Feb 242017

CGT Catalunya Manifesto for the 8 of March 2017, International Working Women's Day

We have already reached the International Day of Working Women and we have to start talking about what we always say tirelessly. We say it every day insistently.

Women, that we sustain the world, that in the worst adversities we move forward with what is important for life, we charge less than men to do the same job, for the simple fact of being women. It seems that we are still the complement to the man's salary. Women suffer sexist aggressions at work, at home and on the streets. They judge us by our bodies, they pretend to treat us as mere decoration, as slaves of your desire, or as your personal domestic workers. Women carry out care tasks without them being distributed or valued. Here there has not been and there is no distribution of work or the wealth it generates. Women receive double aggression on a daily basis from all those who consent and remain silent in the face of any form of machismo, be it the politician on duty, the partner who does not want to take the broom, the employer who encourages harassment to go unpunished, the judge who relativizes femicides… the list is long.

Whole article: CGT Catalonia

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