated as a unit mothers and fathers, students and faculty to discuss solutions against educational cuts and continuity of the mobilizations.
With these figures shows that Spanish society and especially and students, associations of parents and teachers are not going to continue supporting some educational and social cuts that insist the future of an entire generation and are a loss of quality in teaching jobs and irreversible work.
further, from the CGT we want to link the success of the strike in the education sector with the boredom of society before the Social Scraps that we are suffering in different areas of our lives, and Health, Public services, rights and freedoms.
Therefore we expect a massive participation in the demonstrations that were developed in major cities of the state throughout the afternoon and the demonstrations that have to continue calling in defense of public education.
Teaching Federation CGT

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