Jun 042024
Next Friday 14 from June to 17 hours will be held at the Ronda d'Orient location, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a talk – Press round with the following contents:


Dec 072023

We are pleased to inform you that from the joint action of the educational centers of Maresme and Vallès Oriental we have forced the Generalitat to carry out the compulsory annual medical examination in all Catalan schools and institutes, in compliance with the Statute of Workers and the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks (which up until now were passed over with impunity).

As a strategy we have used the sum of many individual complaints from workers to the Labor Inspectorate, skipping the inefficient corporate months, that they did nothing but throw balls out about it. Collective Action i Direct we call it.

As a result of our complaints, the Labor Inspectorate requires the Department of Education of the Generalitat to carry out this in all schools in the non-university public network and gives it until the day 9 of July of 2024 to make them effective.

Let's be on the lookout from all the work centers so that the annual regularity is met and maintained.

We encourage you to continue reporting to the Labor Inspectorate to further increase the pressure and public shame of the Generalitat. They take a year to respond, but it works.

We remind you that complaints to the Labor Inspectorate are free and guarantee the confidentiality of the person making the complaint.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF TO REPORT AND DEMAND AN ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION AT YOUR SCHOOL, INSTITUTE! [also in any work center in any sector where it is not fulfilled]

We attach the link to the complaint model and the argument to be presented. For any doubts contact us:



[The complaint model]


That in compliment of the Article 4.2 of the Workers' Statute and the articles 14 jo 22 of the Law 31/1995, from 8 November, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales all companies should carry out an annual medical examination for all workers in their centers.
That the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya has been for years, in some cases up to a decade, without fulfilling this responsibility with the workers who depend on them, in all the provinces of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.

– That your institution requests the corresponding documentation from the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– That your institution put an end to this negligent action that threatens the right to occupational health of workers.
- That your institution investigates the causes of this violation and establishes responsibilities.
- That from this same course 202
3-2024 and henceforth the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya complies with its obligation to guarantee the corresponding annual medical check-up for all the workers in its centers, or to its centers and/or organizations that depend on them, are hired directly, o no. However, exercise the corresponding proactive responsibility in cases where results among its workers require it.

Oct 312023

[LABOR PEDAGOGY: Conclusions of the Pedagogical Reflection Days of the Isarda Group]

The teachers, Catalan professors have been developing our professional activity for decades, understanding and taking the students at the center of the learning process.

Along these lines, we accompany them in the individual development of their skills, strictly respecting the corresponding pace of learning for each child and young person.

In our Pedagogical Reflection Days, we have appreciated that the enormous human and humanistic effort made by Catalan school workers to adapt the competence achievement process of our young people to their own characteristics, needs, emotions and learning rhythms does not have any kind of decent continuity in the Catalan company.

The company selects and segregates the young worker according to levels of competence and experience, throwing down the sink all the baggage and inclusive and comprehensive pedagogical effort implemented by the teaching staff.

At this point: or the school is wrong, and we already have our beloved politicians working hard to renew the curricula and adapt them to a selective and segregating model as demanded by the current company, or it is the company that urgently needs a profound reconversion to fit into the characteristics of Catalan society.

In a first analysis we have relied on infallibility, independence of judgment and independence from factual lobbies, of the Catalan political class when determining the appropriate studies and methodologies in the training of the Catalans of the future.

This being so, we have determined that it is the Catalan business community that errs in its approach, since it focuses on the reductionisms of the final product and profit.

It is very clear that a business model that focuses all its objectives on these precepts will never be able to go hand in hand with a school that is competent and sympathetic to people's needs. This employer model would be at odds with a competitive school, selective, meritocratic and segregating, with individualistic effort as the main value, to put each student "in his place", greatly facilitating an "orderly transition" from school to work. A "classist" arrangement, need.

