Jun 202012
On Saturday a demonstration was held in Barcelona which was attended by some 2.500 people, under the slogan Against repression, labor reform and social cuts. Ehe route of the demonstration has passed through the Ministry of the Interior, Government Delegation, Public Prosecutor's Office of Catalonia, Work Promotion, From the CGT premises in Vía Laietana a banner has been taken down by some of those who have been prohibited by the judges from attending the demonstrations, who said “Prou repression, Puig resign "ending in Jaume I to Plaça Sant Jaume where the demonstration ended. They have shouted for the freedom of Andreu and against the repression.
The CGT has called this demonstration in Barcelona, which have been attended by members of Barcelona, from the various regions of Catalonia and colleagues from other provinces of the country (Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Valladolid, etc.). (Read more)


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