Feb 102024

Too often companies violate labor laws and regulations with absolute impunity.

In companies where the workers are not organized, we find ourselves in the most absolute defenselessness and submission, at the will of the boss's despotism. And we live in a silence of fear, very afraid…

Where we decide to organize ourselves with colleagues, warmth and mutual solidarity give us the security to vindicate our rights and dignity, despite the difficulties and the fear of reprisals.

We are not fooled, the political and legal system is designed to make it difficult for us to organize and act autonomously (direct action) and favors the supposed collective "negotiation" at the highest levels by the "unions" most tamed by power, rewarded with constant promotion and direct subsidies and indirect favors. It also puts sticks in the wheels of direct trade union action while favoring the systematic judicialization of any claim (which could be solved with the habit of various strikes or boycotts around the company: no company can handle it for more than a few days, and we have a thousand strategies to make them more poignant, long while reducing the impact on our pockets).

Obviously, all of this goes up in the air when the company communicates that it wants to close or reduce production. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DIG THE WELL WAY BEFORE YOU GET THIRSTY.

The Trade Union Organization is the Association of Workers in various companies with the objectives of defending our common interests against employers, share knowledge, resources, strategies, collaborations, mutual aid and join forces when necessary.

Too often employers feel so unpunished in their arbitrariness and abuse that they disregard their own legality:

Lavabos bruts, absence of dining room or dressing rooms, machinery in bad condition, poor ventilation, lack of personal protective equipment, non-compliance with breaks and holidays, obligation to exceed the legal working day (even without remuneration), black money, non-compliance with the remuneration of the category of the job carried out, contractual breaches, threats, bullying… they are very common on the part of the bosses who "watch out for us" without the Parliaments or the Governments in turn even moving. They just look the other way.

* In these situations there is a useful and effective tool, despite being slow due to the lack of investment in personnel to deploy it with widespread effectiveness: THE COMPLAINT [CONFIDENTIAL] A THE WORK INSPECTION.

– It is a resource in instance format where we have to indicate personal data, those of the company and explain the situation of flagrant non-compliance with any labor law or regulation.

– Documents and photographs can be attached as proof.

– Management and our identity IT IS CONFIDENTIAL (only the Inspector will know our identity, expressly protected).

– It can be submitted online:

Here, the link:


– If more information is required, the inspector can call us (ALWAYS GUARANTEEING OUR CONFIDENTIALITY).

– The resolution of your action will be returned to us in writing.

– Although it takes months, they act, I'm sorry and I'm a fan.

* There is also the LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSPECTION MAILBOX … COLLABORATE which allows a complaint to be made completely anonymously (it can be of situations in other companies as well) so that even the inspector will not be aware of it (in this situation we will not be considered an interested reporting party and we will not receive any feedback on the evolution and development of the inspection process).

Here, the link:



It is called Autonomy and Emancipation: A SMILE ON THE LIPS.

Dec 072023

We are pleased to inform you that from the joint action of the educational centers of Maresme and Vallès Oriental we have forced the Generalitat to carry out the compulsory annual medical examination in all Catalan schools and institutes, in compliance with the Statute of Workers and the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks (which up until now were passed over with impunity).

As a strategy we have used the sum of many individual complaints from workers to the Labor Inspectorate, skipping the inefficient corporate months, that they did nothing but throw balls out about it. Collective Action i Direct we call it.

As a result of our complaints, the Labor Inspectorate requires the Department of Education of the Generalitat to carry out this in all schools in the non-university public network and gives it until the day 9 of July of 2024 to make them effective.

Let's be on the lookout from all the work centers so that the annual regularity is met and maintained.

We encourage you to continue reporting to the Labor Inspectorate to further increase the pressure and public shame of the Generalitat. They take a year to respond, but it works.