Resuming the premise of the infallibility of the curricula ordered by our political class [in the next days of pedagogical analysis, the review of its suitability is planned: both of them, like others], the Isarda Group has concluded that the Catalan company should necessarily make the corresponding effort of empathy and corporate improvement to adapt to the characteristics and immanent needs of the young and adult population of Catalonia in the XXI Century.

In order to be in tune with today's Catalan society, business should urgently reinvent itself and innovate its outlook, rigidly anchored in the productivism of past centuries that have already been overcome. He should renew his focus and redirect it towards the worker (and worker) as a center of trunk interest. After all, it is the workers who make the work possible.

When leaving school (means institute, university) young Catalans are competently trained through decades of a complex and delicate learning process based on their interests, abilities and learning rates, these being particular and individualized.

Like this, it makes no sense for the company to escape the comprehensive course focused on the now former student by selecting him and emotionally draining him in procedures of well-publicized personal frustration.

It is the company that must take on the challenge of changing its outlook and creatively reinvent itself, adapting its production or services to the interests of each and every one of its workers. The same should be done with production processes, work rhythms, competence capabilities, uniforms, vacation…

That it is difficult to adapt to such diversity and that a company in one sector cannot start producing T-shirts at the same time, sweets, video games and jams so that this corresponds to the interests of their workers, trained in the creativity of learning to learn? And that he can't do the schedules and holidays that they want, paying them the salary they need? That every productive process needs good organization and cannot be based on a series of improvised events? That a single company cannot comprehensively attend to their individual needs 200 workers?

We are in the 21st century and we must adapt to its challenges.

Advanced companies must turn difficulties into upheavals and see them as opportunities and challenges to overcome day by day.

What better challenge than to make the country's production and services humbly available, interests, capacities and rhythms of Catalan citizenship.

That would be making a country!

Politicians you are soul crushing and burying the excellent teachers under tons of red tape;

Entrepreneurs who only do it for your own personal gain:


Apr 052023



Well, something very simple and older than the nana. A Trade Union section is the foundation of the self-organization and collaboration of people at work: it is the stable assembly of the workers of a trade union at the workplace.

Once self-organized, we will have autonomy of action.

Read more

Mar 272023


The affiliates of the Teaching Union Section of the Various Activities Union of Vallès Oriental have asked the Public Administration to require the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out the corresponding and normative annual medical check-up Read more

Aug 112021


We consider that especially in the municipal and provincial world there is a very important volume of temporary people who at the time were plugged "in the finger" by the "living forces" of the time in power. Here we are concerned about the thing.

Others accessed it through more objective bags, with adequate studies and experience.

Read more
May 212020


Without making any retrospective assessment in relation to the arrangements made by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya in relation to closure of schools and distance learning, now the time will come to do so, we state that the instructions of the Minister Josep Bargalló and the Plenary Session of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalonia indicating the reopening of the same is a negligence very serious that will endanger the lives of students and staff employee, reoxygenating the reactivation potential of the pandemic and the spread of the contagion to other colleagues, adults, pairs, sister mothers.

Read more
Oct 212019



The Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia is processing a bill that if we, the free-thinking and free-acting population, we don't swallow it raw will implement the open door to private management so generalized of the social welfare services so assumed within the our day to day as are the Right to public education or the universal access general practitioner and hospital services qualitative and paid for with the contributions of each and everyone through in our taxes.

Read more
Sep 052018

Good day and good start to the year.

 We are promoting the Trade Union County teachers and teachers aware constructive criticism, desire to develop participation and reciprocity mutual trust in the field in which we are technical: the education of young people and therefore the future of society.
We call on the next meeting will Thursday 13, at 18:00, the local CGT Vallès Oriental ( Francesc Macia 51, Mollet).
Thank you that you get this call to teachers, NOT, LIME, TIS your heart and carers.
Section Teaching VO.
Jul 032017

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups


Des del Sector Social CGT, volem expressar el següent sobre les declaracions de la Consellera Dolors Bassa, arran de les nostres denúncies:

- El Sr Calvo, Director General de la DGAIA i la Consellera Bassa ens acusen de difamació. Malauradament no és difamació, denunciem el currículum objectiu del Sr Calvo.

