Mar 082024

Suddenly the explosive effervescence with which the economic powers, politicians, media and theirs collaborators trade unions make an epidermal and instrumental facade for women's rights. The rest of the year, a wasteland (unless they find some opportunity embodied in a "woman" of the affluent or privileged class, intending to make synecdoche with him 99% of women remaining). It seems to work for them.

We understand that they are talking only about their wives, clar. The Executives are very clear about the concept of social class and have no interest in modifying it in favor of women (and the rest of the people) of our social class.

Among the popular classes (workers) reality confirms that we are not very clear, all together:

From the Occident, headed and headed in reductionisms more of identity narcissism than of collective interest, we waste day by day the energies of the earth's disinherited by looking at the finger that very intelligently invites us to look at the "Sage", instead of incorporating all of the women, homes, teens, children around us in the struggle of the thousands of bonfires that everywhere should illuminate the reciprocal collaboration towards the most disadvantaged people in our environment, and even more… the ultra-exploited ones from all over the planet, and animal and plant life on Earth. EVERYTHING goes into the game.

In the meantime, the politician, the entrepreneur, he take care and his puppets tokens sex, gender or race are focused, they throw us bread crumbs and circus, and they literally piss in our faces:

Among those who, enthusiastic and excited, they open their mouths wide so as not to lose a single drop, and those who are blown away by their grandiloquent navel, we have it very hairy.

Lucky for the not a few decent people who still see and act clearly, despite the dense fog! With these we have the humble pride of living with them on a daily basis.

The freedom of working class women will never achieve true equality in patriarchal societies.:

– Classism is patriarchal.

– The Executive Power is patriarchal.

– Representativism (politician, labor or "expert") it is patriarchal.

– Tokenism is patriarchal.

– Passivity is patriarchal.

– Narcissism is patriarchal.

– Private Property [of the means of production and services] it is patriarchal.

– Centralism is patriarchal.

– Non-direct democracy is patriarchal.

– Gregarism is patriarchal.


The vital context and the socialization process of people define their cultural background, their cognitive identity and mentality in a decisive way.



– Mutual help.

– Direct Democracy.

– Basic federalism.

– Confederalism.

– Dignity and Honesty.



That today, like every day of our life, the more folded people we push towards Utopia to the extent of our strength!!

Mar 262019

CGT: "Whoever does not understand the motivations behind this is that General Strike, surely, will be part of the problem "

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), which it has called for the second year General Strike 24 hours on the International Day of Working Women, shows his satisfaction with monitoring data of the day, in which envisages   support to overcome last year when 6.000.000 people the They seconded.

Read more "
Mar 052019

This Friday 8 of March from 2019 We expect them to each and all in the Concentration-Manifestation that we call at 16.00h Fiveller in Rambla / Av. freedom “four banks“.

CGT assuming the arguments and principles antipatriarchal, anticapitalist and antiracist, we agreed in Extraordinary Congress, as the highest decision making body of the CGT, held on 26 Y 27 of January of 2019 in Merida It generates the strike calll, Labor, of consumption, care, Domestic work, against all abuses of the capitalist system and patriarchal, from 24 hours, for him 8 March 2019. that lead to the absolute equality of women, embodied in the terms "Socially equal, humanly different, totally free ".

Read more "
Mar 052018



It is 8 of March, CGT, in coordination with the Feminist Movement, convenesGENERAL STRIKE 24 HOURS, LABOR, OF CONSUMPTION, CARE joining in the student.We call on the whole society to participate in the seconder and few mobilizations and actions are carried out.

We denounce the commodification that exploits and enslaves the precariousness of our lives, It is especially cruel in the lives and discrimination against women. Continue reading »

Mar 082017


Special Program of Red and Black in Struggle dedicated to Working Women.

Reports of the following conflicts are included:

  • Hunger Strike in Sol against Sexist Violence:Last 9 February, several women began a hunger strike in Madrid's Puerta del Sol in protest against Sexist Violence. They will not abandon it until the institutions listen to their demands.
  • Women in computing, left to their own devices:Women in the IT industry struggling in a man's world.
  • Sex workers fighting for their rights:Sex work is always voluntary, the rest is human trafficking, a gross violation of human rights. There is no data on the number of people who perform sex work in Spain. According to an INE survey, he 27,3% of men who have had sex admit to having ever paid for it.
  • Telemarketing:He 80% of the people who work in telemarketing are women. Only the 15% holds management positions. Women have to choose between their professional career or family conciliation. The Equality Law does not apply in the sector.