We remind you that complaints to the Labor Inspectorate are free and guarantee the confidentiality of the person making the complaint.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF TO REPORT AND DEMAND AN ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAMINATION AT YOUR SCHOOL, INSTITUTE! [also in any work center in any sector where it is not fulfilled]

We attach the link to the complaint model and the argument to be presented. For any doubts contact us:



[The complaint model]


That in compliment of the Article 4.2 of the Workers' Statute and the articles 14 jo 22 of the Law 31/1995, from 8 November, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales all companies should carry out an annual medical examination for all workers in their centers.
That the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya has been for years, in some cases up to a decade, without fulfilling this responsibility with the workers who depend on them, in all the provinces of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.

– That your institution requests the corresponding documentation from the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– That your institution put an end to this negligent action that threatens the right to occupational health of workers.
- That your institution investigates the causes of this violation and establishes responsibilities.
- That from this same course 202
3-2024 and henceforth the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya complies with its obligation to guarantee the corresponding annual medical check-up for all the workers in its centers, or to its centers and/or organizations that depend on them, are hired directly, o no. However, exercise the corresponding proactive responsibility in cases where results among its workers require it.

Sep 292023

Yesterday evening a colleague stopped by the union premises. His expression betrayed that the day had been adverse to him.

Suddenly a smile lit up his face: «-The colleagues of XXXXXX* have won the union elections».

*We do not mention the name of the company because even the workers expressly ignored it in their campaign, as a result of his unworthy attitude towards them. Don't mention the pig's name, although we all know who he is.

The victory in the electoral process was anecdotal. Those lips showed pride for the colleagues with whom he had worked side by side since a few years ago a ruthless employer had abandoned them "due to insolvency". The City Council of Mollet del Vallès, for which the failed subcontractor worked, he did not do much better and belittled them to inhuman extremes. It was necessary, from scratch, fight for surrogacy.

The new bidding company, the current unmentionable, has been treating them with arrogance and contempt: harassing pursuits by supervisory individuals, recurring threats of sanctions and suspension of salary, despotic dismissals of colleagues.

One of the colleagues harassed and threatened with sanctions ended up dead in what bourgeois laws euphemistically call a "work accident". Our companies were criminally reported for daring to say that certain "work accidents" are rather murders.

The empire of the law of the strongest, threats, persecutions, dismissals, a dead person, criminal complaints, serious diseases… anywhere they would have imposed the silence and mass surrender.


These colleagues didn't know much about it a while ago, of Rights, they had the lost look of the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Some and some gave very generously much of their time, wisdom and energy to teach them that dignity was within them and that they had to use it to be autonomous in the struggle to take the snake by the neck.

As of today, these colleagues have been around for a long time, when crossing them through the union, they no longer have a skewed gaze, but penetrating, the eyes of the dignity of the workers who, despite the condition of being humble, they know how to hold the boss's gaze and sing him the truths, demand his Rights and denounce every charlatan and force him to readmit dismissed workers.

And they do it alone, and they can help the rest of us.

Thanks to the selfless people who gave their time, not to direct them but to teach them in emancipatory autonomy.

Win union elections, an anecdote. THE SMILE, DIGNITY.

I probably shouldn't be the best person to write these lyrics, but no one else will.

Certain invisible situations deserve to be known, vindicated and not forgotten.



A member of the Vallès Oriental trade union

Apr 052023



Well, something very simple and older than the nana. A Trade Union section is the foundation of the self-organization and collaboration of people at work: it is the stable assembly of the workers of a trade union at the workplace.

Once self-organized, we will have autonomy of action.

Read more

Mar 272023


The affiliates of the Teaching Union Section of the Various Activities Union of Vallès Oriental have asked the Public Administration to require the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia to carry out the corresponding and normative annual medical check-up Read more

Jan 092020

The colleagues of the Santa Maria de Palautordera post office have said enough!

Enough overwork, enough to the deplorable conditions of the current workplace. We have acted accordingly; making public in the neighborhood and in the town hall the terrible working conditions and the embarrassing postal service that the Post Office officials lend to the locality, with the accumulation of thousands of letters and notifications.

He  first visible effect of this action,  has been hiring a more worker, both in the morning shift, as in the afternoon, even so, are we  aware that this measure is only a conjunctural solution.

We claim  our move to the new premises, which the Post Office has had for a long time  of a decade, as well as a structural increase in staff as the only definitive solution to reverse the terrible public postal service. We will not settle for less!