El Sr Calvo i la Consellera Bassa en les seves declaracions s’obliden (voluntària o involuntàriament) que en Ricard Calvo no va ser tan sols director de projectes de FASI, va ser director adjunt i també director general. Durant el seu últim any dins la Fundació FASI es va contractar a una directora tècnica per alliberar-lo de les seves funcions com a director tècnic i adjunt, i així poder exercir de director general, en absència del Sr Estanis Vayreda, que recordem és director de SUMAR-Empresa d’Acció Social i exerceix de tinent d’alcalde de la ciutat d’Olot per l’antiga CDC. Malgrat que ja feia funcions de director general, just abans de ser nomenat per aquest càrrec, pel mateix Patronat de la Fundació FASI, el Sr Calvo marxa com a Director General de la DGAIA. Les educadores que han treballat a FASI i moltes altres que coneixem el projecte de Cases d’Infants sabem que el Sr Calvo ha estat i és un dels grans promotors i gestors, des dels seus inicis i fins a l’actualitat (d’on es troba en excedència) d’aquest projecte esquitxat de presumptes irregularitats, tal i com ha demostrat el prestigiós grup de periodistes Ramon Barnils en l’article publicat a: http://www.media.cat/2017/06/ , on es fa un estudi rigorós, i es corrobora com aquesta fundació paga lloguers desorbitats que quintupliquen el preu de mercat a una empresa immobiliària que és propietat de la mateixa Fundació FASI. O sia que es paga a sí mateixa lloguers inflats amb diner públic, sent una empresa amb ànim de lucre, mentre FASI retalla diners per les infants en risc, les seves famílies i les educadores socials que hi treballem. Per a nosaltres, això és una pràctica perversa i menyspreable: on es fa negoci amb el dolor d’un dels grups més febles de la nostra societat: la infància en risc.

Full article on the website of CGT Catalonia

Jun 192017

Companions, companions,

toda la CGT Catalunya y confederal estatal, estamos atentos a las novedades que puedan surgir en torno al caso «Som 27 i més», ya que es inminente la convocatoria de tod@s l@s imputad@s a presentarse ante el juez, para el juicio oral, entre los que se encuentra nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot, secretario general de la CGT Catalunya. El Ermen está acusado como instigador del encierro llevado a cabo por estudiantes en el rectorado de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en el año 2013. Como profesor y trabajador del Departament de Prehistòria, el Ermen es delegado por la CGT. Tal como se dice en el comunicado del SP CGT Catalunya, el Ermen no se presentará al juicio oral, conciente de las consecuencias legales que eso conlleva, pero también conciente de quienes estamos a su lado.

Este es un montaje preparado por la UAB, universidad que tal como a ocurrido en todas las universidades públicas, se ha convertido en la formación superior de la burguesía y el caldo de cultivo donde las empresas se sirven a su gusto. La universidad pública, como el resto de niveles educativos, debe estar al servicio de la clase trabajadora, para la formación de individuos socialmente libres, y no al servicio de las empresas y corporaciones, que es lo que ocurre hoy en día.

Por eso desde la CGT Vallès Oriental impulsamos la defensa en la calle a nuestro compañero Ermen, porque no sólo representa a esa oposición al modelo educativo de universidad como empresa, sino porque además es Secretario General de la CGT de Catalunya.
Golpear al Ermen, es un golpe doble que nos hacen.

Por estos motivos, doble, y triple ha de ser nuestra respuesta!!
Porque ahora más que nunca, nos están tocando a todos y todas!

Si nos tocan a todos y todas, respondemos tod@s!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Desobedecemos el proceso político del caso “Som 27 i més”

Nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot ha decidido que no participará en la farsa y que no se personará en el juzgado por voluntad propia bajo ninguna circunstancia, afrontando las consecuencias que se deriven de su decisión.

