Nov 202017

He Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h, at Centre Civic Can Pantiquet, C. Can Flequer 25, of Mollet, We will hold a training session on:

Trade Union Doubts

This training session will be different from what has been seen so far, since the attendees raised their doubts, questions, concerns, etc., on trade union action carried out in companies, from day to day, even the most complex processes. Its general objective is to answer questions of collective union action.

The speakers: Jessica Bolancel (from the legal field), will answer questions and doubts, as well as all the attendees who can advise on the different topics. This training session, as all, It is open to all members.

To confirm your attendance, stuffed This formulary, where you can also expose your doubts and questions to debate.

Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h
Centre Civic Can Pantiquet

C. Can Flequer 25
Mollet del Vallès


Training Secretariat

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
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