Jun 042024
Next Friday 14 from June to 17 hours will be held at the Ronda d'Orient location, 6 Mollet del Vallès, a talk – Press round with the following contents:


May 252024

Durante una charla informal compañeras y compañeros del sindicato dialogaban sobre el peligro real del auge de la extrema derecha en Europa y el mundo.

Uno de ellos dijo que el filósofo Bertrand Russell afirmó que “los fascistas primero fascinan a los tontos. Luego amordazan a los inteligentes”.

Una compañera añadió que la democracia representativa [burguesa] también seduce a los tontos. Pero que, de manera muy perspicaz, compra a los inteligentes.

A lo cual otro compañero sentenció que en la direct democracy, que nosotros ejercemos, aspiramos a convertir a los supuestos tontos en inteligentes conscientes y dueños de sus propios designios, muy a pesar de de constantemente se nos cuelen demagogos e inteligentes “comprados” con el objetivo de impedirlo. Manzanas podridas que intentan echarnos a perder al resto. Pero no podrán.


¡Mucha Salud, Federalismo de Base y Democracia directa!

Feb 102024

Too often companies violate labor laws and regulations with absolute impunity.

In companies where the workers are not organized, we find ourselves in the most absolute defenselessness and submission, at the will of the boss's despotism. And we live in a silence of fear, very afraid…

Where we decide to organize ourselves with colleagues, warmth and mutual solidarity give us the security to vindicate our rights and dignity, despite the difficulties and the fear of reprisals.

We are not fooled, the political and legal system is designed to make it difficult for us to organize and act autonomously (direct action) and favors the supposed collective "negotiation" at the highest levels by the "unions" most tamed by power, rewarded with constant promotion and direct subsidies and indirect favors. It also puts sticks in the wheels of direct trade union action while favoring the systematic judicialization of any claim (which could be solved with the habit of various strikes or boycotts around the company: no company can handle it for more than a few days, and we have a thousand strategies to make them more poignant, long while reducing the impact on our pockets).

Obviously, all of this goes up in the air when the company communicates that it wants to close or reduce production. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DIG THE WELL WAY BEFORE YOU GET THIRSTY.

The Trade Union Organization is the Association of Workers in various companies with the objectives of defending our common interests against employers, share knowledge, resources, strategies, collaborations, mutual aid and join forces when necessary.

Too often employers feel so unpunished in their arbitrariness and abuse that they disregard their own legality:

Lavabos bruts, absence of dining room or dressing rooms, machinery in bad condition, poor ventilation, lack of personal protective equipment, non-compliance with breaks and holidays, obligation to exceed the legal working day (even without remuneration), black money, non-compliance with the remuneration of the category of the job carried out, contractual breaches, threats, bullying… they are very common on the part of the bosses who "watch out for us" without the Parliaments or the Governments in turn even moving. They just look the other way.

* In these situations there is a useful and effective tool, despite being slow due to the lack of investment in personnel to deploy it with widespread effectiveness: THE COMPLAINT [CONFIDENTIAL] A THE WORK INSPECTION.

– It is a resource in instance format where we have to indicate personal data, those of the company and explain the situation of flagrant non-compliance with any labor law or regulation.

– Documents and photographs can be attached as proof.

– Management and our identity IT IS CONFIDENTIAL (only the Inspector will know our identity, expressly protected).

– It can be submitted online:

Here, the link:


– If more information is required, the inspector can call us (ALWAYS GUARANTEEING OUR CONFIDENTIALITY).

– The resolution of your action will be returned to us in writing.

– Although it takes months, they act, I'm sorry and I'm a fan.

* There is also the LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSPECTION MAILBOX … COLLABORATE which allows a complaint to be made completely anonymously (it can be of situations in other companies as well) so that even the inspector will not be aware of it (in this situation we will not be considered an interested reporting party and we will not receive any feedback on the evolution and development of the inspection process).

Here, the link:



It is called Autonomy and Emancipation: A SMILE ON THE LIPS.

Oct 312023

[LABOR PEDAGOGY: Conclusions of the Pedagogical Reflection Days of the Isarda Group]

The teachers, Catalan professors have been developing our professional activity for decades, understanding and taking the students at the center of the learning process.

Along these lines, we accompany them in the individual development of their skills, strictly respecting the corresponding pace of learning for each child and young person.

In our Pedagogical Reflection Days, we have appreciated that the enormous human and humanistic effort made by Catalan school workers to adapt the competence achievement process of our young people to their own characteristics, needs, emotions and learning rhythms does not have any kind of decent continuity in the Catalan company.

The company selects and segregates the young worker according to levels of competence and experience, throwing down the sink all the baggage and inclusive and comprehensive pedagogical effort implemented by the teaching staff.