Recientemente el juzgado de Cerdanyola que instruye el caso por el encierro de estudiantes en el rectorado de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) del año 2013 (el caso conocido como “Som 27 i més”) ha dictado un auto donde se dispone la apertura del juicio oral y se fija una fianza absolutamente desproporcionada, from 511.835,05 EUR para asegurar las responsabilidades civiles. 27 personas encausadas a raíz de aquella protesta universitaria están a la espera de peticiones penales de entre 11 Y 14 años de prisión, depending on the case, y prohibición de acceso a la UAB durante 5 years. Entre ellas está nuestro Secretario General, el compañero Ermengol Gassiot. La fianza antes mencionada, como todo el mundo puede suponer, no será abonada por los 27 afectados y afectadas, lo que probablemente comportará procesos de embargo de nóminas y bienes.

Durante los próximos días o semanas las 27 personas serán emplazadas a personarse en dependencias judiciales para hacerles entrega de una copia de los escritos de acusación, a fin de que en el plazo de 3 días comparezcan con abogado y procurador, y sean requeridos para depositar la fianza.

Este Secretariado Permanente considera que todo este proceso no es sino un montaje motivado en una revancha política por parte del anterior rectorado ultraliberal de la UAB, orientado a escarmentar por la vía penal el movimiento estudiantil y el sindicalismo que le hacía frente en defensa de la universidad pública. La actuación de aquel rectorado, y el relato conspiranoico construido por los abogados que contrató a tal efecto, ha sido aprovechada por la Fiscalía, órgano político de España, para iniciar un esperpéntico procedimiento judicial que supone el peor caso de represión política en una universidad desde la época del franquismo.

Ante esta situación, nuestro compañero Ermengol Gassiot ha decidido que no participará en la farsa y que no se personará en el juzgado por voluntad propia bajo ninguna circunstancia, afrontando las consecuencias que se deriven de su decisión.

Este Secretariado Permanente comparte plenamente el análisis que sostiene la decisión tomada por nuestro compañero Ermengol, y apoyamos. Entendemos que ante un ataque de carácter político (instrumentado en forma de proceso judicial) contra las libertades y los derechos civiles es legítimo practicar la desobediencia y la solidaridad para impugnar públicamente la totalidad de este montaje represivo. Consideramos que en el momento presente nos estamos jugando buena parte del mensaje que se transmitirá a las luchas sociales que vendrán en el futuro sobre la respuesta que debe darse ante la represión político-judicial. Nos jugamos mucho, y las estrategias punitivas mediante las cuales se quiere paralizar y escarmentar cualquier tipo de resistencia sindical, estudiantil o social deben ser paradas. En el caso concreto del Ermengol, el presente montaje está orientado a reprimir el ejercicio de la acción sindical de la CGT en la UAB en defensa de los derechos de las trabajadoras y de la universidad pública y, más allá de ésta, lo consideramos un ataque al conjunto de nuestra organización.

Queremos dejar claro que, en la medida en que ello dependa de nosotros, ninguna de las 27 personas encausadas está ni estará nunca sola. Llamamos a todas las Federaciones y Sindicatos de la CGT, el conjunto de nuestra militancia, movimientos sociales y personas solidarias a preparar la respuesta colectiva y organizada que estos hechos se merecen. La CGT no quedará a la expectativa, ni quedará con los brazos cruzados. Nos reservamos el derecho, como organización, a actuar cuando y como lo consideramos oportuno, teniendo en cuenta la gravedad del caso.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

Jun 092017

Comunicat de l’SP de la CGT de Catalunya

Recentment el jutjat de Cerdanyola del Vallès que instrueix el cas per la tancada d’estudiants al rectorat de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) de l’any 2013 (el cas conegut com a “27 and more”) ha dictat una interlocutòria on es disposa l’obertura del judici oral i es fixa una fiança absolutament desproporcionada, from 511.835,05 EUR per a assegurar les responsabilitats civils. 27 persones encausades arran d’aquella protesta universitària estan a l’espera de peticions penals d’entre 11 i 14 anys de presó, segons el cas, i prohibició d’accés a la UAB durant 5 years. Entre elles hi ha el nostre Secretari General, el company Ermengol Gassiot. La fiança abans esmentada, com tothom pot suposar, no serà abonada pels 27 afectats i afectades, la qual cosa probablement comportarà processos d’embargament de nòmines i béns.

