May 252024

Durante una charla informal compañeras y compañeros del sindicato dialogaban sobre el peligro real del auge de la extrema derecha en Europa y el mundo.

Uno de ellos dijo que el filósofo Bertrand Russell afirmó que “los fascistas primero fascinan a los tontos. Luego amordazan a los inteligentes”.

Una compañera añadió que la democracia representativa [burguesa] también seduce a los tontos. Pero que, de manera muy perspicaz, compra a los inteligentes.

A lo cual otro compañero sentenció que en la direct democracy, que nosotros ejercemos, aspiramos a convertir a los supuestos tontos en inteligentes conscientes y dueños de sus propios designios, muy a pesar de de constantemente se nos cuelen demagogos e inteligentes “comprados” con el objetivo de impedirlo. Manzanas podridas que intentan echarnos a perder al resto. Pero no podrán.


¡Mucha Salud, Federalismo de Base y Democracia directa!

Sep 052018

Notice of Extraordinary Assembly and Order of the day

Partner / or:

Our union held its XI Congress of the CGT Confederal de Catalunya in Igualada-Ódena, region of?Anoia, the days 19, 20 Y 21 October 2018. In which elected the new Permanent Secretariat and will discuss the union and social situation, the vindictive properties and lines of action of the organization for the next 4 years. finance will be discussed, as usual at each Congress and possible modifications will address some of our statutes.

Read more"
Sep 052018

Good day and good start to the year.

 We are promoting the Trade Union County teachers and teachers aware constructive criticism, desire to develop participation and reciprocity mutual trust in the field in which we are technical: the education of young people and therefore the future of society.
We call on the next meeting will Thursday 13, at 18:00, the local CGT Vallès Oriental ( Francesc Macia 51, Mollet).
Thank you that you get this call to teachers, NOT, LIME, TIS your heart and carers.
Section Teaching VO.
Jun 122017

Companions, companions,
Assembly is convened and affiliated members of our union.

Day: Saturday 17 of June.
Hour: to 10:00 hours in the morning.
Place: the union c / Francesc Macià, 51

Order of the day and documentation, sent by email.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Mar 152017

eviction G l'Adaknt, Granollers

This morning was evicted the Social Center Okupat Ca l'Enkant, Granollers, with a great unfolding of mossos riot and police cars Granollers.

The last friday 3 March were summoned as CGT Vallès Oriental, together with other organizations, where members of the group told us the project autogestionario Ca l'Enkant, an open space where instead be given to all those groups, unions, policies, etc. and individuals who are in the struggle for social change and against the capitalist system of exploitation.

With all the difficulties of the case, starting with the pressure that had already begun to exert forces established DISORDER, this granollerina youth had begun to walk and build other forms of struggle to change the system, playing one of those sacred precincts of Power: Private Property.

Beyond eviction today, and tissue was begun, ties will endure and seek new spaces, because the first space already conquered in that action, It was the space of mentalities, was the realization that the properties can be useless collective capitalists do and give a social utility. What apparently it was just an experiment, It may be a touch of reality, this reality of occupation of spaces, Private reuse disused buildings, with a social purpose, cultural and transformation.

Social Center Okupado Can L'Enkant is a germ, It is a start, because in the early collapse of this system, They not reach them all riot of the world to stop popular will, the desire for freedom, equality and social self.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Press Ca Enkant Granollers
[15/03/2017, 13:40h]

Today at 6 a morning 20 brimos came from Sabadell to evacuate 15 People at that time were the Ca Enkant. We have used force, contempt and imposing fear. But above all, have done with the complicity of’City of Granollers you always knew what would happen. Therefore we call today at 19pm rally in front of the La Porxada, to denounce the abuse of power of capital, which always has the judiciary to their side, violating the rights of people who were part of the CSO, and the absolute complicity of the council. They wanted to bury but did not know they were then #JoTambéEnkantoGranollers

EnkantGranollers [fb]


Feb 152017

Companions, companions,
Assembly is convened and affiliated members of our union.