At this point: or the school is wrong, and we already have our beloved politicians working hard to renew the curricula and adapt them to a selective and segregating model as demanded by the current company, or it is the company that urgently needs a profound reconversion to fit into the characteristics of Catalan society.

In a first analysis we have relied on infallibility, independence of judgment and independence from factual lobbies, of the Catalan political class when determining the appropriate studies and methodologies in the training of the Catalans of the future.

This being so, we have determined that it is the Catalan business community that errs in its approach, since it focuses on the reductionisms of the final product and profit.

It is very clear that a business model that focuses all its objectives on these precepts will never be able to go hand in hand with a school that is competent and sympathetic to people's needs. This employer model would be at odds with a competitive school, selective, meritocratic and segregating, with individualistic effort as the main value, to put each student "in his place", greatly facilitating an "orderly transition" from school to work. A "classist" arrangement, need.

Resuming the premise of the infallibility of the curricula ordered by our political class [in the next days of pedagogical analysis, the review of its suitability is planned: both of them, like others], the Isarda Group has concluded that the Catalan company should necessarily make the corresponding effort of empathy and corporate improvement to adapt to the characteristics and immanent needs of the young and adult population of Catalonia in the XXI Century.

In order to be in tune with today's Catalan society, business should urgently reinvent itself and innovate its outlook, rigidly anchored in the productivism of past centuries that have already been overcome. He should renew his focus and redirect it towards the worker (and worker) as a center of trunk interest. After all, it is the workers who make the work possible.

When leaving school (means institute, university) young Catalans are competently trained through decades of a complex and delicate learning process based on their interests, abilities and learning rates, these being particular and individualized.

Like this, it makes no sense for the company to escape the comprehensive course focused on the now former student by selecting him and emotionally draining him in procedures of well-publicized personal frustration.

It is the company that must take on the challenge of changing its outlook and creatively reinvent itself, adapting its production or services to the interests of each and every one of its workers. The same should be done with production processes, work rhythms, competence capabilities, uniforms, vacation…

That it is difficult to adapt to such diversity and that a company in one sector cannot start producing T-shirts at the same time, sweets, video games and jams so that this corresponds to the interests of their workers, trained in the creativity of learning to learn? And that he can't do the schedules and holidays that they want, paying them the salary they need? That every productive process needs good organization and cannot be based on a series of improvised events? That a single company cannot comprehensively attend to their individual needs 200 workers?

We are in the 21st century and we must adapt to its challenges.

Advanced companies must turn difficulties into upheavals and see them as opportunities and challenges to overcome day by day.

What better challenge than to make the country's production and services humbly available, interests, capacities and rhythms of Catalan citizenship.

That would be making a country!

Politicians you are soul crushing and burying the excellent teachers under tons of red tape;

Entrepreneurs who only do it for your own personal gain:


May 082018


Of 28 from June to 1 July of the 2018

One more year the CGT opens its Libertarian Summer School, a meeting and discussion space, of learning and recreation, in which we can all contribute our experiences and knowledge to enrich each other.

Between 28 June and 1 of July, we will meet in Ruesta under the motto:

Identity Signs. Collapse, Extractivism and Energy

Read more"
Nov 202017

He Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h, at Centre Civic Can Pantiquet, C. Can Flequer 25, of Mollet, We will hold a training session on:

Trade Union Doubts

This training session will be different from what has been seen so far, since the attendees raised their doubts, questions, concerns, etc., on trade union action carried out in companies, from day to day, even the most complex processes. Its general objective is to answer questions of collective union action.

The speakers: Jessica Bolancel (from the legal field), will answer questions and doubts, as well as all the attendees who can advise on the different topics. This training session, as all, It is open to all members.

To confirm your attendance, stuffed This formulary, where you can also expose your doubts and questions to debate.

Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h
Centre Civic Can Pantiquet

C. Can Flequer 25
Mollet del Vallès


Training Secretariat

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Jun 162017

Co-worker, partner,
he Tuesday 27 from June at 9:30 h, in Marineta of Mollet, We will hold a training session on:

Trade Union Doubts

This training session will be different from what has been seen so far, since the attendees raised their doubts, questions, concerns, etc., on trade union action carried out in companies, from day to day, even the most complex processes. Its general objective is to answer questions of collective union action.

The speakers: Jessica Bolancel (from the legal field), Demetrio Bermejo and Charo Luchena (from the perspective of trade union action of our own union) will answer questions and doubts, as well as all the attendees who can advise on the different topics. This training session, as all, It is open to all members.

To confirm your attendance, stuffed This formulary, where you can also expose your doubts and questions to debate.

Tuesday 27 from June at 9:30 h
Mollet del Vallès


Secretary of Training of CGT Valles Oriental

Jun 022017

Trade Union Training WORKSHOP

It will be held on 08/06/17, from 09:30h. a 14:00h., to c/ Burgos 59, Barcelona (Locals of the Confederation of Catalonia of the CGT).