Link to official pages of the RNtv program:
Canal YouTube:

Communication SecretariatFoto del perfil de Comunicacion Cgt
CGT Confederal

Mar 062017

ManifestDownload leaflet in pdf

Companys, partners,
It is 8 March 2017, International Day of Working Women,
“Let's dance our Revolution together”

On Wednesday 8 of March, we will be from 17:00h handing out leaflets in Mollet. If you want to join, contact our union.

And the saturday 11 of March, to 18:00h, in the Civic Center “Marineta” of Mollet, we will pass the documentary “Watch out, slips” [], with subsequent talk-debate.

We will wait for you,

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 242017

CGT Catalunya Manifesto for the 8 of March 2017, International Working Women's Day

We have already reached the International Day of Working Women and we have to start talking about what we always say tirelessly. We say it every day insistently.

Women, that we sustain the world, that in the worst adversities we move forward with what is important for life, we charge less than men to do the same job, for the simple fact of being women. It seems that we are still the complement to the man's salary. Women suffer sexist aggressions at work, at home and on the streets. They judge us by our bodies, they pretend to treat us as mere decoration, as slaves of your desire, or as your personal domestic workers. Women carry out care tasks without them being distributed or valued. Here there has not been and there is no distribution of work or the wealth it generates. Women receive double aggression on a daily basis from all those who consent and remain silent in the face of any form of machismo, be it the politician on duty, the partner who does not want to take the broom, the employer who encourages harassment to go unpunished, the judge who relativizes femicides… the list is long.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Jul 202016

Today we were pleased to share this documentary about the anarchist and feminist organization "Free Women", expression of a time when everything could be built, an example not only in our society, but an example for everyone.

For those not coming could you, Here we leave the full documentary (Portuguese subtitles off / italiano).


After the film had an interesting and rich debate with the assistance of 20 colleagues who nurtured the issue raised, from a historical perspective on the situation of the Social Revolution, as well as from a current pespectiva, from the everyday, analyzing all that has been achieved and what remains to be conquered as desired for gender equality.

Then we leave a gallery of sample photos, which will remain open until Monday 25 of July, and also some photos of the presentation this afternoon at Can Borrell.
It's been a pleasure, one viewing and discussion very enriching for all and all present.

CGT Vallès Oriental

Free women - 80 anniversary of the Social Revolution

Jul 182016

indomablesIn the framework of the Days 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Tuesday 19 of July to 18:00 h, at the Civic Center Can Borrell, we have the presentation of the exhibition "Free women», and pass the documentary "Indomables: a history of free women». The following is the presentation of the film.

“Free women was an autonomous organization, outside the structures of any organ of the libertarian movement. Without giving up his anarchist roots practiced a worker feminism. They were labeled aimed at preparing women to participate in first person in the libertarian revolution. That is to say, They wanted to train women, They are suffering high rates of illiteracy and attract them to the libertarian movement. They had to fight a culture of deep Catholic roots and, the most painful, against indifference if not contempt of his colleagues libertarias. Despite having reached more than 20.000 affiliates only in the Republican zone, They never were admitted as part of the General Council of the Libertarian Movement. With this documentary we tried to find out what they thought, what his political approach and how they developed their work.

To achieve this we have interviewed two direct protagonists of this story, Conchita Liaño and Sara Berenguer. Both took part actively front line in the glorious days of July the 36. Both with considerable political and human baggage.”

You are all and all s INVITED Tuesday to Can Borrel!

CGT Vallès Oriental


When: Tuesday 19 of July, 18:00 h
Where: Civic Center Can Borrell, Avenue de Rivoli, 38, Mollet del Vallès

Mar 022016

CGT_8marc2016Desde la CGT se organizan diferentes actos en varios puntos del territorio con motivo del Día de la Mujer Trabajadora, al mismo tiempo que se participa de actos y manifestaciones convocados.

  • Manifestación en Barcelona: 8 of March, 19h, Pl. Universitat
  • Concentración en El Vendrell: 8 of March, 20h, Pl. Vella
  • Manifestación en Girona: 8 of March, 19:30h, Pl. de la Independència
  • Manifestación en Tarragona: 8 of March, 19h, Pl. diligence and speed because in spite of everything
  • Concentración en Vilafranca: 8 of March, 19:30h, Pl. de la Vila