Jan 242018












To this day we have suffered:

-Suspensions of 60 days of employment and salary due to the existence of a section Twitter account and the use of public haghtags that the company considers its own (acts that the company considers as “hostiles”).

-Demand of 150.061,27 € for the activity on Twitter of the union section and because the company considers that we want “profit” in her name.

-Suspension of 60  days of employment and salary for disciplinary measures without objective and reasonable justification to a member of the union section. Among them for supporting the strike on November 8 and assisting the doctor during working hours for a pregnancy checkup, alleging damage to the organization of the company.

-15 days of suspension for collecting information about Lipoatrophy in relation to pregnancy.

-Degradation of our job performing lower category tasks, taking away all kinds of access to the tasks of almost 10 years of work.

-We don't knowrecthe other day  as a union section andse warns us that we cannot distribute information to workers at the company door during non-working hours without prior communication.

Se has communicated to us actively and passively that WE WANT OUT OF THE COMPANY, it is considered that we create a bad environment and we are not loyal, along with abusive behaviors aimed at professionally and psychologically degrading. It seems that by not getting us to voluntarily leave our job due to exhaustion, a dismissal is manufactured that does not entail a cost to the company..







 HILLS 146-148



Follow us on @cgtlittlebuddha

*For this reason they suspended us 60 days without pay, nor employment. And they have filed a lawsuit against us for €150,061.27

Nov 202017

He Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h, at Centre Civic Can Pantiquet, C. Can Flequer 25, of Mollet, We will hold a training session on:

Trade Union Doubts

This training session will be different from what has been seen so far, since the attendees raised their doubts, questions, concerns, etc., on trade union action carried out in companies, from day to day, even the most complex processes. Its general objective is to answer questions of collective union action.

The speakers: Jessica Bolancel (from the legal field), will answer questions and doubts, as well as all the attendees who can advise on the different topics. This training session, as all, It is open to all members.

To confirm your attendance, stuffed This formulary, where you can also expose your doubts and questions to debate.

Tuesday 21 from November at 9:30 h
Centre Civic Can Pantiquet

C. Can Flequer 25
Mollet del Vallès


Training Secretariat

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Sep 132017

Comunicado de CGT Barcelona

Al acuerdo se ha llegado, tras 15 días de huelga de 4 horas por turno en el mes de julio entre los días 12 Y 31; concentraciones diarias frente al Ayuntamiento de Barcelona por las mañanas y por la tarde; protestar en el interior del pleno del ayuntamiento sacando pancartas y gritando consignas; okupar el Hall del edificio noble del ayuntamiento durante 3 hours; piquetes activoús frente a la puerta de la empresa en los diferentes turnos; ocupación de uno de los centro de trabajo por los huelguistas; contactos con los diferentes grupos municipales, ayuntamiento y empresa; from 11 mediaciones en le Conselleria de Treball.

Mientras la empresa llevaba una retahíla de abogados a las reuniones nosotros asistíamos el comité de huelga y asesores del sindicato, presionando contundentemente, pero huyendo de judicializar ni de pedir la intervención de la inspección de trabajo, organismos muy lentos en su funcionamiento y menos útiles que la presión que se ejerce tanto con la huelga como con la contundencia en la negociación.

Pero lo mas importante ha sido tener una plantilla que ha decidido luchar contra su precariedad, han encontrado la unidad en CGT (tenemos 61 afiliados y 6 delegados) y la respuesta de la afiliación del sindicato que ha estado participando en las diferentes movilizaciones y acciones que se convocaban, así como la solidaridad tanto de los entes de la CGT como de otras organizaciones y afiliadas que han engrosado la caja de resistencia, para que la falta de recursos no fuera un problema y ha permitido no poner limites a los planteamientos de lucha hasta conseguir un acuerdo favorable a los trabajadores.

También se había convocado una nueva huelga indefinida de 4 horas a partir del 30 August 4 horas por turno, que se dejo en suspenso al tener abiertas negociaciones y que han fructificado en este acuerdo.