Day: Saturday 18 February.
Hour: to 9:30 hours in the morning.
Place: the union c / Francesc Macià, 51

Order of the day, sent by email.


CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter

Jan 312017

Call CGT Assembly Education 1 February 2017

According Mesa-evaluation and continuous struggle Department

Dear folks;

Please remember that as we agreed at the last meeting of 18 January, on Wednesday 1 February, to Hall Costa i Font, Via Laietana, 18, 9first floor (BCN), I call on:

Open meeting affiliate / from public non-university

hour: 18h


  • Rating MOU Department of Education-unions of officers and ratification of the strike 9F.
  • continuity mobilization
  • other


Miguel González
Permanent Secretariat Teaching Federation CGT

Dec 072016
Companions, companions,
Assembly is convened and affiliated members of our union.

Day: Tuesday 13 from December.

Hour: to 17:00 hours pm.

Place: the union c / Francesc Macià, 51

Order of the day and documentation of the Confederal Committee, sent by email.
It also calls for the election of the Ministry of Finance.
CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter
Sep 082016

Comrades s,
Assembly is convened affiliates and members of our union.

Day: Saturday 24 of September.
Hour: to 10:00h in the morning.
Place: the union C / Francesc Macià 51.

Order of the day: sent by mail.

CGT Vallès Oriental
c / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallès
Loss: 93 593 1545 / 625 373332
Web / Facebook / Twitter


Apr 252016


Assembly members and affiliates are summoned to the Union for the next
Monday 2 May 2016 to 17:00h
in the union. C / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallés.

After completing the points of the Assembly of affiliate will @ s, we will discuss the points of the Order of the Day Plenary de Catalunya and State.

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

Mar 302016

remember that the next Saturday 2 April at 10:00 h, It is planned the assembly of members and affiliates in our union for making agreements next Extraordinary congress to celebrate the 14 Y 15 April in Pamplona.

There are books of papers in the union if someone needs a hard copy.

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

Feb 102016

CGT Vallès Oriental.
PLACE: UNION C / FRANCESC MACIÀ 51 Mollet del Vallès.

The order of the day of the assembly is as follows:

  1. 80Anniversary of the Revolution 36, activities.
  2. 1Th May, pamphlet, cartel, travel…
  3. Bombardment of Granollers (complaint, acts)
  4. Oriol Solé Sugranyes tribute to the 40th anniversary of his assassination.
  5. Newroz celebration (Kurdistan), activities.
  6. Intervention today (Correscales 2016)
    More information:
  7. Save Can Girona.
  8. Various

We recall the importance of meetings and participation…

SP CGT Vallès Oriental

Nov 172015

Comrades s,
It is convened Assembly members and affiliates this Union for the next
Wednesday 25 November 2015 to 17:00h, with the following order of the day:
1.- Position of the CGT before the remunicipalitzación of public services and its impact on jobs.
2.- Organization day of struggle in mutual Vallès Oriental.
3.- Stays in the local.
4.- Various

SP Eastern Valle

Nov 012015


It is convened Assembly members and affiliates this Union for the next
Thursday 5 November 2015 to 17:00h
in the union, C / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallés.

Order of the day:
1.- Lxs compañerxs situation of the CGT union section in Vienna.
2.- Situation and state of negotiations in Valeo.
3.- Day of struggle against high medical unjustified Mutuals and ICAM.
4.- Various.

Organization Secretariat
CGT del Vallès Oriental


Mar 232015

Comrades s,
Assembly members and affiliates are summoned to the Union for the next:
Day: Thursday 26 March 2015.
morning: from 10:15 a 13:00 hours.
Late: from 17:15 a 20:30 hours.
Place: The Union, C / Francesc Macia 51, Mollet del Vallés.

1.- 1Th May. Manifestation, travel, etc…
2.- Accession or not to manifest demonstration in defense and in defense of Gallecs.
3.- Ability to switch to the Collective Ronda.
4.- Information from different Union Sections.
5.- Various.

We recall the importance of participation and punctuality
SP CGT Eastern Valle