Durant els propers dies o setmanes les 27 people seran emplaçades a personar-se en dependències judicials per a fer-los entrega d’una còpia dels escrits d’acusació, a fi que en el termini de 3 dies compareguin amb advocat i procurador, i siguin requerits per a dipositar la fiança.

Aquest Secretariat Permanent considera que tot aquest procés no és sinó un muntatge motivat en una revenja política per part de l’anterior rectorat ultraliberal de la UAB, orientat a escarmentar per la via penal el moviment estudiantil i el sindicalisme que li plantava cara en defensa de la universitat pública. L’actuació d’aquell rectorat, i el relat conspiranoïc construït pels advocats que va contractar a tal efecte, ha estat aprofitada per la Fiscalia, òrgan polític de l’Estat espanyol, per a iniciar un esperpèntic procediment judicial que suposa el pitjor cas de repressió política a una universitat des de l’època del franquisme.

Davant d’aquesta situació, el nostre company Ermengol Gassiot ha decidit que no participarà en la farsa i que no es personarà al jutjat per voluntat pròpia sota cap circumstància, tot afrontant les conseqüències que es derivin de la seva decisió.

Aquest Secretariat Permanent comparteix plenament l’anàlisi que sosté la decisió presa pel nostre company Ermengol, i hi donem suport. Entenem que davant d’un atac de caràcter polític (instrumentat en forma de procés judicial) contra les llibertats i els drets civils és legítim practicar la desobediència i la solidaritat per a impugnar públicament la totalitat d’aquest muntatge repressiu. Considerem que en el moment present ens estem jugant bona part del missatge que es transmetrà a les lluites socials que vindran en el futur sobre la resposta que cal donar davant la repressió político-judicial. Ens juguem molt, i les estratègies punitives mitjançant les quals es vol paralitzar i escarmentar qualsevol mena de resistència sindical, estudiantil o social han de ser aturades. En el cas concret de l’Ermengol, el present muntatge està orientat a reprimir l’exercici de l’acció sindical de la CGT a la UAB en defensa dels drets de les treballadores i de la universitat pública i, més enllà d’aquesta, el considerem un atac al conjunt de la nostra organització.

Volem deixar clar que, en la mesura en què això depengui de nosaltres, cap de les 27 persones encausades està ni estarà mai sola. Fem una crida a totes les Federacions i Sindicats de la CGT de Catalunya, al conjunt de la nostra militància, moviments socials i persones solidàries a preparar la resposta col·lectiva i organitzada que aquests fets es mereixen. La CGT de Catalunya no quedarà a l’expectativa, ni restarà amb els braços creuats. Ens reservem el dret, com a organització, a actuar quan i com ho considerem oportú, tenint en compte la gravetat del cas.


Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia
2 de juny del 2017

May 232017

Un juez ordena embargar más de medio millón de euros a las 27 imputadas de la UAB

El magistrado Montero Fernández emite el auto de apertura de juicio oral y establece una fianza de miles de euros para asegurar el cobro de las responsabilidades civiles que se pide a las encausadas, que afrontan peticiones elevadas de penas de prisión.

Full article in The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups


May 222017

25M concentració i assemblea persones interines

Resum de la RESOLUCIÓ ENS/1005/2017, from 8 de maig DOGC Núm. 7369 – 15.5.2017. Aquesta convocatòria estableix el procediment per ocupar vacants amb caràcter provisional a les escoles, centres d’educació especial, centres d’ensenyaments secundaris, centres de formació de persones adultes i altres vacants corresponents a llocs de treball dels cossos de mestres i de professors d’ensenyaments secundaris no ocupades amb caràcter definitiu o provisional per al curs 2017-2018.