Los puntos conseguidos y que se votaron en las asambleas de trabajadores han sido:

  • Negociación de un Convenio Colectivo propio para Bicing Barcelona.
  • Aumento salarial 7,389%, con su cotización en Seguridad Social.
  • Cobro de atrasos de 15 months, con su cotización en Seguridad Social.
  • Eliminación de la doble escala salarial que afectaba al 25% Of the template.
  • Paga lineal de 1.690€, con su cotización a las Seguridad Social. Esta cantidad no se pagara a aquellas categorías que mayoritariamente no secundaron las huelgas, centro de control, coordinadores y dirección, ya que tienen salarios superiores u ocupan puestos por dedocracia de los empresarios. las oficinistas que tampoco secundaros la huelga a pesar de tener los salarios mas bajos de la empresa, participaron en la asamblea donde se decidía si se aceptaba el acuerdo y tras ser recriminadas por los compañeros, por su aptitud los días de huelga y comprometerse a sumarse si se convocan nuevas movilizaciones, la asamblea decidió que se les aplicara el acuerdo.
  • Se consideraran festivos los días 24 Y 31 from December, 15 días para las parejas que formalicen su situación en registro indistintamente del sexo y ampliación a segundo grado del permiso de matrimonio, nacimiento o fallecimiento de un familiar.
  • Conversión en fijo de un trabajador en prácticas.
  • Cobertura economiza y jurídica de multas y sanciones de tráfico, así como recolocación en caso de la retirada del carnet, en el ejercicio de sus funciones.
  • Evaluación de riesgos en 3 meses de los dos centros de trabajo y de las 434 estaciones Bicing por parte de la empresa, comité de prevención, técnicos de CGT y Ayuntamiento. La actividad del bicing lleva en Barcelona unos 10 años funcionando y nunca se había realizado una evaluación seria de toda la actividad.

La parte negativa es que la paga lineal de 1690 Euros no se puede consolidar en nominas, ya que la actual licitación en curso cuantifica las cantidades económicas en cada categoría laboral. A pesar de ello tenemos el compromiso del Ayuntamiento, consta en el acuerdo, de que será la base que presentara a la empresa que entre a gestionar el Bicing tras la licitación.

La CGT de Barcelona consideramos que los puntos clave para haber llegado a este acuerdo han sido varios, plantear movilizaciones contundentes e intensas, no judicializar un conflicto ya que lo ralentiza, el compromiso de la mayoría de la plantilla tanto en la huelga como en las acciones y concentraciones, la actitud decidida del resto de la afiliación de CGT que cada vez que se le ha pedido que participara en alguna de las concentraciones lo ha hecho, la caja de resistencia ya que los bajos salarios que cobraban hubiera impedido movilizaciones serias y conseguir objetivos de esta envergadura. Sin duda un ejemplo de cómo plantear movilizaciones para ganar.

CGT Barcelona
10 of September 2017


Jun 192017

Companions, companions,

The entire Catalunya and Confederal state CGT, We are attentive to the novelties that may arise around the case «Som 27 and more », since the call for all imputados is imminent to appear before the judge, For the oral trial, Among which is our partner Ermengol Gassiot, Secretary General of the CGT Catalonia. The ermen is accused as an instigator of the confinement carried out by students in the Rectorate of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, In the year 2013. As teacher and worker of the Department of Prehistòria, The Erm is delegated by the CGT. As they say in the SP CGT Catalunya statement, The Erm will not be presented to the oral trial, aware of the legal consequences that entails, But also aware of those who are by their side.

This is a assembly prepared by the UAB, university that as happened in all public universities, It has become the higher formation of the bourgeoisie and the breeding ground where companies are served to their liking. The public university, Like the rest of educational levels, It must be at the service of the working class, For the formation of socially free individuals, and not at the service of companies and corporations, What happens today.

That is why from the Oriental CGT Vallès we prompted the defense on the street to our partner Ermen, Because not only represents that opposition to the University Educational Model as a company, but because he is also general secretary of the CGT of Catalonia.
Hit the ermen, It is a double blow that they make us.

For these reasons, doble, And triple must be our answer!!
Because now more than ever, They are touching us all!