History of time measurement; from Fordism to MTM.

  • Concept of productivity.
  • Work Measurement Systems.
  • Predetermined Time Systems versus Timing.
  • Historical development of Predetermined Time Systems.

MTM: time measurement system in industry and more.

  • Time Measurement of Methods: MTM.
  • Uses of MTM time.
  • MTM Worldwide Support.
  • Comparison with other time systems.

MTM, tables and application.

  • Basic concepts of MTM – 1.
  • Basic MTM procedure – 1.
  • Movements of the MTM – 1.
  • Systems derived from MTM – 1.

Defense of productivity.

  • Salary and amount of work.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Means of defense.
  • Ergonomics and productivity.

claim platform.

  • Time in the Convention.
  • Implementation of new times.
  • Precarity in the current negotiation.

People interested in the course should send an email to sec_org_femec@cgtcatalunya.cat
or call the 685 104 325 to book a place before 01/06/17 (maximum 30 participants).

Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia (FEMEC-CGT)

May 152017

One more year the CGT opens its Summer Libertarian School, a space for meeting and discussion, of learning and recreation, in which we can all contribute our experiences and knowledge to enrich each other.

This year, between 29 June and 2 of July, we will meet Ruesta (Pre-Aragonese Pyrenees) under the motto: Public services, Transnationals, Unemployment and Precariousness.

In recent years, we are witnessing the acceleration of the attack of capitalist globalization that, through Transnationals, performs on public services susceptible to general benefits. The looting of the commons, causes exclusion, unemployment and precariousness, condemning the 90% from population to poverty.

Faced with this situation this year the Libertarian School of CGT, through four workshops, we are going to reflect and debate what the CGT responses have to be, alternatives and strategies to combat this problem.


Full article in CGT Catalonia


Mar 142017

this next saturday 18 March at 9:45 h, will be held at the Civic Center La Marineta, a training session on
“What is the CGT?, Identity signs, organic structure and functioning”, an issue that we believe is of utmost importance for all CGT members and delegates.


Place: La Marineta Civic Center, Church Street, 7, Mollet del Vallès
– Eva Sanchez (Secretary of Organization of CGT Local Federation of Barcelona),
– Demetrio Bermejo (Secretary of Organization of CGT Vallès Oriental).

To confirm your attendance, fill This formulary.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 282017

The day 18 March at 9:45 h, will be held at the Civic Center La Marineta, a training session on
“What is the CGT?, Identity signs, organic structure and functioning”, an issue that we believe is of utmost importance for all CGT members and delegates.


Place: La Marineta Civic Center, Church Street, 7, Mollet del Vallès
– Eva Sanchez (Secretary of Organization of CGT Local Federation of Barcelona),
– Demetrio Bermejo (Secretary of Organization of CGT Vallès Oriental).

To confirm your attendance, fill This formulary.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Feb 232017

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups: The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

Thursday 2 March, 10.30h, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, Via Laietana 18, 9The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:

  • Desiderio Martin, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups
  • The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups, The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups

The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups:
Metallurgical Federation of Catalonia FEMEC-CGT

Jan 312017

diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everythingdiligence and speed because in spite of everything”, diligence and speed because in spite of everything, diligence and speed because in spite of everything

diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
diligence and speed because in spite of everything
2 February 2017


  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 11 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Via Laietana 18, 9first floor)
  • diligence and speed because in spite of everything: them 17:30 h. (diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Pl. diligence and speed because in spite of everything 1)

diligence and speed because in spite of everything, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT. Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT, Secretary General of the CGT.

Secretary General of the CGT.

Health and freedom

CGT Catalonia

Jan 022017

CGT formation: Temporary hiringConference of affiliates and delegates of the CGT of Catalonia

taught by TSJC magistrate Carlos Hugo Preciado with the title: “Temporary recruitment and temporary contracts following recent EU court rulings”

The sentence of 14/09/2016 of the Supreme Court of Justice of the EU (SSTJUE) sets important limitations on the chaining of contingent contracts and interim contracts in public administrations. In order to know the basic aspects of the new legal situation and its possibilities for our trade union action, the CGT of Catalonia has planned the following

The training session will take place on Friday 13 January, from 10 a 14 h in the Fort Pienc Civic Center event room (Fort Pienc Square, 4-5, Barcelona) (link to map)

This issue affects public administrations in a very special way, in the field of health and education. Given that the capacity of the room is limited, we ask that you register in advance by email formacio@cgtcatalunya.cat indicating your federation/union/union section and the number of people.

We attach a poster.

Health and freedom

Secretary of Training
CGT of Catalonia

Dec 132016

Meeting of prevention delegates 16 of December 2016 in Barcelona and presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia

Friday 16 In December, CGT Catalunya convenes a new meeting of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates, from 10 a 14h. in the Can Batlló space (c/Constitution 19, corner Mossèn Amadeu Oller), saints, Barcelona.

