Mar 052023

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Because we have plenty of reasons

They want us quiet, exploited, invisible, precarious, submissive, guilty, even murdered. But we don't shut up. TOGETHER we continue to rise up in a common cry against the cis-heteropatriarchal system, the capitalism, inequalities, precariousness and sexist violence. and we say ENOUGH.

It is 8 March we fill the streets again because we have plenty of reasons:

For the elimination of the sexual division of labor and the precariousness of the traditionally religious sectors- minimized: The majority of paid and unpaid care work continues to be carried out predominantly by women, being also the most precarious: health, social services, cleaning, telemarketing, dependent care, trade, journalists, conserveras, etc.

For the elimination of the wage gap and precariousness. Sex discrimination at work, the systemic difficulty in work-life balance, they lead us to reductions in working hours, salary and temporary, condemning us to the sticky soil that ultimately affects our pensions.

For the elimination of gender biases in occupational health. To guarantee a gender perspective in occupational risk prevention that is really effective, also including mental health and spaces free of ableism. Because we also have the right to decent jobs, adapted and safe, to the investigation of occupational risks with a gender perspective and to the recognition of our ailments as occupational diseases.

For the repeal of the labor reform and pensions. Far from ensuring dignified living conditions, strengthens precariousness, maintains junk contracts and condemns us to poverty wages and pensions. All this with the complicity of the employers and the signatory unions.

For ending our invisibility and underrepresentation in all public spheres: In the spaces of participation, of decision, in culture, in science, on the sport…

For the elimination of violence in all its manifestations: structural, institutional, judicial, doctor, economical… What does machismo protect?, the racism, LGTBI-phobia and the murder of thousands of women and dissident identities. That strips us of all our rights, especially the most precarious. That he is complicit in sexual harassment and for reasons of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. That denies the right to free abortion, public, free, safe and universal...

For the elimination of the gag law. That represses freedom of association and freedom of expression, penalizing the fundamental rights of protest and demonstration. We remember that some compañeras continue to be repressed for their activism.

For the elimination of the immigration law. What institutionalizes racism?, and generates a double oppression for migrant women who are pushed into marginality and slavery.

For the elimination of wars and the consequences of the climate emergency, that causes millions of displaced persons and refugees. Using us women, creatures and people of different sexual orientation as a weapon of repression and bargaining chip. They crowd us for years in fields, where precariousness is widespread, and where daily tasks such as going to the bathroom or showering put our integrity at risk.

Against the denialism of inequalities and sexist violence, and the attacks on our struggle by the right, of the church and of this cis-heteropatriarchal system, capitalist and racist, who wants to strip us of our rights.

And for a million more reasons.

We promote an inclusive and class feminism, to change consciences to move towards a more just world, egalitarian and diverse, putting people's lives at the center.

From CGT as a class union, anarcho transfeminist, of struggle and combative we claim and continue to fight today and always for our rights and the eradication of the heteropatriarchal system.

We continue in the fight for those who were, what we are and what will be.

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