If they touch us all, We respond all!


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

We disobey the political process of the case "Som 27 and more ”

Our partner Ermengol Gassiot has decided that he will not participate in the farce and that he will not be attached in the court for his own will under any circumstances, facing the consequences that derive from your decision.

Recently the Cerdanyola Court that instructs the case for the confinement of students in the Rectorate of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) of the year 2013 (The case known as "Som 27 and more ”) He has issued a car where the oral trial is arranged and an absolutely disproportionate bond is set, from 511.835,05 EUR to ensure civil responsibilities. 27 prosecuted people following that university protest are waiting for criminal requests from between 11 Y 14 years of prison, depending on the case, and prohibition of access to the UAB during 5 years. Among them is our secretary general, The Compañero Ermengol Gassiot. The aforementioned bond, as everyone can suppose, will not be paid by the 27 affected and affected, which will probably behave payroll processes and goods.

During the next days or weeks the 27 people will be located to appear in judicial units to deliver a copy of the accusation writings, so that within the period of 3 days appear with lawyer and attorney, and are required to deposit bail.

This permanent secretariat considers that this whole process is nothing but a motivated assembly in a political rematch by the previous ultraliberal rectory of the UAB, oriented to scan by criminal via the student movement and the trade unionism that faced him in defense of the public university. The performance of that rector, and the conspiracy story built by the lawyers who hired for this purpose, has been used by the Prosecutor's Office, political organ of Spain, To initiate a sperm judicial procedure that is the worst case of political repression at a university since the time of Francoism.

Given this situation, Our partner Ermengol Gassiot has decided that he will not participate in the farce and that he will not be attached in the court for his own will under any circumstances, facing the consequences that derive from your decision.

This permanent secretariat fully shares the analysis held by the decision made by our partner Ermengol, And we support. We understand that before a political attack (Instructed in the form of judicial process) against freedoms and civil rights it is legitimate to practice disobedience and solidarity to publicly challenge the totality of this repressive assembly. We consider that at the present time we are playing a good part of the message that will be transmitted to the social struggles that will come in the future about the response that must be given to political-judicial repression. We play a lot, And punitive strategies through which any type of union resistance is paralyzed and scanned, Student or social must be stopped. In the specific case of the Ermengol, This assembly is oriented to suppress the exercise of the CGT union action in the UAB in defense of the rights of the workers and the public university and, beyond this, We consider it an attack on our organization as a whole.

We want to make it clear that, to the extent that this depends on us, None of the 27 prosecuted people are never alone. We call all the federations and unions of the CGT, The whole of our militancy, social movements and solidarity people to prepare the collective and organized response that these facts deserve. The CGT will not be waiting, nor will you have your arms crossed. We reserve the right, as an organization, to act when and how we consider it appropriate, taking into account the severity of the case.

Before political repression, we disobey! If they touch us 27 WE TOUCH ALL!

Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee of the CGT

Jun 092017

La DGAIA maltracta i l’entramat del Sr. Ricard Calvo


Darrerament hem pogut llegir a la premsa notícies que, malauradament, confirmen tot el que venim denunciant des del Sector Social de CGT al voltant de la preocupant situació en que es troben els centres de menors tutelats per la Generalitat: “Tiros al aire de la policia en un centro de menores tutelados por la Generalitat”, “Polvorín en los centros de menores”, “Un menor tutelat, apunyalat al mig del carrer a Barcelona”, “La directora del Petit Príncep es va posar un sou que dobla el del conveni”, “La DGAIA diu que no controlen els salaris, ni els diners (que en les darreres adjudicacions arriben fins a 5.457 € per mes i per nen) donats a les fundacions privades que gestionen centres de menors, tot i que són diner públic”. “Fundacions del tercer sector paguen lloguers desorbitats a empreses participades per elles mateixes”.