The call will have two points:

- Presentation of the new Occupational Health website of CGT Catalonia, where its practical contents will be explained (written models, guides, links,…)

- Later we will divide into Work Groups to share common needs and problems from different areas of action. So far the Working Groups already prepared are Public Administration, asbestos, Metal, Psychosocial and Mutual Risks, but we are open to proposals from Delegates to create more Working Groups.

As in the previous two Meetings held recently, we understand that it is a useful space for debate and reflection to bring together the struggle in the field of occupational risk prevention.

It is not necessary to register previously.

In this area, we recall that the Occupational Health Secretariat created a Telegram group of CGT Catalunya prevention delegates with the aim of sharing doubts, interesting materials and comments on occupational health, which currently has more than 300 delegates participating and it is a dynamic space where doubts are resolved by applying mutual support, pooling the experiences of each company and facilitating coordination.

If there are prevention delegates or interested parties who are not in the group and want to participate, they must contact the Secretary of Labor Health.

We will wait for you!

We Network and Mutual Support in the field of Occupational Health!

Or their benefits or our Health!

Secretary of Occupational Health
Secretariat Permanent – Confederal Committee
General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of Catalonia
contact: salutlaboral@cgtcatalunya.cat

Sep 082016

cartellconferencia15s_petitConference of delegates and affiliates of the CGT of Catalonia
Legal update training session: Delegates and Trade Union Sections

Thursday, 15 of September of 2016, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
In the event room of the Casa del Mar
Social Institute of the Navy
C/ d'Albareda, 1-13 (Barcelona)
Metro: L3 Parallel or Shipyards. buses: 20, 21, 64, D20, H14, 88.

Training session on the regulatory legal framework of Trade Union Sections and Trade Union Delegates, in which aspects related to their rights and guarantees will be discussed, with special reference to the right to information, the business obligation to provide means, and the enjoyment of hourly credit. The activity is of particular interest to new delegates, but it is open to the entire membership.

The conference will be given by the Magistrate of the TSJC and Professor of Criminal Law at the URV Carlos Hugo Preciado Domènech, who has previously collaborated in other training activities with the CGT of Catalonia.

Secretary of Training
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia


If you are interested in attending, you can send us an email to sign up for cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com indicating the company and the number of attendees.
CGT Vallès Oriental
Jul 242016

Central-dairy-calfAfter a week of various activities of the Conference on the 80th anniversary of the Social Revolution, It is Sunday 24 of July to 10:00 h, We started a collectivist path memory through the streets of Mollet, to tour the landmarks of our city where the social revolution made its fundamental economic practice to lay the groundwork for the full and integral transformation of society that had launched: collectivization of industry, first, and other productive sectors of our region.

We will meet in our union CGT Vallès Oriental (c / Francesc Macia, 51, Mollet), to start the route from the site where it was located “the Tannery” (Modern Tannery Franco Spanish), c / Industry, 2 (to the side of the Mollet-Sant Fost station RENFE). Can continue for Fàbregas (c/ Bereguer III. 89), Can you reach for Mulà (Of the Burgos, 15), emblematic textile factories that were collectivized by women workers and workers in the Social Revolution. We finish the tour in other industries, Central Lechera Mollet (Of. Jaume I, 205).

We wait for all and all!

CGT Vallès Oriental


Jun 072016

Article by Josep Garcia, Training Secretary of CGT Catalonia

We are following with interest all the debate that has been taking place lately, especially here in the city of Barcelona, around neighborhood unionism. We are interested, to the extent that it is clear that there are activist sectors, sectors of social movements, who feel the need to put the field of salaried exploitation on their agenda of struggle, and generate territorialized networks of solidarity and mutual support to defend labor rights through direct action.
This seems important to us, because we know that there are many people who have lived on their backs for a long time in the world of salaried work, while generating a discourse of rejection that prevented them from conceiving this as a battlefield (just as we conceive of other spaces in our everyday life as such), and this despite having to earn the carobs, like most, allowing themselves to be exploited in the capitalist market.

I think that all of us here must have spent many hours of our lives in our neighborhoods or towns building spaces of autonomy with many other people, self-management projects, etc. For some of us, that we have arrived at trade unionism from militancy in social movements, it has always been difficult to understand that there were colleagues who were hyperactive in a thousand moves outside of work, but what, However, were completely canceled once they crossed the door of the work center. That they become there in what we call a "Padefo" (in other words that is, a “Fucking Step”). As if work is not part of life, as if the job (what, we already know, it is a space of alienation) was not also a key determinant of our possibilities to realize ourselves, individually and collectively.

>> The entire article CGT Catalonia