Apr 142022

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Nor will they make us believe, nor will they silence us

What had been promised as the solution to the problems of the working class has been nothing but a new disappointment and a huge failure.: the new reform supposes the definitive legitimation and consecration, by the self-proclaimed most progressive government in history, of the most damaging aspects that were already advanced in the labor reforms of the 2010 (Zapatero government) and the 2012 (govern Rajoy).

Among other issues, the mechanisms that facilitated the dismissals continue (no compensation or processing fees are recovered), the intangible reasons for economic forecasts remain (planned or future losses) to be able to carry out collective redundancies, or the non-intervention of the labor authority in the EROs.

Of the company agreements, only equal pay is guaranteed, but not the rest. And in terms of subcontracting, it will have to be fought in the courts without a doubt, since no clear solution is given to those who do the same work
but they do not receive the same salary.

in the meantime, the cost of living continues to rise at full speed, without working-class incomes growing at the same rate. In some cases, with the active complicity of the majority unions. In others, because of a passivity studied by those who govern. Essential goods reach their record price month after month. Neither wages nor basic incomes have an upgrade that equates to the rising cost of living. On all fronts we can observe the same: pensions that are not revalued, conventions that stay frozen…

See, Besides, when we have just begun to pay the consequences of the Covid crisis 19, those of the Ukrainian war are approaching. The capitalist system has already put its machinery to work so that we can be the workers again
and workers who assume the sacrifices and will do so as always, with the complicity of the majority unions, which will definitely sell us once again, as they have already done with labor reforms, with the so-called Income Pact.

The CGT will not be made to believe or be silenced, for more propaganda operations to be carried out by those who promised to storm the sky. Social conquests are achieved on the street and not at the polls. The real social conquests, those that involve a real transformation, they have never emerged from a pact between oligarchies.

Rights are won by fighting!

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