Recentment, al CRAE Can Rubió un menor embogit es va fer amb una destral intentant agredir a d’altres infants i educadores, i es va necessitar la intervenció de la policia local i dels antidisturbis dels Mossos que van haver de fer trets a l’aire per dissuadir el menor i prendre-li l’arma. Aquest adolescent es manté al mateix centre després del greu incident. Al CRAE Sant Andreu un menor va passar per les finestres que donen al carrer un matxet de grans dimensions després de proferir amenaces de mort cap algunes educadores. Una arma que va ser intervinguda per educadores gràcies a l’avís d’altres adolescents. L’endemà van haver d’intervenir els mossos perquè aquest menor volia introduir una navalla al Centre. Tot això mentre seguia amenaçant a educadores davant dels mossos. Un adolescent amb una greu malaltia mental que ha amenaçat reiteradament tant a infants com educadores del mateix CRAE, però que malgrat aquests greus incidents segueix al centre; posant-se en perill la seva integritat física, així com la d’altres infants de només 8 years, i la d’educadores/rs. (Dades de la pàgina web de Contractació Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Departament de Treball, Social Affairs and Family).

Aquestes notícies són la part més visible d’un sistema de protecció a la infància que revictimitza als infants i, lluny de protegir-los, els sotmet a un maltractament institucional.

Full article on the website of CGT Catalonia

May 232017

Un juez ordena embargar más de medio millón de euros a las 27 imputadas de la UAB

El magistrado Montero Fernández emite el auto de apertura de juicio oral y establece una fianza de miles de euros para asegurar el cobro de las responsabilidades civiles que se pide a las encausadas, que afrontan peticiones elevadas de penas de prisión.

Full article in The colleagues of the CGT Social Sector denounce the opacity and lack of public control in the centers for minors managed by private groups


Mar 272017

Comunicat del SP de la CGT de Catalunya

Defensem els miners i el territori

Des de fa dècades l’empresa minera Iberpotash (actualment propietat de la multinacional israelí ICL) explota les mines de potassa de Sallent i Súria. I també des de fa dècades ha anat desfent-se del runam a la coneguda muntanya del Cogulló de Sallent, causant perjudicis pels aqüífers i el propi riu Llobregat. Durant aquest temps, els abocaments han comptat amb el silenci còmplice de governs de diferent color que no han pressionat com calia a la multinacional per a que complís amb la responsabilitat i cura del territori on estava instal·lada. So, el resultat és que s’embutxaquen desenes de milions d’euros anuals i ens deixen els residus.

La lluita del poble de Sallent va permetre guanyar una batalla judicial per a que deixessin de fer-se els abocaments al Cogulló, establint-se l’1 de Juliol de 2017 com a fi d’aquesta pràctica. Mentre no arribava aquesta data, Iberpotash hauria d’haver acondicionat la mina de Súria, que compta amb una planta de tractament de residus, per a absorbir la producció i plantilla de la mina de Sallent. Era l’anomenat Pla Phoenix, que porta anys d’endarreriments. A data d’avui, aquest canvi no s’ha realitzat, el que significa que 1000 llocs de treball directes i fins a 4000 comptant els indirectes estan penjant d’un fil, una amenaça de primer nivell per a les famílies de miners i mineres directament afectades i el conjunt del Bages i comarques properes.

Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i l’empresa no aporta cap solució. Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i el govern no aporta cap solució. Estem a 3 mesos d’aquesta data i se’ns acaba la paciència.

Aquells que feien ulls grossos amb la multinacional, ara estan xiulant, dissimulant, com si no passés res, abandonant als i les treballadores a la seva sort, doncs si no hi ha feina hi ha EROs, ERTEs i acomiadaments generalitzats. No és gens descartable que l’empresa, Besides, aprofiti l’ocasió per a fer xantatge sobre les condicions de la plantilla directa i de subcontractes. Això, per una comarca ja prou castigada per diverses crisis industrials, tèxtils i mineres, és un cop demolidor.

Els miners i mineres de Súria i Sallent volen treballar i exigeixen que aquesta feina sigui respectuosa amb el territori. És un insult a la intel·ligència que l’empresa multinacional i el govern pretenguin fer-nos creure que a tres mesos vista no tenen previst l’escenari que hi haurà, fet que ens fa suposar que no ho comuniquen perquè serà negatiu pels miners.