Les destinacions provisionals són amb efectes d’1 de setembre de 2017 i finalitzaran el 31 August of 2018, a excepció dels casos previstos de propostes de l’Administració o dels directors dels centres per ocupar llocs per una durada superior.

Full article on the website of CGT Education


Més articles de CGT Ensenyament:
Oposicions? Stability or layoffs? 31 of May, xerrada informativa
27M [Jornada] L’educació d’adults en el marc actual
#25M: Concentració i assemblea per l’estabilització d’interines i interins docents

May 082017

Stability or layoffs? we decide!

Companys, partners,


After six years without opposition, several factors may force the State and Generalitat governments to put thousands of teaching positions out to competition over the next three years. Depending on the procedure used, this process may allow a majority of the current temporary staff to become official staff or to lose the positions they currently occupy. From CGT we are convinced that the pressure we exert will be the key to prioritizing access to the people who now occupy these positions.
Continue reading »

Mar 082017

this next saturday 9 MARCH

this next saturday (Via Laietana, 18, 9this next saturday).

Demonstration in Tarragona, 12this next saturday

this next saturday, this next saturday, this next saturday (this next saturday, UGT, this next saturday, CGT), this next saturday (this next saturday), this next saturday, this next saturday 9 March.

this next saturday. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call:

1. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call, From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call. From CGT Ensenyament we share the demands raised in the joint call.

2. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education..

It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education. 9 It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education.. It is absolutely essential to put an end to the permanent cuts applied by the PP government to public services and education., this next saturday, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike. and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike 9 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike:

and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, on 9 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike:

  • and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike (20 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike, 25 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike 30 and UGT with the Department and the call-off of the joint 9F strike). No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school. No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.
  • No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 18 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 23 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.
  • No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school (No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school).

No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school. No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school 9 No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school, No closure of public groups and end the overcrowding in high school.

CGT Education

Feb 202017

digitization of borders. digitization of borders, digitization of borders, digitization of borders.

digitization of borders!

digitization of borders

From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years.. From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years.. From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years., From the beginning of this school year we explained that these months could be very important to start reversing the cuts that public education has been suffering for years. 2017.

We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations. In this way, We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations.

We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations: We also said that to achieve these demands would require a process of forceful mobilizations

From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions.

From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions. From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions (From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, this next saturday, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions), From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions, From October to the end of December we held talks-assemblies in hundreds of centers convened by all unions 9 February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget. February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget: February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget. February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget 18 January, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, February coinciding with the scheduled date of approval of the Budget, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary. as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary 28 as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary 1 as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary, as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary. as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary.

Whole article: CGT Education

Jan 312017

Call CGT Assembly Education 1 February 2017

According Mesa-evaluation and continuous struggle Department

Dear folks;

Please remember that as we agreed at the last meeting of 18 January, on Wednesday 1 February, to Hall Costa i Font, Via Laietana, 18, 9first floor (BCN), I call on:

Open meeting affiliate / from public non-university

hour: 18h


  • Rating MOU Department of Education-unions of officers and ratification of the strike 9F.
  • continuity mobilization
  • other


Miguel González
Permanent Secretariat Teaching Federation CGT

Jan 252017

Hacemos un llamamiento para difundir y participar en la Concentración de mañana jueves a las 14:30 en P. Santa Jaume. Donde se pretende confluir las diferentes convocatorias previstas para mañana. Cuarto día de Huelga en la limpieza de la,ciudad de la, In-Justicia, Huelga estatal en telemarketing y concentración Ensenyament.

Somos conscientes de la premura de la convocatoria, pero nos parece necesario que demos una respuesta contundente, porque nuestras reinvicaciones son justas y porque desde la Generalitat se está vulnerando el derecho a la Huelga con servicios mínimos del 100%. Os enviamos cartel y titanpad para empezar la difusión inmediatamente.



CGT Barcelona