Nov 252016

30776011980_253d120eee_zHe 25 November is the International Day against Gender Violence. They are killing us, striking, violating, abusive, exploding… So far this year 2016, 74 men have murdered a 74 women, 2 nenes i 1 nen.

But these are not isolated facts, this is called patriarchy, and is sustained in silence, the laziness and passivity of many people as well as in the neglect of functions of the Institutions that, actively or passively, they carry reinforcing, for hundreds of years, the model of object women, women as possessions of their partners; is based on the exploitative model of the capitalist economy; in the sexist Church, homophobic and racist that does not evolve; in the judiciary granting shared custody imposed even on abusers; in the political class that remains on the sidelines of what is happening, engrossed in their own intrigues and interests.

He 25 of November we want to denounce that, Often, those who wield power and legislate, blame and blame women for existing structural unemployment, of wage differences, of the deficit in the public pension system, of the difference in rights, of the violations, of ill-treatment… they are the ones who act directly or indirectly to prevent our emancipation and empowerment as free women.

We women demand of society and fight for a full model of co-education, for a culture of gender freedom; WE DENOUNCE the lack of ethics of rapists who go so far as to describe assaults as “group sex” without any scruples; we denounce to the media that “inform” of these facts with a false neutrality, normalizing the violence we suffer; we ask the Administration to monitor compliance with its own laws in favor of equality.

We women are fed up with being required to do all the work to report it, solve and end sexist violence. We carry more than 100 years empowered and doing so. That needs to change, when the aggressors will be required to stop killing us?, when the political class will be required to abandon its patriarchal conceptions in what it legislates and approves budget items against violence ?, for when our demand for support for women victims of gender-based violence and feminist training in gender-based violence?, when all the aggressors will be unmasked?, when it will be pointed out to human traffickers and sexual exploitation?

Women want to live in peace, with joy, at large, sense love, without god, without abuse.

We end violence against women for being so!

Against sexist violence, responses of mutual support and anarcho-feminist self-defense.

Confederal Secretariat of Women of the CGT

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