Creiem que davant la passivitat existent, és l’hora d’iniciar la defensa activa dels llocs de treball i el territori. En una lluita que no és només dels i les treballadores de la mina, sinó també de les seves famílies. També de les comarques del Bages i Berguedà. També de tota la classe treballadora.

Fem una crida a estar atentes i preparar la solidaritat de classe que calgui. Si no hi ha solució, els miners i mineres pujaran des del kilòmetre de fondària on estan treballant, sortiran al carrer i faran sentir de forma nítida la seva veu en defensa dels seus drets, llocs de treball i el respecte al territori, front el desig de beneficis de la multinacional. La CGT de Catalunya estarà, com sempre, al seu costat, preparada.

23 of March of 2017

Permanent Secretariat of the CGT of Catalonia


Mar 222017

ManifestDescarregar manifest en pdf

Saturday 1 of April, toda la CGT de Catalunya nos manifestamos en Manresa, estamos todos y todas convocados, la actitud y presencia de la CGT quedará marcada en las calles de Manresa, donde acudiremos desde todos los rincones de Catalunya. El éxito de la misma estará asegurado con nuestra presencia, apuntaros este día en vuestras agendas, todos y todas somos necesarias.

En la CGT Vallès Oriental estamos organizando nuestra movilización hacia Manresa, viendo ofertas de autocares y viendo las mejores opciones. Pronto abriremos las listas de inscripción y anunciaremos horarios y demás información.

Saturday 1 de abril en Manresa (Plaça Bonavista, 11:30h) estaremos presentes defendiendo los servicios públicos y las pensiones, y contra la represión sindical, por una vida digna!

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
email: cgt.mollet.vo@gmail.com
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Manifest en defensa del que és nostre i contra la repressió
Manifestació 1 of April of 2017 a Manresa

Any rera any veiem com els diferents governs legislen i aproven lleis que ens retallen drets. Que permeten als empresaris disposar encara més de les nostres vides, dictant-nos en funció dels seus interessos com han de ser les nostres condicions laborals i, quan no els servim, llençar-nos a la cuneta.

Any rera any veiem com la patronal, esperonada pel servilisme de governs, imposa de manera més crua i descarnada la llei del seu benefici privat al conjunt de la població. No tenen cap mania per tancar una fàbrica i deslocalitzar-la allà on els salaris són més baixos, sovint en països víctimes de l’empobriment imperialista i de dictadures salvatges. I han agafat per norma xuclar milers de milions de diners públics pels seus negocis, per tapar els forats de bancs que prèviament han descapitalitzat, etc. Uns diners aportats per totes i tots amb el nostre treball i els nostres impostos.

Manifest sencer:
CGT Manresa (facebook)
CGT Catalonia (web)


Feb 232017

The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 2016: The hearing will be held next Wednesday.

He 17 The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 2017 The hearing will be held next Wednesday. (Madrid) The hearing will be held next Wednesday. 14 February, following the lawsuit filed by CGT (following the lawsuit filed by CGT) following the lawsuit filed by CGT 60% following the lawsuit filed by CGT 2016 following the lawsuit filed by CGT 2016. following the lawsuit filed by CGT 5 following the lawsuit filed by CGT.

following the lawsuit filed by CGT, this next saturday, following the lawsuit filed by CGT 60 following the lawsuit filed by CGT, following the lawsuit filed by CGT, following the lawsuit filed by CGT, following the lawsuit filed by CGT, and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. ".

and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. " (and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. ") and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. ", and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. ", and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. " (and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. "), and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. " (and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. ") and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. " 2016 and to consider that the company is acting recklessly and in bad faith, repeatedly forcing the unions to litigate on the same issue. " 2018, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC, and is that the company wanted to try to agree with the unions to postpone the part of the Christmas pay until the judgment of the appeal of the CCNCC.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

Feb 202017

as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary

as we previously agreed at a CGT affiliate assembly and following the criteria of trying to make it unitary: the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace.

the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace, the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace. the assimilation of any anti-systemic organization into the web of institutional peace and social peace.

We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal, We have different weapons in the union arsenal. Definitely, the switch to move and activate direct confrontation beyond words.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia